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***LOD Mod LiTE v2.0 By Ear***

**PLEASE NOTE: LiTE version is for the Public, so it wont have all the capabilities as the full version (The ORIGINAL bp mod, 3x faster than the public one and it works for all chars. This is just 1 of many things.)
If you are interested in the full version, please contact me and we can talk. Until then, enjoy the public version.**

This is a pretty well known PvP mod that I have been working on for a really long time... and decided to FINALLY make it public. This is perhaps the funnest mod that is usable on closed realms, and is 100% undetectable. I'll list some things this mod can do:

~ Changes almost EVERY well-known used attack in the game. Almost anything you can think of has been changed to a more creative / fun design. These designs are also useful, take blizzard for example... you can see EXACTLY where blizzard hits now. Another example... tired of invisible hammers while dueling hammerdins? With this mod, this wont ever happen again. Every hammer is VERY MUCH visibile.

~ Added a NEW town design, you get this town probably bout 1/4th of the time when creating a game. To people without mod, they will just see the regular town of course, but with LOD Mod in you see a completely new town... I call it Ghost Town. I'm very proud of this, I got alot of positive feedback for it. Keep in mind that this is 100% UNDETECTABLE.

~ MASSIVE graphic changes for every character, some items, some maps, and MORE. Look hard for changes Smile

~ IT HAS the ability to Tele + Bo in town, but I have it DISABLED in this version because it seems to be real buggy, and I want to get more testing in before I claim it "safe" to my users.

~ No asking for cinematics disc after each act.

~ In / Out of Game sound changes. (Being Hostiled, Death sounds, and channel music.)

~ Changes the Refresh rate for frames, to cut down lag in-game.

~ Altered some skills to be less laggy, Take Hurricane for example.

~ Some text changes for Town / Blood moor, the Gem in channel lobby, and more.

~ Hide's corpses / remains of traps / bonewalls / etc... kinda like Nightlight.

That's about I think, heres a list of updates I have already planned out and is only in LOD Mod Full Version:

~ Godliest Breakpoint Edit yet... 3x faster than TMC's Public one, and works PERFECT for EVERY char, while TMC's only works for 2 and a half.

~ Editing the map for every area to have Arrows to point to right direction on the ground. This is NOT a maphack, it tells you where to go... true... but its no different than having your item graphic changed, guaranteed. This is genius, I know.

~ Farcast for WAY MORE skills than ChargedStrike (I've got Smite + Berserk working)

~ Like I said above, Town BO + Tele

~ Talking on AIM through friend list on Diablo II. Yes, its possible.

~ Thats all I can think of right now, I hope you enjoy... look out for a website for this soon so I can keep all the info updated.

***LOD Mod LiTE v2.0 By Ear***
Permanent Link here:
guys be careful with this until somebody with more posts can verify that its safe
I'd be happy for anyone to check this out for me, just wanted it up on downloads Smile It's a really nice mod... better than you'd think. Feel free to have anyone check it.
It's a great mod,i'm using it right now and Diablo is a lot better now. It's really good for a lite version,it'd be amazing using the full version. It's safe.
Hello alex aka vav, aka mass keylogger. Quti spreding your keyloggers kids, wouldnt doubt it has some code somwhere. Dont download this.
I dont think anyone would be that stupid to download a KeyLogger.

Additional Comment:
But ive been proven wrong a bunch of times before
Quote:I dont think anyone would be that stupid to download a KeyLogger.

Most casual d2 players can't tell the difference between a keylogger and a real program until they actually open it.
Lol, tyler = hater from jsp. We both know this is clean...

This isnt keylogged. Can anyone with A LITTLE bit of knowledge check this out, please?
Keylogger or not, I'm still not going to use it, because I think that Blizzard will do some massive detection updates soon, because of breakpoint mod and such things, meaning that shit like this and MMbot will be blizzowned as well.
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Keylogger or not, I'm still not going to use it, because I think that Blizzard will do some massive detection updates soon, because of breakpoint mod and such things, meaning that shit like this and MMbot will be blizzowned as well.
I understand that, but it wont happen Smile Can you atleast check it for me and verify to these people it isnt a damn keylogger? This mod is so useful, id really like it in downloads.
Ear Wrote:I understand that, but it wont happen Smile
Yeah, Easyplay was undetectable as well.
Ear Wrote:Can you atleast check it for me and verify to these people it isnt a damn keylogger? This mod is so useful, id really like it in downloads.
No thanks, I know nothing of programming so I'm the worst person to ask.
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Yeah, Easyplay was undetectable as well.

No thanks, I know nothing of programming so I'm the worst person to ask.
Oh ok. And about Easyplay, Netter had an anti-detection, TRUE.. but his actually injected stuff. This is no way changes anything that is serverside, so therefore it will always be 100% safe.
I took the liberty of downloading this at work, it weighs about 10 megs

The instructions tell you to delete your /data folder and replace it with the contents of the .zip

I don't like it, seems kinda fishy. If it is legit then its only a matter of time before it gets patched. here are what someof the readme's have to say...

