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donating mageweave worth it?
is it worth it to try and get exhalted rep with your faction? i know at honored you get 10% discounted, but do you actually get anything for going above that? i know with like the bg factions you can buy more stuff with better rep, but i dont see any reason to try to get any higher with sw, if, etc.
well if you get exalted with the other factions you can ride their mount like, if ur a human exalted with darnassus you can ride a tiger if u buy one n etc but yeah thats about it i think
well blood if you want discounts that are higher then you get with honored and you also can buy better mounts (epc from contested places and youll get some other quests so if you don't have any thing to do, i'd sugguest going for it
i'm under the impression you only get a discount at honored.
you get a larger discount when your your rep goes up
no you dont. you only get rep discounts at honored rep and pvp rank 3
Bloodangel26 Wrote:no you dont. you only get rep discounts at honored rep and pvp rank 3

or exaulted status your get better mounts, isent it?
you dont get better mounts, you just have to be exhalted with another race to get that race's mount. for example, i am a human, to ride a tiger i'd have to get exhalted with darnassuss. i am pretty sure that was the only benefit, but i was just checking.
yup thats it
They will prob end up adding something for exalted with your faction cause of right now it is not worth getting it....I would assume they are working on something....I also believe u get a descount on items in town or something of that sort....I am not sure what you might buy in town besides arrows or sumtin but i think you get a discount.....I havent played WoW in weeks so i cant test this myself but from what i remember i think you get some kind of discount on items and something with the auction house also in that town
sigh@ saying things i already said were false
Exaulted- highest Level, Can buy factions Mount

Revered- Special rep level reserved for special Heroes

Honoured- 10% Discount on items bought form vendors

Friendly- Standard rep level for A factions Side

Nuetral- Standard rep lvl for a Faction not on Horde/Alliance

Unfriendly- Cannot buy/sell/interact

Hostile- Kill on sight

Hated- KOS, Other alliances factions are set to this rank..

thats what it says in my book anways Smile

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