If you have upped hoz, or upped bloodfists, please reply and leave what you want for them.
Or nice smiter gloves 20% crushing blow etc
I also have fortitude ap, 120/45 helm, gmb faith, dgreaves, dungo's ztorch and titans revenge javelins, and barb mastery gc's, hoto, 9 fire gc's, storch, spider, mp enigma btorch, sojs and runes.
If you need any pls add my account fskn-3nigma or reply back here
I need gfg smiter crafted smiter gloves, upped hoz and upped mage fists
Or nice smiter gloves 20% crushing blow etc
I also have fortitude ap, 120/45 helm, gmb faith, dgreaves, dungo's ztorch and titans revenge javelins, and barb mastery gc's, hoto, 9 fire gc's, storch, spider, mp enigma btorch, sojs and runes.
If you need any pls add my account fskn-3nigma or reply back here
I need gfg smiter crafted smiter gloves, upped hoz and upped mage fists