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Well since this forum is empty, i'll post something to get it started..

These are a list of Packets from:
(The page may be long gone.. still in google cache though)


Drop item: 17
Pick up item from invitory: 19
Open a waypoint: 49
Drop in cube: 2a
Open cube: 20
Trade: 13
Use npc to switch acts: 38
Click on a vendor: 59
shift attack: 05
Id a item:27
Drop item in cube:2a

client to server:
03: Warp/ walk w/o seeing yourself do so, only can be seen by other people. (details)
13: Engage in worldwide interaction - (details)
14: Talk above your head "!" - (details)
15: Talk to everyone - (details)
16: pick up item from ground - (details)
17: drop to ground from hand - (details)
18: put item into inventory - (details)
19: plucks items from inventory - (details)
24: pick up item from belt slot - (details)
50: drop gold - (details)
61: Feed potion to mercenary portrait- (details)
FF: commands - (details)

server to client:
03: "Press OK to trade" menu comes up/ opens inventory out of town for one second. Weird!-(details)
59: Inform you of player name and ID - (details)
9C: item being moved - very complex, details NA
9D: item being moved - very complex, details NA

client to server:
01: Identifier (Game) - (details)
02: Identifier (File-Download) - (details)
02 (3rd Byte Packet): Creating Characters - (details)
07: Tells bnet to access your characters (details)
0A (4th Byte Packet): Deletes Character - (details)
11 (4th Byte Packet): Asks for Ladder Info - (details)
FF: commands - (details)

031c20 from server to confirm a trade cancel
may be used to confirm stash close
1302000000xx from client to tell server that
a wp menu was opened
xx= security byte for that wp
49xx000000yy from client. if yy=00 = closed wp
menu. if yy>00 = wp to warp to
xx = security byte
1300000000xx from client trade request to
player slot xx
6e Heartbeat from client. more
bytes maybe req. to indicate

This is for the Items your wearing:
Left Wepon:1c0400
Right Wepon:1c0500
L ring:1c0600
R ring:1c0700

Here is for your Merc:
Left Side:610400
Right side:610200

these are received packets
Open stach:7710
Close stach:770c
Asking to trade someone: 7700
Someone asking to trade you: 7701
Picking up gold:190c

40 - Get quest status info (sent when the quest window is opened)

38 - Open NPC trade window
[DWORD] - Trade type
00000001 - Trade
00000002 - Gamble
[DWORD] - Unit Id
[DWORD] - (00000000)

32 - Buy item from NPC
[DWORD] - NPC Unit Id
[DWORD] - Item Unit Id
[DWORD] - Buy type <------ these are the dwords used for matrix
00000000 - Regular
00000002 - Gamble
[DWORD] - Cost

33 - Sell item to NPC
[DWORD] - NPC Unit Id
[DWORD] - Item Unit Id <--- so are these
[DWORD] - (00000004)
[DWORD] - Cost

1A - Cursor item to body
[DWORD] - Item unit Id
[DWORD] - Item body location

ID: 1D (,1E & 1F)
Type: Server to Client

XX - Desc
1D - Z section is a byte long
1E - Z section is a word long
1F - Z section is a dword long

YY - Selector
(These are the visual effects I saw when testing)
00 - Strength
01 - Energy
02 - Dexterity
03 - Vitality
04 - Stat remaining
05 - Skill remaining
0C - LeveL
0D - Experience
0E - Gold on Person //Didn't notice any change in money
0F - Gold in Stash //but I might of missed it.
10 - Defense
11 - Max Attack Damage
12 - Min Attack Damage
13 - Attack Rating
15 - Min Attack Damage
16 - Max Attack Damage
19 - Damage
1f - Defense
27 - Fire Resistance
28 - +Max Fire Resistance
29 - Cold Resistance
2A - +Max Cold Resistance
2B - Lightning Resistance
2C - +Max Lightning Resistance
2D - Poison Resistance
2E - +Max poison Resistance
31 - Add Fire Damage
33 - Add Lightning damage
35 - Add Damage for Weapon/Items probably (one of these may
be cold damage)
37 - Add Damage for Weapon/Items probably (one of these may
be cold damage)
3A - Add Poison Damage
4C - Add Max Health for Weapon/Items probably
4D - Add Max Mana for Weapons/Items probably
A2 - Add Max Stamina for Weapons/Items probably
A3 - Add Max Stamina for Weapons/Items probably
AB - Add to Defense

Client to server:
01 - walk
04 - move to entity (?)
0c - use skill (single click)
0f - use skill (button held down)
13 - interact with NPC, entity, corpse, etc
3c - set skill
40 - quests info
41 - ressurect after death
5d - player mute/squelch/hostile
5e - player invite/cancel
5f - player's position (sent when out of sync with server)
66 - quit game

server to client:
0c - entity state info
0d - entity state info (health, dead, position, etc)
0f - player (entity?) running
12 - update entity state (auras, spells, dead, etc)
15 - entity position (sent when out of sync with client or for major updates)
23 - skill in use
50 - quest related
51 - world entity info
52 - quest related
55 - NPC entity info
56 - monster entity info
59 - player/corpse update/position
5a - player notifications (leave, death, party, etc)
5b - player info
5d - quest update
63 - waypoints accessible
67 - entity move
68 - monster attacking target
74/75 - corpse related, probably more
8e - corpse picked up
8f - heartbeat
95 - player (entity?) hit
27--kill counter 7710-stash
who needs to know this? i personally dont get any of it :dizzy2:
Im on paladin on this one and a little something holy mother of god spitfire simma down playa that post longer than my wang... hmmm good 2 inches getting all the ho's! motion of the ocean baby:thinking2 :thumbsup: unless you just the one pump chump up in ther :bigcry:
Thanks for the info SpitFire. Smile I get it.
This is useful for duping :2thumbsup lol.
Just kidding.
Hey go ahead dupe away everyone doing it except me just because I dont know how Sad
Awwww.. poor lill boi!

Less people that dupe the better Tongue
i wish 1.10 would come out sooner Big Grin
the packet went WAY over my head. i think i'll stick to hexing lol
It’s a bit mind boggling aye’
definately. its like torturing a yabbie over a boiling pot of water
Quote:[b]Originally posted by trayne
[b]definately. its like torturing a yabbie over a boiling pot of water

That is mind boggling? Pmsl
Packet usage can lead to account being banned and your cdkey banned as well, be sure to use the right packets or else uknown packets are very fatal inside the realms servers. This is because bnet might think your using a hack or somthing which is a bad packet.
i didnt know that u can dupe, using packets, how do u.....

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