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I will help with the creation of any build
Hey,i need help beceause i want to make a auradin but i dont know how beceause that the first time i want to make a auradin so can you help me with it? i need to know the stats to put on,the gear and the skills but i dont know what types i want beceause i see guys make a smite/auradin or anything else but when i duel i see any auradin just go out of town and kill everybody whos go out without hit them with smite or any attack they just run or move and kill everybody and i want to make a auradin like them a godly one so i need your help on stats,gear and skills oh and what is stacked?
first im gonna tell you building an auradin is a waste of time with the word sorb but if your insistent then first ask yourself "what type of auradin do i want a fire or light?" when your done with that ill write a guide for you
well i dont know what type is the best to do the best dmg on a auradin well a fire are interesting or shock il like the both so can you help me whit this two types ? like you describe a fire and shock and il see whos im thinking is the best so il take it
To be honest, you are wasting your time. They are both pretty weak.
Frater, im brand new to this board, not even sure if you still post here or not. I am kinda sick of the mass popular characters and am looking for an effective (rich) PvM character that can do alright in PVP.

I fooled around with SO many builds on my editor and found this guy to work really well for everything within PVM.

Holy Freeze Pally
20 holyfreeze
20 salvation
20 resist cold
20 zeal
1 Holy shield
rest into sacrifice

the equipment i put on him was
Helm - COA not exactly sure what the best 2 soc option is, maybe 2 cold facets?
Weapon - no question Doom is needed. -60% to enemy cold resist.
Armor - fort
Shield - um'd Hoz
belt - Nos coil
Gloves - dracs
boots - gore riders
ring - raven
ring - BK
ammy - Mara

Pally torch and Anni in inventory, as well as 7 offensive GC's.

Merc has infinity, Bramble, andy's.

With this build my dude did 5k-9k per zeal attack with the holy freeze aura adding 500-600 dmg every whatever slowing dudes down by 60%. I really own every thing in the game on hell mode (i know it means nothing but i compared every build i did and basically only the smiter and light sorc had an easier time)

Was just wondering your thoughts (if your still around) on this build in regards to upgrades? also if you think it could do UBERS, and your thoughts on the pvp capability this guy would have?

It's fun, right? Well there you go, as that is the purpose of a game.

Otherwise, I don't really see where you are going with this, why use Holy Freeze and Doom instead of Conviction and say, Grief?
Have you measured your IAS%? If not, use the calculator on

Otherwise, I tried something similar a long time ago, I think I used Conviction and Vengeance, IF I remember correctly, the +DMG on Grief is converted into elemental damage for Vengeance, but I may be wrong on this one. Anyway, that's an idea for you to look into.

And by the way, getting the fastest frame IAS on a zealer is must do.

edit: oh and forget the "little bit of PvP". PvP chars for PvP, PvM chars for PvM. If you confuse the two, you will suck at both.
I know this is prolly somewhere else but i couldnt find it anywhere, sorry. but i play alot of single player or open bnet just for S&G's. And i can rape all difficulty levels with the way i edit my items but when i try to duel some of the people on open they 1 hit me, and they wont show the stats that they are using so idk how to make ne thing like what they are using? can ne one tell me how to make a character like that, oh im using Zonefire .96 i think pretty sure thats what it is, i know ZonFire for sure though.
Hey,Frater,I'm lookin to make a windforce zon.I posted in the amazon character development section,but got no replies,so if this is considered a double post,I apologize.Anyway I really wanna make a windforce bowzon,price is no object.All I see are builds using Faith,and I know that windforce achieves much higher damage.Current equipment i have to work with are :
160/60 archon
fortitude archon
shaeled windforce
rare zon circlet(2 skills,30 frw,21 str,46 light resist)
Andariels visage
waterwalks,sandstorm treks,goreriders
cats eye ammie
perf ravens
rare 20 ias,15 str dual resist gloves
nosferatu coil,verdungo.arach,tgods
torch,anni,mass poison s/c's,mass frw s/c's
Do I need anything else,and what skill,stat placements.Character is pure pvp.Thanks in advance.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
i was wondering if you can help me out with my smiter just starting him and smite is at 15 and i wanted him to be a zealer/smiter hybrid and umm i put like 45 in str and like 35 to dex and rest in vit
and so far i have
armor:CoH ap
helm:guillames umed
boots:Gores perf
gloves:dracs perf
belt:verdungos perf or tgods
wep:grief 40/400/25
shield:eth bugged perf exile vort
charms: perf gheeds, ptorch perf, anni 20/18, i dont know what els
wow... i've been waiting so long for this moment frater... i've have wanted to ask you so many questions but couldn't cus of my account problem...