***LOD Mod LiTE v2.0 By Ear***
Here's a small list of what the Mod can already do, just incase you dont know.
**PLEASE NOTE: LiTE version is for the Public, so it wont have all the capabilities as the full version (The ORIGINAL bp mod, 3x faster than the public one and it works for all chars. This is just 1 of many things.)
If you are interested in the full version, please contact me and we can talk. Until then, enjoy the public version.**

~ MASSIVE graphic changes for every character, some items, some maps, and MORE. Look hard for changes Smile
~ IT HAS the ability to Tele + Bo in town, but I have it DISABLED in this version because it seems to be real buggy, and I want to get more testing in before I claim it "safe" to my users.
~ No asking for cinematics disc after each act.
~ In / Out of Game sound changes. (Being Hostiled, Death sounds, and channel music.)
~ Changes the Refresh rate for frames, to cut down lag in-game.
~ Altered some skills to be less laggy, Take Hurricane for example.
~ Some text changes for Town / Blood moor, the Gem in channel lobby, and more.
That's about I think, heres a list of updates I have already planned out and is only in LOD Mod Full Version:
~ Godliest Breakpoint Edit yet... 3x faster than TMC's Public one, and works PERFECT for EVERY char, while TMC's only works for 2 and a half.
~ Editing the map for every area to have Arrows to point to right direction on the ground. This is NOT a maphack, it tells you where to go... true... but its no different than having your item graphic changed, guaranteed. This is genius, I know.
~ Farcast for ANY skill you want! Even smite, berserk, charge, ETC.
~ Like I said above, Town BO + Tele
~ Talking on AIM through friend list on Diablo II. Yes, its possible.
~ Thats all I can think of right now, I hope you enjoy... look out for a website for this soon so I can keep all the info updated.
***LOD Mod LiTE v2.0 By Ear***

***LOD Mod LiTE v2.0 By Ear***

It is quite simple to install, ill take you through the necessary steps.
1) Make sure there is no Data folder in your Diablo II folder (normally c:\program files\Diablo II), if there is, delete the folder COMPLETELY.
2) Extract The file STRAIGHT to your Diablo II folder, if done correctly it will create a folder called "Data". ~NEVER~ mess with any of the files in this folder, it could mess up the mod completely if you have no clue what you're doing.
3) Go to your Diablo II desktop icon. Right click it, and go to Properties. You will see a target to start Diablo. (Normally "c:\program files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe") At the end of that, put a space, then put -direct -txt. So it should come out like "C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct -txt
4) Start Diablo II, and enjoy.

This is NOT compatible with any other mod out there (nightlight, badkid, gfg, gmod, etc etc.) Do not try and mix them, because it wont work.
NO, I did *NOT* steal anybodies work doing this. I started from scratch, and made this mod without stealing from anyone elses mod. Anyone who accuses me of this is an idiot, and should take a closer look at my mod compared to the rest.
NO, this is not detectable in any way, I will never release a version thats potentially dangerous.
Having Problems? PM me on d2jsp, my username is Ear , or you can catch me on USEast / USWest as *Ear . Please be sure to read this throughly before contacting me for help.
AIM: This Is Ear
***LOD Mod LiTE v2.0 By Ear***

Inside all the directories are various game files, I'm at my work computer (with no d2 installed) but I won't install it. This could be anything, there could be something in there that reads your user/pass and /whispers or seeks out your cd-key .mpq and /whispers that info as well. That an already someone is bitching about it keylogging, and the stink usually surrounds the asshole.. so..

Additional Comment:
Also, the easiest way to get people to download your program is to just post it on the forums.

If this was legit, and he wanted to actually perpetuate this program with solid site-backing, he would have contacted one of the supermods first and asked to post or have it added to the downloads.
A.D. Wrote:I took the liberty of downloading this at work, it weighs about 10 megs

The instructions tell you to delete your /data folder and replace it with the contents of the .zip

I don't like it, seems kinda fishy. If it is legit then its only a matter of time before it gets patched. here are what someof the readme's have to say...

***LOD Mod LiTE v2.0 By Ear***
Here's a small list of what the Mod can already do, just incase you dont know.
**PLEASE NOTE: LiTE version is for the Public, so it wont have all the capabilities as the full version (The ORIGINAL bp mod, 3x faster than the public one and it works for all chars. This is just 1 of many things.)
If you are interested in the full version, please contact me and we can talk. Until then, enjoy the public version.**

