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Smiter questions nomore!
Vindi/Charger guide 3.1 By KIingKazzer aka. JayKazzer, kazzer

-Speed Charts
-----------Fhr breakpoints
-----------Fbr breakpoints
-----------Ias breakpoints
-Character setup
-The Gear
-----------Melee setup
-----------caster setup
-Dueling strategies (under construction)
-----------Trap assassins
-----------WW assassins
-----------Windy Druids
-----------Claw Druids

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I believe the smiter (Vindicator) to be a very good, if not the best, melee dueling chars in diablo but
are very weak against casters in the wrong hands. i hope to correct this with a small guide that will
hopefully clear some things up.
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1.0 ~ first post!

1.1 ~ edited names, stats and spelling.

1.2 ~ added some items to the build creating a better more diverse build.

2.0 ~ made more spell checks and more item/strategy changes.

3.0 ~ i got rid of all dupes and redid alot of the structure also added some other items and leaned much more to smite vs smite and smite vs caster style builds. as well i changed ias to be the values
u will use to get frames rather than actual ias.

3.1 ~ a few minor aditions such as str glitch method and how to make eth pb grief. also some changes in strategy section.
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FHR Frames
0% -> 9
7% -> 8
15% -> 7
27% -> 6
48% -> 5
86% -> 4
200% -> 3

FBR Frames
w/o Holy Shield:
0% -> 5
13% -> 4
32% -> 3
86% -> 2
600% -> 1

w/ Holy Shield:
0% -> 2
86% -> 1

Ias breakpoint for Zerker axe:
60% ias = 6 frames

Ias breakpoint for Phase Blade
40% ias = 6 frames

Both breakpoints w/ lvl 20 Fanaticism (+35% ias)

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Character setup
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STR: base (if u use melee gear and caster gear stated)
DEX: enough for 75% block with holy shield on ( if this is smite vs smite then do NOT put points here except for gear)
VITA: As much as you see fit
ENERGY: none.

Smite- max
Charge- 1-20
Fanat- Max
Holy shield- max
Vigor - 1-20 depending on who u duel most (vs smiter or caster max this for extra speed and charge dmg)
Defiance- 1-10 not much needed here if you use exile
Salvation- 1
Rest in prereqs.
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The gear
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This is made purely for PvP so there aren't many cheap alturnatives in this guide. I believe if u can't build w/ these items don't duel necromancer/smiter. They will be most difficult to duel even w/ the item selection here.

Armor: quote from arreat summit:"Armor can affect your ability to run. Heavier armor depletes your
stamina more quickly. This can be offset to some extent by increasing your character's vitality."

1.Enigma (Mp, Ds, Ap)
2.CoH(AP, DS. use this in ap w/ non up eth/zod hoz for str glitch look)
3.Shaftstop (this is the best poormans choice in armor easy dr and life as well as good defence if ethereal/up)
4.Guardian angel templar coat (this is considered BM because of the max res but good for pvm)
5. Stone this is only good for the defence never use this vs smiter it's pointless...)

Weapon:quotes from arreat summit:"Does Poison Damage stack?
No. No poisoning effects stack. If the poison damage inflicted per second of a poison attack is greater
than the poison damage inflicted per second of an already applied attack, the new attack will cancel outthe old one. If the new attack inflicts less poison damage per second than the previous, the new poison is ignored." i take this as, if u have a 290 pison charm and a lower poison charm the 290 charm will be the only 1 to affect dmg.

1.Grief the best smiter weapon.(use in phase blade. A good way to make an eth pb is to get a eth dimensonal blade and up it)
2.Lacerator this is a good weapon to use but I see it as bm due to ctc amp.
3.Silence for the 75% res aganst casters(i use in Pb)
4.Last wish for crushing blow which helps against ubers
5.Astreons ironward very good weapon but grief is much much better
6.Heaven's light the +3 skills and the 2os makes this item very attractive (against uber/clone socket this w/ 2 bers against every one else shaels)
7.Kingslayer (only use if you are desperate)

1.Shako w/ ber for melee Um for caster
2.CoA w/ ber ber
3.andarials visage w/ um
4.a rare +2 pally helm (circlet is best) w/ res, stats, and fhr if you can swing it. plus if u can 2soc it put 2 bers or jah/cham in it.