ANYWAYS.. first off i need YOUR guide to perfect pvm hammerdin... I want the BEST pvm hammerdin. I dont really want mfing... i just want hammerdin for rushing ppl thru hell baal. I also want to do uber trist and actually do GOOD in it. I heard that smiters are the best at it, but i actually wanna be useful in uber trist as hammerdin. If i need another build for this, then please create a guide for that too pls....

I want YOUR stats/gear/merc.... i've read alot of ur posts and threads and i trust u the most...

and dont consider budget when ur writing the guide please. I want THE BEST hammerdin there for pvm. (uber trist also)

ALso i have few questions about merc....
I heard that it is the best to get the lowest lvl merc b/c of stats. so do i get NM or normal?? also the items on the merc that will work the best with pvm hammerdin... and to get what type of merc.. def/aggressive??

sorry for my grammar.. i'm a fob.. i know it's alot but please try ur best to answer my question frater... cus i trust u the most..
I PM'ed Yeum so that's sorted.

In case it hasn't been apparent, I have not been into D2 for like the past two years and will probably not be too useful when it comes to guides.

Can someone close this thread please and if someone desires to make a new one, they can.
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Don't even bother with trying to make a Singer for dueling, any self-respectable PvP char will break you in half. You will sometimes hear people saying: "Oh make a Singer, you stun the guy and kill him blabla gobble gobble", it's utter bullshit. A Singer's use is limited even in PvM, all that I would recommend him for would be BOing everyone in your game, and Throne tele, if you wish. If you are going to do that:

Helm: +6 BO (+3 warcries +3 BO)
Armor: Enigma
Weapons: Grief BA + Beast BA
Weapons switch: CTA 3 + HOTO
Amulet: +3 Warcries 10%FCR
Belt: Arach
Gloves: Trang's/Mages
Boots: Goreriders
Rings: 2xSoJ

Anni, torch, 9xWC skiller, fill rest with what you want. Don't bother with dam charms, your damage will suck anyway.

20 Shout
20 BO
1 Battle Command (put this on 20 if you're not going to do damage with him)
20 WW
20 Axe Mastery
1 into all passives
dump the rest into whatever you fancy, i.e. faster run walk, but the best idea would probably be passive resist.

The idea is that you use your primary set to WW around and pretend that you are doing damage, while your only use is really the BO. On the switch you have HOTO and CTA that you use to BO and Tele.
40% HOTO
20% Arach
20% Trang's
10% amu = 90%, meaning that you will be hitting the 86%FCR breakpoint. Nice to tele around with, nice to BO with.

And take my word for it, don't ever try PvP with a Singer.

............. dude lol..
FASK Wrote:fail

did you make a account just to say this?
You said so much without ever parting your lips.

[Image: tap100.jpg]
Please Advise on my MF Cold Sorc. Thanks.

I just stared playing after seven years. Have a level 83 sorc with low level gear. Tal rasha lidless, rhyme, shaftshop, MF helm, magefist and other crappy ammys and rings. Holy freeze merc with insight.

Initially tried Light sorc and that didn't go too well.

Now going with cold. My question is Should I invest in both Frozen orb and blizzard....or should I just go with blizzard and max out all the synergies. Any advice will be great. Thanks
rimmi2002 Wrote:Please Advise on my MF Cold Sorc. Thanks.

I just stared playing after seven years. Have a level 83 sorc with low level gear. Tal rasha lidless, rhyme, shaftshop, MF helm, magefist and other crappy ammys and rings. Holy freeze merc with insight.

Initially tried Light sorc and that didn't go too well.

Now going with cold. My question is Should I invest in both Frozen orb and blizzard....or should I just go with blizzard and max out all the synergies. Any advice will be great. Thanks
Well it depends,are you going to be botting or playing?
IMO blizzard works much better with a bot and Frozen orb works better while actually playing.Frozen Orb also allows you to strengthen another skill for those pesky cold immunes.

If you play on USEast Ladder or nonLadder I can throw some gear your way,just let me know.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
Thanks for the help. I'll be mostly botting with this I guess I'll with blizzard with all synergies maxed.
Hi I just started playing after 7 yrs and seems like a lot has changed. I'm on US East ladder. After some good MF runs, I'm ready to build a smiter. I have limited high level runes so I want to make sure I use them right. This is my plan please let me know if it will work.

1. Weapon - Grief (phase blade) - I can't afford Last Wish and I hear both are about just as good.
2. Armor - Most like Treachery. (I have a Ber for COH, but am saving if for enigma for my hammerdin waiting to find a Jah)
3. Shield - Will build exile. Still looking for good 4 socket pally shield with high base resists.

4. Helm - I heard Guillaume's Face works well. Also have andriel's visage with ral. Can also use Shako
5. Gloves - laying of hands or Dracul's Grasp
6. Ammy - highlords.
7. Shoes - Gore Riders.

Please let me know what you think about this. Most interested in the opinion on weapon armor and shield. Like I said I have very limited high runes and would like to use them wisely. Thanks.

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