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Post Pics of ur GG PVPers
not bad foh but wuts up with the res man ? get 5 res small charms Big Grin
Quote:well frater since you ive been saying druids are teh best pvpers lets see urs? you know i just wunna check it out..

Trust me, you don't wanna duel him twice.
Hey bartender the belt on that sorc is a snowslash not a mf belt
ohh this is just me breaking in that zon on the first post Big Grin 4 kills in matter of seconds heheh i got those guys Big Grin
Heres mine

Max resists, 4.2k life, and almost perf block (switching to hoto will make it perf block but i went for 125% fcr build) Dont worry about the lvl 96, d2jsp did all the work, not me or id had a heart attack

[Image: screenshot006fw9.jpg]
[Image: untitled5kl4.jpg]
I like to thank Frogman for making my awesome sig!
Divine Wrote:Razr if that is you "orb" sorc then why is chain lightning have higher damage then it? Infact, if that is ur orb sorc then why did you even have points into chain lightning in the first place? If I were u id remake ur char, no offence man.

ive got 1 point in chain, cause its a prereq for tstorm which i also have one point in, ive got 15 in es 15 in light mastery and iver got my nova maxed out, why lightning on an orb sorc u may say? casue i use her to mf too, and countess shenk eld and twitch are immune to cold
This is my V/ter he is not complete , Mabye about 78% finished. I need Gcharms, Scharms, and grief.


Smite (Not maxed out)

My 6/6/1 CTA

My Torch
Bartender Wrote:Arc, you sorc isn't gg, or a pvper. It uses that mf belt.

my sorc uses the mf belt because i spent all my stuff getting the otehr gear, everything shes wearing is perf and i havent taken time to actually play d2 lately to get a spider, my spirit is perfect, my nig is perf, my nightwings is perf, everything is perf, 6bocta perf spirit on switch

also i didnt feel like spending 30hrs to get a fathom, hoto works fine for me
Quote:Dude, your build seems a little screwed up... You have all VIT (some STR), therefore it should be a DvD or a Druid vs Caster build, but you are not using Stormshield...? Other Druids will kill you easily since you got only 8%DR, not even mentioning barbs, etc who will just walk over you. Also, are you sure that you reach the 99%FHR with HOTO? You need to have quite a few SCs for that, or is your Shako Shaeled?

whats wrong with all vitality? str SHOULD be as low as possible, and all i have to do is slap on a ss giving me 35dr% yes i did not max out block i am prepared to duel barbs very challengingliy because i like my 4.6k of life right now and im only lvl 87. (the pic was not updated) so yeah, i DID manage to get 99 fhr with 5 fhr sc XD. its already there. so i always have 99/99 if i have the rings too.

oh yeah i might of probablly dueled noob druids but ive killed them all ^_^
#30 say 4.6k life like its some great hammerdin had 5k life before i stripped him
its either 4.6k or 3.8k with max block thats something great =]

and yes the 1k extra life wouldnt make a difference if i only get hit 25% of the time.

but hey im weird and i like life =P
4.6k i had my druid up to 7k with my sage and friends bo
das rite friends bo wut friend barb? if my friend barb boes me i get up to 8k. as i said without max block i get 1k less life. and i put one on poison vine and carrion. so that lowers my oaksage too. just, everybodys got personal preferences right?
i wasnt saying you were doing anything wrong, its just that you made such a big deal out of 4.6k life when if i wanted to i could make a pally with 1k more than that.
oh ic, nd its ezier for u to make higher life anyways cuz i think every one vit gives me 2 health or something? O_O or just lower i guess. okay then i understand blood, i did think the 4.6k was a little better then average for a caster, not godly crazy. but when i say 4.6k it just means i want ppl to take that into consideration. thankyou for your constructive criticism
wtf my best character is a sorc ( i dont know how to make characters good ) and its frozen orb only does like 500 dmg how u guys so leet?

btw here is piccy she also has 4 bo cta ( and i knoww a yucky lidless Smile )
[Image: piccyd2aa6.jpg]
[Image: my.php?image=mychemicalromancesignatou1.jpg][Image: carmenelectrastockmaniptl8.jpg]
Since my ladder accounts were closed, I decided to look through my nl accounts that I havent touched in ages.

My wwsin. The only characters she really lost too were gg javazons and ww barbs. I also have a fools claw for fighting palas.
[Image: screenshot076yf9.jpg]

My lightning sorc.
[Image: screenshot077xm3.jpg]

125 bp Hdin. I have a sacred targe spirit on a remaining ladder mule when it rolls smiley2:
[Image: screenshot078zc9.jpg]

And just in case the boots caught your "omg noob!" eye, I'm a fan of 65 life waterwalks. My sin and hdin both wear them. My sorc wears 15/15 treks.
wow justin..your ladder accs got owned? ><
nice wwsin justin. yes we all got gg by blizz
In[F]ec[T]eD Wrote:wow justin..your ladder accs got owned? ><
Yep, my mains ones, jjusk4, jjusk5. jjusk6 got spared; it housed my rune mule cool:. But I have no motivation to make new characters all over again.

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