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Taco Bell, WTF?
hellsing293 Wrote:all people say have a nice day/thank you etc not just black people. its called wanting the customer to come back not be like **** that store their assholes. white people who work in food service say that you etc so why can't black people?

He's not telling the whole story. I promise. I bet if i went through the store that same exact day, they would have said thank you. It's all in how people present themselves.

If they just hand you a bill and never make eye contact or say like.. "Hi, how are you?"(the customer that is) what do you expect? Saying a simple "thanks" as you drive off from the pay window doesn't cut it.

Them, to go out of their way and kiss your ass, trying to make you happy, when you make no effort? GET REAL.

If you're the type jackoff to call someone out on not saying "thanks for your business" you're the same kind of asshole that would agitate the situation and essentially turn an anthill into a mountain. It all comes down to people skills. I understand where the black guys are standing and why they may not go out of their way to essentially kiss ass and throw bandaids on the social needs of other people.

Get off the power trip. Bottom line is shit happens. They may have had a shitty day and didn't want to say thanks. Who knows? Bitching and moaning, and essentially being a biased racist is going to get NOWHERE.

And if you guys thank you have a fighting chance in hell of taking legal action against these people you're so full of shit it's just out of this world.

I am paying no attention to grammar or structure BTW.
xDBD Wrote:He's not telling the whole story. I promise. I bet if i went through the store that same exact day, they would have said thank you. It's all in how people present themselves.

If they just hand you a bill and never make eye contact or say like.. "Hi, how are you?"(the customer that is) what do you expect? Saying a simple "thanks" as you drive off from the pay window doesn't cut it.

Them, to go out of their way and kiss your ass, trying to make you happy, when you make no effort? GET REAL.

If you're the type jackoff to call someone out on not saying "thanks for your business" you're the same kind of asshole that would agitate the situation and essentially turn an anthill into a mountain. It all comes down to people skills. I understand where the black guys are standing and why they may not go out of their way to essentially kiss ass and throw bandaids on the social needs of other people.

Get off the power trip. Bottom line is shit happens. They may have had a shitty day and didn't want to say thanks. Who knows? Bitching and moaning, and essentially being a biased racist is going to get NOWHERE.

And if you guys thank you have a fighting chance in hell of taking legal action against these people you're so full of shit it's just out of this world.
I told the whole story. There were no other factors. Everything was how it should've been, nice and polite on my part. The main focus of this was their poor "customer service". Race just had to be a factor.

Whether or not someone had a bad day is no reason for poor customer service.
Does that give you justification to be a total douche about it? No. Bitching and moaning and being a little girl about it is doing nothing. Didn't get a thanks? Did you ask them how THEY were doing? Did you make eye contact? Did you make any social effort? Because the way YOU told the story was you just paid and said "thanks" as if that's the gateway word for them to say "Thanks for your business, have a nice day!"

Making you happy doesn't affect their check. Yes they are supposed to make you happy but you can only do so much. Alas, simple eye contact is a thanks to a lot of people. Blacks in particular; i've known blacks who just make eye contacts and make a minor head nod to be the "hey what's up" or "thanks"

You're being a proper white person. You're also being a proper white immature douchebag.

Grow up a little bit. Things happen; the world's not going to break it's back to make you happy every last breathing minute you have. The sooner most people realize this the sooner simple drama will not exist.
Wtf.Why work at taco bell in the first place? McDonald's probably pays better. :p
Like I said before...It's not anyone's fault that Employee's fail to choose to provide good service. And about ..."People having bad day's...." Customer's shouldn't have to put up with other people's problem's, nor feel any hostility. It make's no excuse for the workers.

[Image: joesig7jf.jpg]
xDBD Wrote:Does that give you justification to be a total douche about it? No. Bitching and moaning and being a little girl about it is doing nothing. Didn't get a thanks? Did you ask them how THEY were doing? Did you make eye contact? Did you make any social effort? Because the way YOU told the story was you just paid and said "thanks" as if that's the gateway word for them to say "Thanks for your business, have a nice day!"

Making you happy doesn't affect their check. Yes they are supposed to make you happy but you can only do so much. Alas, simple eye contact is a thanks to a lot of people. Blacks in particular; i've known blacks who just make eye contacts and make a minor head nod to be the "hey what's up" or "thanks"

You're being a proper white person. You're also being a proper white immature douchebag.