This is where ur damage will come from so your best choice is a HoZ up'd because of obvious reasons. also if u are going for a glitched look don't up it but eth/zod it and use ap coh.

1.up'd eth HoZ w/ ber
2.exile (kurast, vortex, sac targe, or zakarum shield)
3.non up'd HoZw/ ber or um
4.Griswold's honor w/ 3xum (good for caster dueling and vs uber meph)

shield for str glitch:
1. non up'd eth hoz soc w/ zod

2.Thundergod's vigor (more than 1 abs is bm)
4.cendendum(only use w/ LoH and only against ubers/clone)

1.Draculs grasp
2.Crafted blood
3.Blood fist (best choice for non-BM duels)
4.LoH(lying of the hands use only w/ crendendum and only aginst ubers/clone)

1.Gore riders (use this if u want the ds/cb and the 30%fr/w)
2.Sandtreks (i would use this if u don't have nigma on for more str to use othe items)
3. Morrow walks (these give str and dex which is well nedded for the use on a pb)
4.rare/crafted boots w/ r/w, res, stats
5.infernostride (only for fire res if u really need it) spurs (BMBMBMBMBM these are very BM and may people will be very annoyed by these)

1.Mara's possibly the best unique ammy for smiter(res may not be needed if u use coh)
2.highlords (very very good for ba users due to the 20 ias ds for charge and 1 skill)
3.Seraph for the 2 extra points in to defience vigor etc.(pointless for smite but good to use w/ vigor because i don't like teleing w/ nigma)

1.Raven frost + Bul katho's
2.Raven frost + Any rare ring w/ res, stats
3.2xRaven frost (more than 1 abs is bm)
4.2xWisps (more than 1 abs is bm)
5.2xDwarf star (more than 1 abs is bm)

9x 35+ life Pcombs
10x 20 life /15 all res
Pally Torch
15+ res/stat anni
9x Pcombs + 12% Fhr
5x 20 life /5 all res
5x 3/20/20
Pally Torch
15+ res/stat anni

Melee setup:
Armor: Enigma
Weapon:Grief (in Phase blade)
Helm: shako w/ ber, andarial's visage w/40%ed/15% all res (only use when fighting a wwsin or psn javazon)
Shield: Hoz up'd w/ber, Exile Vortex
Belt: Verdungo's, tgods vs foh/cser
Boots: Sandtreks, gore rider
Gloves: Dracs,Blood fists
Amulet: Maras, highlords
Rings: Raven frost + Bul Kathos
Charms:2-3x 12% Fhr Pcombs
6-7 30-50 lifer pcombs
5x 20/5
5x 3/20/20
Pally Torch
20 stat anni

Caster setup:
Armor: CoH
Weapon: Silence(phase blade)/greif (Phaseblade, zerker if using high lords)
Helm: kira's w/um, Shako w/ um
Shield: up'd HoZ w/ um
belt: Tgod's (only when fighting foh pally or lit sorc) /Verdungo's
Boots: rare boots w/ high res, stats, 30% r/w
Gloves: Dracs/Crafted for psn res vs P/B necros
Amulet: maras, high lords vs foh/lit soso
Rings: 1xRaven frost, 1xWisps (lit sorb don't use this if u have tgods on), 1xDwarf star (fire sorb), bk or str dex ring w/ res and life.
Charms:9x 30-50 lifer pcombs
10x 20/5
Pally Torch
20 res/stat anni

i did some tests! it seems that in 1.11 the cookie cutter max block smiter using forti does less dmg and has less life than the enigma build. to get best results use enigma in a mage plate.

the tests show that w/ my build using nigma/forti, it takes 4-5 hits but enigma gets your opponents life lower w/ less hits.

either build is awsome but u will probably get better results w/ nigma build or coh build.

these tests were done smiter vs smiter.

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Dueling strategies
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Please keep in mind that these ratings on how difficult it is to duel some of these characters IS based on my own experience. u may find some of them ezer or harder depending on how u duel and how well ur smiter is built.

