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Just want opinions
Im makin a barb merc and i got all the stuff for it, but i still wanna see what other people think. Wep is doombringer, armors gladiators bane, and helm is arreats.
it basiclly sucks and why a merc with a barb -.-
lol, u know thats not very nice, but yeah i just tried it out and it does suck. Its got full resists, a decent wep and some nice armor, i dont understand why it gets pwned though.Do u know what im doing wrong?

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I did the barb merc cause i think their cool. Get over that part of it.
The choice of mercenary is always up to the player, so at least respect his decision to do so... but as for the gear it could use some improvement. An E-BotD Cb, any decent Fortitude armor would help you merc pwn a lot more and not get pwnt so often...
eBOTD sucks for a barb, unless it's 100%PvM. If you are going to do any PvP, use Grief + Beast. If going into BvB, use Stormshield with Fury.
Crankymonkey Wrote:Im makin a barb merc
He's not making a baba...
Seekndestroyer Wrote:He's not making a baba...

Oh sorry. The concept of someone actually using an a5 merc was so unimaginable for me that I failed to grasp the real meaning of his post.

Which char is this for? What do you want to achieve with that merc?

edit: anyway, good weapon for a5 merc is eth Flamebellow.
I mainly got this merc to help my Zon deal with lightining immunes. Thx for the gear advice.
Crankymonkey Wrote:I mainly got this merc to help my Zon deal with lightining immunes. Thx for the gear advice.

Eh, get a2 merc with Infinity, it's the best for your zon.
Yea, infinities nice, but im not really that great a player, i have trouble gettin one hi rune let alone four.

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Oh yea, assuming i was gonna get an act 2 merc what aura should i go with?
Well, I'd say you have 2 good choices the Might(Nm Offensive) merc or the Holy Freeze(Nm Defensive) merc. One will slow enemys and the other will add to your physical damage.
hmmm im thinking holy freeze

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Ah, i know what ima do. Ill get a might merc and give it doom wep - that gives holy freeze aura 2. Yay!

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Sheeit dooms expensive.
Crankymonkey Wrote:hmmm im thinking holy freeze

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Ah, i know what ima do. Ill get a might merc and give it doom wep - that gives holy freeze aura 2. Yay!

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Sheeit dooms expensive.

Shit son, just made a Doom fo my Druid today. Got a crappy one though (-46%cr), so I'm making a new one as soon as possible.

It was quite funny, I couldn't fine a 5 sox BA for a reasonable price, so I just bought a shit Grief off this guy for 10 fg and unsoxed it and made a Doom, lol.
u can unsocket things??!!
yea it takes a hel and a gem i think to do so (unsocket)
To unsocket something you take the item+ a tp scroll+ a hel, put it all in the cube and combine it.
Good to know. K so i think i can get a good fortitude armor for my merc, but i dont know any really good swords. If u know one help me out here.
Seekndestroyer Wrote:To unsocket something you take the item+ a tp scroll+ a hel, put it all in the cube and combine it.

And you lose all the runes inside.

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