Grow up a little bit. Things happen; the world's not going to break it's back to make you happy every last breathing minute you have. The sooner most people realize this the sooner simple drama will not exist.
Oh shut the **** up you retarded, junkie, douchebag. If they hadn't have called me a "white bastard" this wouldn't have been an issue. It's called proper business ethics. You can't get customers by being ****holes. I've worked customer support for Sprint for going on a year now. I know what's right and wrong. I know how to treat people. You always show upmost respect to those performing a service for you, if you don't, you're gonna get toyed with.

Your "it's ok because their black" mentallity has to stop. You're a drain on society.
streetsoldier707 Wrote:Wtf.Why work at taco bell in the first place? McDonald's probably pays better. :p
Like I said before...It's not anyone's fault that Employee's fail to choose to provide good service. And about ..."People having bad day's...." Customer's shouldn't have to put up with other people's problem's, nor feel any hostility. It make's no excuse for the workers.

Yeah, like I said, the world in general isn't going to bend over backwards to pick up your slack or kiss your ass. Maybe having a harder upbringing make things like this seem trivial to me, but the way I see it, and the CSRs seen it, it's not a big deal, it's life.

To a spoiled white boy it's a huge deal.

Get over yourself is all i'm saying. Yeah I may have been a little mad if I was genuinely shit upon by Taco Bell workers, but I wouldn't lose sleep about it or email Taco Bell.

I guess maturity to ME is being able to get past trivial shit that means.. well, shit. It all equates to nothing. The sooner you forget about things like this the easier life is.

Why stress and email?

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BlindMansTicket Wrote:Oh shut the **** up you retarded, junkie, douchebag. If they hadn't have called me a "white bastard" this wouldn't have been an issue. It's called proper business ethics. You can't get customers by being ****holes. I've worked customer support for Sprint for going on a year now. I know what's right and wrong. I know how to treat people. You always show upmost respect to those performing a service for you, if you don't, you're gonna get toyed with.

Your "it's ok because their black" mentallity has to stop. You're a drain on society.

Next post. My mentality is "it's okay because when I wake up tomorrow it won't matter"

Get what I put into it. Being black is NOTHING. IT'S TRIVIAL. Yeah, they were assholes but you were an asshole for letting it drag on and caring about it.

Shit happens, move on.
we're not focusing on them not saying "have a nice day" as much as instead of saying "have a nice day" they said something racist. and i agree fully with BMT and other people on this one.

and its a bad policy to let racist comments slip past. If it was a white guy serving a black guy and he said "**** you ******" then the black guy would probably make a big deal out of it. If nobody takes action when their discriminated against will it ever stop?

(you beat me by 2 seconds had to edit)
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
There has been no stress, no lost sleep, and the email to them was for them to be aware of what's going on. This hasn't been the first time that employees of Taco Bell showed bad customer support. The first priority of any business that deals with customers is good support. You'll know that the first day of orientation.

God forbid I open their eyes to make people happier...

Also, it's not because I'm a "spoiled white boy" that makes me care, it's that i'm all about good customer service.
Lmao...And wtf is anyone going on about the problems with Racism in this thread. The workers ****ing started this whole thing with that white bastard bullshit. If that was me, Or any of the people in my area, they'd surely end up in the cemetery. That's terrible workmanship, and they should even be fired by the manager. If I was you, instead of bothering with a legal dispute, try going to the manager, so he can fire them, so he doesn't lose customers. You'd be helping him, and probably other people not hearing employee's bitching and moaning because they ****ed up in life, working at Taco Bell. But like hellsling said...It's bad policy on our parts if we let racism and hate slip past, being bullied while your all adult's.

[Image: joesig7jf.jpg]
I'm not going to take legal action or accept free food. As long as Taco Bell knows what going on, i'm satisfied.

and this thread exists? I really don't care; this is sort of fun to me. Had a black guy called me a white bastard, a simple "okay nigxer" may have been in order and then I would have drove off and forgot about it. Or I would have been like.. "alright, well have a nice day" and left anyway.

Good customer service is great, but when you[or people in general] don't get it and flip out is where I draw the line. That, and.. hell. When you say "thanks" two hundred times a day you're bound to miss a few times. I honestly think that it wasn't out of pure racism against you as a white guy. It was more of.. frustration from working all day, living in the [racist]south, and then having a white guy bitch and moan about not getting a thanks.

That and you get what you pay for. Had your taco not cost a whopping .96 cents and they got paid a little more than dirt minimum waige and got more than 20 hours a week they might care a little more.

