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ever have one of those moments...
ever have one of those moments where you have nothing to do, not tired and doing something that you cant stop doing or not understand why you are doing it?

I have been doing that lately...i've been up doing random things such as watching streamed animes, downloading animes, practicing weaponry, smithing, smelting metals that arent what you would call publicly legal and taking apart some of the working and not working computers and rebuilding them into something you probably wouldnt try doing such as making a splitter type chip that can hold and use 2 processors into 1 socket...

i'm on day 9..i think. i lost some length of time from zoning in and out just nonstop working whether its in the house or wandering to the cabin in the mountains with the smelting station and nearby abandoned mine that still has some materials. i'm starting to catch up on what day it is and realizing i've been out of it for some time. I noticed some of the computers and was amazed the splitter worked but it still producing alot of heat. i'll probably get a few fans and fuse them to cool the processors or use a harddrive fan on it. Its obvious that its running both but only 1 is listed in properties while it shows both speeds combined...didnt realize alot and still confused from putting 2 and 2 together on what exactly happened with a bunch of "how" questions. kinda curious on if someone had that moment of a big zone out and trying to understand what exactly happened in that moment of time.
I have that happen to me all the time, One time I had a closet full of computer's that I took apart and put back together. I have (ADD) But I am like that right now when you have nothing to do and you get bored really fast so you have to depend on either cable tv or the internet for entertainment.

What would happen if you didnt have anything to do???? All depends on what you think of and if it is legal or not.
i resort to watching television. believe me. after a few days, you just want to kill yourself
i sit and talk and talk on diablo2 but do nothing at all it kills a lot of time i could of used
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
happened to me alot on d2, id either mf or duel, it help's to go out and just chill, or get a girl over your house Smile
these zoneouts are kinda tickin me off lol. I started looking around the house and i checked the guest bedroom and noticed i got new knives in there that i guess i smithed (still unsure) but now i have no idea what to do with them all. theres like over a dozen bandit knives and my private computer looks to be overclocked and secured.
lol , at least you use your time to increase your intelligence in one way or another =D, the other week, I was so bored, I went to Barnes N Noble and bought "The Art of Deception" from Kevin Mitnick (well-known hacker from 90's) and read the whole book that week. He write's about social engineering skill's and how the government finally traced him, interesting book.
Wow, Trayne is back. Haha, I always find myself sleeping the day away when I get that bored.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
when im bored i usually come on this site lol and look at posts to try a new build or just go to google and search random words ( "history of bellybuttons" "homosexual tendenciesWink " ) you know whatever comes to mind haha --actually my display name on myspace is IncessantlyBored lol
increase intelligence i guess would be good if i can remember when i did it or how i did it for that matter. i'm not a myspace user. i may have time to waste, but not worth using anymore after the new owners switched thier original servers from selfupdatedsl to manual update dialup. and disabled 40% of the good scripts.

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