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1.10 PvP Light Sorc
10 light gcs, 1 anni. Plus other stuff? Oh nevermind. Tongue
Try it with those +skills, they are right, my bad with the +14, and with the +light dmg it should be 40k.
#23 Wrote:Lightning
creates a powerful lightning bolt
to lay waste to your enemies

Current Skill Level: 43
Lightning Damage: 27-28551
Mana Cost: 29

i copied/pasted that off of the page. its even lower now.
creates a powerful lightning bolt
to lay waste to your enemies

Current Skill Level: 43
10: Lightning Damage: 37-38690
1: Mana Cost: 29

Make sure you max ALL the synergies+ light mastery, +13 all skills, and +10 light, +23 in all.
Your doing somthing rong man...
Max- Lightning, Chain Light, Charged bolt, Nova, Light Mastery.
Hmm.. Why not just post down what you're doing? And then compare them to each other to see the differences.
ok now it works.
Hah, see? I was right at first. You had to go back and edit it. So don't go getting pissed at me for your typo. Next time review-revise-review-post if its important as a guide.
Ya, sry about that, in the guide I posted nova twice instead of charged bolt, I rushed through it because i didn't have long to stay on.
Ya I just saw that a minute ago, my bad.
i will test that guide but with my own items lol
or maybe it will suck even more.... Rolleyes
OK, let us know the results.
um, you guys.
someone was talking about a "skill calculator" or something. where can i find this?
ok how are you ever gonna perfectionize ur build if you ask for no critisizm.. thats just lame

@keese, go to there it is, just insert all the skill points and + to skills and check out the dmg.. i checked the lightning dmg btw and it is 40 k Big Grin
I also had it posted on page 1, or page 2. Shut up ancient,
This is a good strategy, in fact months ago I did attempt it, though in HC, then quit.

It does do wicked damage if you're rich in items, theres only a few minor problems.

- You say that your mana will cover you so your health isn't damaged? that is true, to an extent. Your warmth needs to be higher, you're going to be hit continuously and if you're hit with mana burn or element damage you're screwed. Element damage when obsorbed by mana shield doesn't go through your resistances so you're taking a huge amount of damage to your maan if fire/ice/light/etc hits you, and if you don't have damage reduction you're screwed after you're mana is gone.

- You say you can get 5k mana? I doubt it, I think maybe you're mistaken on how to calculate +% in mana, it is all the +% of mana on your base mana from vitality, not 500+25%+25%+25% which uses the added mana percent from another item, its rather 500+75%. So you're looking at max 1200 mana with your strat.

- Annoyingly, I know you've taken into affect, but its more a major subject than you'd think, if the whole hit is bigger than your mana it'll take out your health quick.. you may think its no big deal, but I can tell you from experience (and I REALLY DO WANT TO SOLVE IT) that it does make a huge difference.

- Static, is a lightning skill, and if you were fire/ice you could easily use static as a second skill with only 1 point and be elemental.. but if you're using lightning it makes it so much harder to level.

*** Chain/Lightning, works off IAS (and FC) so you are going to be comparitively slow.. you will need to shael your orb, and ias jewel your shield etc. since you can increase mana/health with charms, not ias.

- I'm not sure how much you expected for STR and DEX, but DEX you will need near 168 with SS to be 75% against Baal in Hell. Str, well 156 for SS but with -req of course near 125.. but I would rather IAS my SS (thats a choice between ias and high mana). In conclusion, don't expect TOO much on energy.

- "Griffon's Eye" I can't see it being better than Andierial's Visage, which has IAS and skills and strength which gives more than the -req jewel, and is much better for a lightning sorceress. Of course the +lightning damage is nice, but unless you prefer damage to speed, and how expensive griffon's eye is and how anderials is 2 skills not 1, and have means to get a perfect one..

All this taken into consideration, with all nice items, a PvP and PvM lightning sorc is not too bad at all, and does do the damage he says... the speed too, can be outragous.


According to your build by lvl 99 lightning would do 30-30k damage, chain 10-10k.. and you would be using normal lightning for duels, thats massive (assuming, like he said, you have +24 skills).

Put 15 pnts on energy shield and you can get it obsorbing 94% damage, or 15 in warmth doing 300% regen.

Of course, fireball would be doing 18k at that time with 5 extra skills, and with splash compared to lightnings none, so being equivelant to double chain lightning (minus minor damage).

I have a similar strategy though, being orb/static with energy shield, and chilling armor can be better than you'd think.

Playing around with this thing, chilling armor with maxed synergies is so appealing.
SOLUTION- put 10 into nova and 10 to charged bolt, max telekenesis. For every one dmg mana shield takes, it takes 2 mana, as you put more into the synergy telekenesis it makes that ratio smaller and with maxed telekenesis for 1 dmg into mana shield it will take 75% of that from mana instead of 200%. There will be much more than 1200 mana, I think you forgot cta, stats from anhi and maras, +mana from sojs. With a +4 Bo Cta, it's lvl 16 with the +skills from items, and the +skill wc on cta bo will do +80%, thats 185% including items, and with at the very least 1200 to begin with, thats around 4000, and when mana shield kicks in you get an extra 25% reduce ALL damage(ele,phys,and magic) because of the synergys from telekenesis, 50 dr from SS and Coh, and max resist, your mana will no longer go poof but will go down quite slowly while the still 30K lightning kills them quite quickly.

O yes, and the speed of the attack is acually quite fast without shealing the wpn, I have made the build.
So..Will this work for PvM for mfing, rushing..ex??

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