The world won't cator to your needs, whatever they may be, 24/7. That's all i'm saying; yeah, i've said it a few times already. SHIT HAPPENS. Sue taco bell if you want us all to have Grade A service. Sue that shit. Sue the hell out of it.

Good luck.

in case someone may be confused, I think what they did was rather shitty and very uncalled for and SHOULD be fired. I feel like doing it[cursing/being insulting to ungrateful customers] almost every day, but I don't. I'm not saying you were ungrateful.

What i'm getting at is this is nothing. Another brick in the wall. One more stone in my ****ing path. One more day gone by. It's not a big deal. I could[should] have said "Shit happens, get over it" but i'm a narcissistic piece of shit. I'm full of myself and I like to show out.
streetsoldier FTW!!!1! but the manager should understand that racism loses customers so he'd probably fire the workers if you told them. who knows maybe other people have complained about them before.

you keep saying the same thing..

As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
xdbd, You really don't see the picture here. I'll just assume you prefer a shitty world with angry people. THanks for your replies. Bye now.
BlindMansTicket Wrote:I'm not going to take legal action or accept free food. As long as Taco Bell knows what going on, i'm satisfied.

And i'm telling you now, it's your word against theirs. Nobody will believe the claim you made because both black people will claim they said thanks and have a nice day.

Complaining will essentially do nothing or make the situation worse.

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I admit my morals are for lack of a better word, ****ed.

I've learned that nobody cares about me as a person; maybe as a whole people mean something, but as a poor white piece of shit living in a shithole town i'm nothing but one more number.

When I get shitty service it's like "oh well"

the fact that it even bothered him beyond a "god damnit" driving off just irks me.

i'm a douche and I have a huge ego. what's new?
Rule of thumb: The Customer is Always Right.
but somebody else might have complained in the past. therefore enough people saying that will eventually get through.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
BlindMansTicket Wrote:xdbd, You really don't see the picture here. I'll just assume you prefer a shitty world with angry people. THanks for your replies. Bye now.

No I see the essay you're writing, I just don't understand the language you write in.

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BlindMansTicket Wrote:Rule of thumb: The Customer is Always Right.

"Leeroy, Sandra[black CSRs you had] come here. We had a guy complain you called him a white bastard and didn't say thanks."

in reply:

"what? what are you talking about? when? i've never done that"
Think they're gonna polygraph it? You'll get free food and an "i'm sorry" from Taco Bell HQ.
xdbd, this is a big deal to you else you wouldn't be replying or posting in the first place.

it's very eazy to ignore a situation like this but there is a problem. True, rasicism is here and will always be, but that doesn't give anyone the right to disrespect someone to their face just for being part of a different race.

if i was working at taco bell and a someone other than my race buys something and i tell them they're little bastards, whatever their race, i would expect to fired on the spot. if it was me buying the food i would of parked and went inside to talk to the manager. and it is good to discuss these things because it lets the public know that their is a problem in their own backyards. the public is a powerful thing.
He brings nothing intelligent to this thread. I'm just going to ignore him. He knows what he is and why he continues to post is beyond me.
The way the first post was presented "i'm being a proper white boy" and making sure to point out that they were black a few times made my ticker go boom. More than once.

It was really arrogant the way he posted it and seemed to have a racial tint. All the replies talking about niggxr this and niggxr that seemed to duel the idea.

But as said i'm a douche and I have an ego, not to mention a really thick skull. I'll give them the racist card: They hate all white people.

So? Don't shop there anymore. You all are right, though... fire them. If you can. Nobody at the store will care though; the managers ar eprobably black and will believe the black CSRs. Hell, it may have BEEN a manager.

I have the ant hill -> mountain complex too. I like to talk shit.

I'm posting because I have time and I want too. Maybe Platinum who's been lurking this thread will warn me again or something and ban me.

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BlindMansTicket Wrote:He brings nothing intelligent to this thread. I'm just going to ignore him. He knows what he is and why he continues to post is beyond me.

What am I? A retarded, junkie, douchebag? All i'm saying is this is stupid and a stupid thing to be mad at. Go talk to the manager. Don't email ****ing a computer online or bitch about it on a diablo forum. Go take care of it.

It's still not a big deal. They didn't lose sleep, you didn't lose sleep, you got your food. I may have complained or talked to a manager, but probably not.

The original post was arrogant and i'm sure you treated them like pure gold before you got the infamous "white bastard" line, RIGHT?

I live in racist white trash Dixie too and i've never been called a white bastard, or skipped on a thanks, ever.

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