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summoner wep???
i heard to use beast to BEEF UP your skellies cuz it will make them liek way way way better but alot of people jsut use hoto....i dont wan tto spend the dough to get beast if it doesnt help at all so... i thot id ask your guys opinions ((or facts w/e)) lol thnx all who help wideeyed: <-- mucho sugar=hyper!
i use arm of laoric, but hoto is better cuz the res, but i never used beast, my merc used a edge bow, gave thorns arua
Runeword Beast > Arm or Hoto

Also don't use act1 with edge, use act2 with runeword Bramble

Beast provides minions with fantatacism, which is much better than the +skills you get from arm.
wow i never thought about making a summoner like that(always thought of summoner as cheapie build), you could have fanta(beast), concentration/defiance(merc), and thorns(bramble merc) on your minions. that'd be pretty good.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
ok ty all very much for info and how much is beast lol?? haha got one for some hrs? pm me biatch (unless its like 42 sojs or 193 hrs)

Additional Comment:
also what kind of beast is best for me? (nec btw) i zerker i plz...and ty again...worth? lol sorry questions
there might be a 5os axe/scepter/hammer that has lower requirements than a zerk.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
some use warpikes.. most do.. but then again some just use hoto ya know cast res and skill could even out with beast.
hmm ok ty ill go cow or soemthing to check out some os stuff lol...or maybe i trade one ;( i hate this crap ;( arrggg ty all again :\
Ber + Tir + Mal + Um + Lum

Can be made from a 5os Caduceus (pally scepter), req str 97

or a War Spike or Berserker Axe, 133/138 str req respectively

or a Scourge (i think? is that considered in the hammer class?) str = 125
hmm i htink i might try a muchone go for?? is it gonna be worth makin in a pb or should i jstu use a zerker? plz help guys lol you have been good so far thnx
Phase Blade? you cant make Beast in a phase blade.

Axe/hammer/scepters only
Beast -- Axes, Scepters or Hammers.

Be careful or you will waste the runes.
noo You make your beast in a double axe. It has really low req like ~40.
oh wow, very good point. I was only checking elite items for the 5'os
Double Axe is the best beast wep for a summon Nec. Along with either a a2 might merc or defiance with Pride/Bramble You will own. AND if you are rich enoigh (Talking about VERY rich) Get an iron golem and make him out of a Faith or a Beast. This will give him the aura of Fanat. This will allow you to use a weapon with a lot of plus skills to get even more summons.

Instead of a Best Iron Golem you can make hom out of a insight. It will give him Meditation so you have mana regen. IF YOU DO THIS THE WEAPON YOU MADE HIM OUT OF IS GONE. YOU CANNOT GET IT BACK. IF HE DIES THE AURA IS GONE AND YOU WILL HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN.
i HAVE a summoner with a beast zerker. Initially i intended to use the warspike, since it's faster than a zerker, and the avg dmg is relatively the same.... but a beast zerk came along, so i bought it. I got mine for i think like 3 hrs? The str isnt really that big of a deal, once you get a nigma (essential) and your torch and anni. I pumped maybe 60 str into my necro, and with all my equipment, he now has something like 280 str. here's what my necro uses.

Helm- shako.... DR, plus to atts, skills, and a p topaz for a bit of mf
Armor- nigma.... if you tele with a full army next to a boss.... they dont stand a chance
Wep- beast zerker... deadly summons with level 9 fant, plus 2 skill, and i can turn into a bear for bosses!
Shield- um'ed homunculus... resists and skills. I have thought about using a boneflame, but havenmt found one yet.
Belt- i use dungoes for DR, but im planning on getting an arachs... one more skill point is one more skelly right now.
Boot- marrowwalks.... give you a boost to skelly mastery.
Glove- im using laying of hands for IAS right now, but i dont think it really helps. I don't know the breakpoints for a necro, but when i turn into a bear, i attack almost as fast as a decent smiter. i might suggest frosties till you get beast
Ring- use a bk ring.... life leech and plus skill
Ring- get a soj or a ravenfrost
Necklace- im using highlords, but you could use a maras

on my switch, I have a wizspike, for fcr.... so i can tele. I also have a spirit monarch... he can tele anywhere.

I have 6 summon gc's, a 16-20 torch, and a shitty anni. when all is said and done, i maxed skelly, skelly mage, and mastery. one point into most curses, revive, and a bunch of points left over. i used most of my points for clay golem. mine is level 33 right now, and slows enemies by 69%. i dont use him for damage, just to slow them down. throw som points into summon resist... and rely heavily on amp damage.

my merc is an a2 nightmare off merc. that might aura makes a HUGE difference between rape and sexual assault. I can always tell when my merc is dead, because it takes alot longer for my army to do its job. Still runs through anywhere, but its alot slower. My merc uses...

helm- i think i have a nightwing on his head to add str.... takes alot to wield the weapon
armor- i use an eth shaftstop.... 30%damage reduction... lives alot longer. You could spring for bramble armor if you were rich. It gives you a thorns aura, and that would really come in handy sometimes.
wep- right now i have him using a crappy insight, but if i had the moeny, i would put a pride polearm on him to give him a concentration aura. if i had that, i wouldnt doubt i could do ubers. the insight is cheap, and helps for teleing through keyruns.

With this build, there is nothing I can't do. I use my necro to keyrun, boss run, i do a bit of mfing... heck, anythings possible. I HIGHLY recommend this build.... the most fun ive had in a character since i first discovered smiters. When you tele, your army aurrounds you, and its really had for anyone to hit you. I have enogh dex for max block, and I find that i really have to mess up in order to die. also, for times when you need that extra bit of power, your beast wep affords you the ability to go werebear. I find i really dont transform all that often, because its more of an inconvenience than anything. By the time you cast amp damage, transform, and walk over to where the mob is... your army of 15 skellies, 15 mages, and 20+ revives has already decimated their adversaries. Then you have to change back into a human so you can cast spells and tele. This build has no problem building an army, unlike msot summoners, who must go to act 1. I can build an army by myself at the throne of destruction. I LOVE this build.

hope it helps. xoxoxo
#17 actually use the werebear/wolf skill on beast and transform? what if you're dudes die and you need to resummon. sounds like a lot of transforming and untransforming.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
Azurewrath is a good cheap option. Summoners are usually quite idle, but with this one, you do help out because the aura really gets to the undead.
Some duelling summoners use iron golem made out of beast and that is pretty effective. Hrs are so cheap anyways that it shouldn't be a problem.

Iron golem does not disappeat when you change games so don't let him die Smile
i do transform ffrom time to time... usually for boss fights. most of the time though, like hellsing suggested, it's just too much of an inconvenience to transform. with my beast though, i really don't ever have to worry about making summons anywhere. I run baal runs, and make my army at the throne.... once you transform, nothing will kill you unless you make a big mistake.

my build is IMO alot more fun than typical summoners. I can fight alongside my army, and that makes a huge difference to me. No more standing back, watching my minions do damage. also, i don't have to listen to people with crappy computers whine about how my summons are limiting their cast rate. if someone begins to complain, i unsummon, and transform. problem solved.

i think right now i currently have 10%life leech, and that keeps me alive rather well. Once i transform, without any BO i have somewhere near 3k life. im satisfied with it.

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