09-07-2006, 01:17 PM
db_jynx Wrote:that may very well be, would explain the price on +2asn/+3ls/40ias claws. However, what if you 15/15 your claws? would that then affect your trap laying speed?
for you helm, if what frater said is correct, you're best bet would then be to socket it with whatever you can... Str/Res Jewel, Dex/Res Jewel, Um, Jah, Sur, etc... up to you.
Ah, I checked it up. IAS from entire gear affects the laying of traps, while WW speed is only affected by IAS on claw.
hellsing293 Wrote:fcr affects the speed of laying the traps. ias affects the attacking speed of the trap(minion).FCR affects the casting of spells, such as Teleport.
IAS affects the laying of Traps.
The shooting speed of the traps cannot be changed, it's a constant.