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How To
How can i register a channel for me and my few HC mates? devilish:
....go into chat and type /join yourchannelnamehere
If you enter the channel "op *YOURACCOUNTGOESHERE*" (with the name of your account going in that capped nonsense), it'll automatically set you as the moderator of that channel. So like, for example, if I entered "op jedimaster86" (that being my account on d2 as well), the channel that I enter will make automatically make me into a moderator. If you have a clan, you can try to get a bot for the channel (naming the account of that bot as the same name as the name of the channel will be).
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
ok now i know blizz restricted clan channels but there are still some out there, how do u register a clan channel?

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