This means that on that IP address of the game, people have been selling
Jordons to the merchants.
This message is displayed when people sell SOJs to merchants. If you are on a hell difficulty game, you may want to stick around because when enough SOJs are sold,
Diablo Clone will walk the earth in that game and any other hell-difficulty game on that IP.
There are very good guides around the forums.. if you want to know the IP of your game you can use a bot such as
Kiss Clonehunter or you can find it out maually. To find it out manually, go to your command prompt (start>run>"cmd" and hit enter) and type in netstat -n and look for anything with a port of
The final set in the IP, which I marked as important, is the value that changes. The first three (ip, stuff, lol) are always the same on a Diablo II game, only the final part will change.
Please note, the port will
always be 4000.
Once Diablo Clone has walked the earth is displayed, the next Super Unique monster that you come across will not be the normal monster, but Diablo Clone.
When you kill him you get a nice shinny unidentified Anni, and nothing else.
The number of SOJs sold before he walks varies, I think it usually around 100. It is hard to tell how many have been sold since the last walk because the counter continues to count up even after there has been a walk.