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If You were to max a golem.. which one would it be?? i hear clay has the largest life.. Iron is good depending on what item u revived him from and Fire well not sure what the plus on that would be... Hell has alot of fire immunes..
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I really don't think maxing any golem is worth it, but if anything I'd say go with clay golem to improve the slowing %
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well i maxed summon resist, skel mastery, skels.. and 1 point into pre req to get a point into summon.. i have 26 points left to spend and not sure were to dump them... ppl say magi's die o quick and are not worth it.. i do need to spend 4 skills to get decrep( which i hear is good for bosses).. Any thoughts???
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put 1 point in every curse. Mages are all or none, if you have good +skills gear then they will hold up but if your gear sucks then yes your mages die way too quickly.
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Ok well here is my setup so you decide if it should hold up
hoto/king leroic/or beast
trang gloves
FCR rings
Marrow walk
N torch/Anni
Merc has bramble/dream and m waiting to make a Pride
my 1st summoner necro so im not sure what all to do.. but so far so good so im pleased.. also ill be getting prolly 5 summon GC's i see how the + skills really lets u have more skels n such. Someone also told me to max revive... i think thats sorta retarded do to their life span.
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Go for it if you plan on getting those GC's.
Also don't bother with FCR rings, summons necs don't really need fast spells, the only fast casting you'll be doing is probably with CE and even then it really isn't necessary to get a high BP. So use SoJ's if you have mana problems, otherwise use BK rings. If you want to make an absolutely awesome nec switch up the Shako for a Ber Ber CoA, and runeword "Beast" in a zerker axe. Also trade the boneflame for an Um'd Hommy. And lastly if you can find a 2skills/FHR/Str/Resists rare ammy then trade that up. With the setup I suggested you should be pretty close to max resists in hell, if not then get some SC's, and finally try and get the next FHR breakpoint if you can with SC's.
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Actually, answering to the first post, Fire Golem's HF aura draws all attention in PvM. Great for Act5 uphills/Act3 River... very annoying lol... a good call
In my build, Fire have more life than Clay, 1vs1 hard point invested.
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Well the fire golem has more life than every golem, plus that inflicts fire damage aswell not just phisical.