~ MASSIVE graphic changes for every character, some items, some maps, and MORE. Look hard for changes Smile
~ IT HAS the ability to Tele + Bo in town, but I have it DISABLED in this version because it seems to be real buggy, and I want to get more testing in before I claim it "safe" to my users.
~ No asking for cinematics disc after each act.
~ In / Out of Game sound changes. (Being Hostiled, Death sounds, and channel music.)
~ Changes the Refresh rate for frames, to cut down lag in-game.
~ Altered some skills to be less laggy, Take Hurricane for example.
~ Some text changes for Town / Blood moor, the Gem in channel lobby, and more.
That's about I think, heres a list of updates I have already planned out and is only in LOD Mod Full Version:
~ Godliest Breakpoint Edit yet... 3x faster than TMC's Public one, and works PERFECT for EVERY char, while TMC's only works for 2 and a half.
~ Editing the map for every area to have Arrows to point to right direction on the ground. This is NOT a maphack, it tells you where to go... true... but its no different than having your item graphic changed, guaranteed. This is genius, I know.
~ Farcast for ANY skill you want! Even smite, berserk, charge, ETC.
~ Like I said above, Town BO + Tele
~ Talking on AIM through friend list on Diablo II. Yes, its possible.
~ Thats all I can think of right now, I hope you enjoy... look out for a website for this soon so I can keep all the info updated.
***LOD Mod LiTE v2.0 By Ear***

***LOD Mod LiTE v2.0 By Ear***

It is quite simple to install, ill take you through the necessary steps.
1) Make sure there is no Data folder in your Diablo II folder (normally c:\program files\Diablo II), if there is, delete the folder COMPLETELY.
2) Extract The file STRAIGHT to your Diablo II folder, if done correctly it will create a folder called "Data". ~NEVER~ mess with any of the files in this folder, it could mess up the mod completely if you have no clue what you're doing.
3) Go to your Diablo II desktop icon. Right click it, and go to Properties. You will see a target to start Diablo. (Normally "c:\program files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe") At the end of that, put a space, then put -direct -txt. So it should come out like "C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct -txt
4) Start Diablo II, and enjoy.

This is NOT compatible with any other mod out there (nightlight, badkid, gfg, gmod, etc etc.) Do not try and mix them, because it wont work.
NO, I did *NOT* steal anybodies work doing this. I started from scratch, and made this mod without stealing from anyone elses mod. Anyone who accuses me of this is an idiot, and should take a closer look at my mod compared to the rest.
NO, this is not detectable in any way, I will never release a version thats potentially dangerous.
Having Problems? PM me on d2jsp, my username is Ear , or you can catch me on USEast / USWest as *Ear . Please be sure to read this throughly before contacting me for help.
AIM: This Is Ear
***LOD Mod LiTE v2.0 By Ear***

Inside all the directories are various game files, I'm at my work computer (with no d2 installed) but I won't install it. This could be anything, there could be something in there that reads your user/pass and /whispers or seeks out your cd-key .mpq and /whispers that info as well. That an already someone is bitching about it keylogging, and the stink usually surrounds the asshole.. so..

Additional Comment:
Also, the easiest way to get people to download your program is to just post it on the forums.

If this was legit, and he wanted to actually perpetuate this program with solid site-backing, he would have contacted one of the supermods first and asked to post or have it added to the downloads.
No offense man, but you dont use mods do you? Your diablo folder normally doesnt come with a Data folder. I said to delete it because if you have a Data folder in your diablo folder, that means you have installed a mod before. Like nightlight, or gook mod. This cant be patched, it dont change anything serverside so cant even tell the difference. I've got alot of positive feedback for it already. The tyler. kid is just a guy who hates my ass from jsp. CAN ANYONE WITH MOD KNOWLEDGE CHECK THIS, wow... and tell people like A.D. theres nothing malicious in this mod.
Or that Tyler person could be your second account or a friend
VakAtk1 Wrote:Or that Tyler person could be your second account or a friend
Why would I or why would I make my friend say my work is keylogged? LOL
Not keylogged. Clean mod. I have not self tested, I can tell you it is free of viruses and is a Diablo II mod, past there it is up to you.

By the way, to all you "omg u get banned" people... Blizzard has never up to this point banned for mods. They know when you are using them, but do not ban you for it. As is the case with probably 80% of hacks, the other 15% are banned, and the final 5% are undetectable. (Those are all my approx 1.11b hack %s, not including old and outdated hacks)
wm_hunter Wrote:Not keylogged. Clean mod. I have not self tested, I can tell you it is free of viruses and is a Diablo II mod, past there it is up to you.

By the way, to all you "omg u get banned" people... Blizzard has never up to this point banned for mods. They know when you are using them, but do not ban you for it. As is the case with probably 80% of hacks, the other 15% are banned, and the final 5% are undetectable. (Those are all my approx 1.11b hack %s, not including old and outdated hacks)
Thank you. Now I just need a mod maker or a super mod to check this out and verify its clean, then perhaps it can be put in downloads Smile It really is probably the best mod out at the moment.
the first person to contact would be FROGMAN, whom is the second admin on the site. Afterwards it's up to him if he finds it safe or not/if he puts it up on downloads.
Safe checked every line took me a while but I did it.
[Image: Snipz.png]

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