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Unhandled Exception: Access_Violation (c000005) Help please.
This error is quite annoying it only does it very often only when i try to join games or leave games. i've had it ever since i've installed which was about a year ago and i reinstalled a few number of times and it didn't help. Any ideas on what could be causing this problem and how to fix it?
I used to get it a lot in the days when I had low RAM. How much do you have?
I have no idea what RAM is. where can i find it to know how much i have?
Control Panel -> System -> read the information on the first page.
1.00 GB ram it says.
if someone put the ram in there for you, ask what ones they put in, using 2 with different mhz on them will fight eachother for speeds. also, the error can come from someone using a version changing plugin, it conflicts with people that dont have it. Halo 1 has the same problem if someone enters and the other person has a custom edition map loaded.
I get that all the time i was gona reinstall, not nemore..mebe its a fire walll thing
RAM = random access memory
[Image: fireag2.gif]
i just make this sig recently to teach people not to play with fire.
With Halo it is some wierd access violation when using custom mpas and the different variations of them and the security settings, i used to be hardcore halo, but this is Diablo and my guess is that it is not ram because halo is a pretty low demanding game. I don't really know what causes it and my guess is that when you join a game and thereis one spot left and say someone on the other side of the world joins a split second before you and you both try and join and somone gets kicked out. But my contradiction to that it would just say FTJG or CJG.
This Thread is dead im pretty sher he found the problem right now. If you guys looked at what they said back in 10/04/06 you would see them talk about Diablo (64mb ram) using 1gig ram Nowing AC Error is a Regconfg Problem. Duh!
only time I ever get this problem is if I am running windows 95, or trying to run diablo II with a loader.

But, microsoft does not have anything listed for this error, and I see that people from other d2sites with this same error attribute it to being the loader that they are using. I do not d2 anymore so I do not know what problems come with the new loader. But if you got it from here, it should be good as it is the only one that is ever up to date.

But if you are a squeaky clean user, then emailing blizzard support will bring about 3 days of check this, check that, reinstall reinstall.

Hope you get it

wow my post was useless. "thinks hitting submit should be ok" ok.

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