Use dwarf and raven + Tgods depending on what kind of sorc u are dueling (raven, dwarf, wisp), and 1 of the resistance auras.
To avoid the spells try running with charge until they run out of mana, or u can just charge and hope for the best. they should
do little damage to you if you have the correct gear. Depending on your skill selection you may do little damage, but from
my experiences with sorcs, they almost always seem to have lower life than they should. shouldn't be too difficult if you are cautious.
difficulty: ***

Hammderin/ Foh pally:
Use half caster and half melee for fighting these because some can smite (v/t) and if made smite oriented then use 1 wisp and melee gear.
hammerdins:get under them their hammers should be furthest away from them making it harder for them to hit you.
Use as much Lit resist as possible vs fohers and chase em down.
difficulty:*** to *****

these are the most fun duels I can think of
use your melee gear and have fun smiting watch out for cold dmg as it will slow dowm your smit as well as your fhr vs other smiters most smiters will try to use holy freeze but this will sacrifice alot of dmg to slow down there opponent try to get first hit.
difficulty: ** to *****

Some of these duelers are good and some are pathetic...
If you happen to find a decent one watch out they can hurt.
Use half caster and half melee w/ 1 resist aura try to charge them then smite the hell out of em and hope for the best.
difficulty:* to ***

Use your melee and walk if they are WW barbs. if you find a pure berserker barb then use melee and as much life as you can.
this should be a very hard duel if not then the barb is not made correctly.
difficulty: ****

Use your melee gear. do NOT hit their clay golem, god knows they all use em lol. if u get close and have more than half your health smite em as fast as u can. bone spear really hurts at that range.
difficulty: *****

trap assassin:
Use your caster gear and get them fast or charge around them until u see an openning then charge/smite them. Remember always try to strike first.
Difficulty: ** to ****

WW sins:
Use melee gear and 1 wisp for sorbing traps. this is almost the same as a barb ww but sins use open wounds and poison to do damage
to try to shift smite them into submission. also some use traps and most of the time the traps do nothing but be careful when using melee gear.
Difficulty: **

Windy Druids:
Use caster gear and 2 raven frosts to over come these monsters.
They will probably use tele so let them come to you. lure them to a corner and if you are lucky enough they may not have that much Fhr.
difficulty: ** to ****

Claw Druids:
Use melee gear and as much fhr as you possibly can.
They will probably use cold damage so a raven frost is a must. Some of these killers can get majorly fast and run circles around you so wait
til they get close and Boom charger/smite em til they die or give up.
Difficulty: ***

Use melee gear and please do not attempt to duel them while lagging. Most of these amazons use guided arrow so run your butt off!
Get close then smite charge them to death. use vigor when charging.
difficulty: ***

use half caster half melee and use 1 wisp and 1 raven frost. They will probably use lit damage and cold damage to slow you down.
Charge them then smite them to your hearts content.
Difficulty:* to ***

P.S. i plan an branching out the claw druid section in to cold druid etc. and i like it if someone could aid me in figuring out seperate dueling strategies for each.
to contact me email me at [email protected] or pm on
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Thanks to
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Arreats summit for the info and clan-DoG as well as AkA-Realm for providing me w/ more info on smitres for the gear to make this happenSmile

to all people who have dueled against my smiters DoG-Bert, shenks, heavyhitter and V-smiterion for the testing of this build.

joz for info on lacerator

Josh/seek/RoF-seek for helping w/ Mp enigma and Dusk CoH builds, also thanks for the str glitching method.

Alexis Machine (Alexis) for helping me gear smiter on pbi realm

Hope u liked this guide and plz rate this on a scale of 1-10 and leave suggestions
1 poster, this guide is ripped from somewhere prolly.
No loits its not ripped... i for one will back it up because thats my m8 and hes posted it on small forums before...


annoying censors.. but you guys should know what it fills in as...

Smiter guide plz rate it Smile - Diablo 2 Forums
no it's not ripped. this is a guide i made... i did this w/ my own chars and i also posted it here before... it was deleted a while back and since then i've made alot of changes...
Pretty fair guide, has quite a bit of usful information.
king of bm chars, lol, its a decent guide, with the same suggests as most smiter guides, nothing special really, no unusuall gear choices at all, not a fun guide to crizizie
If it's not ripped then your skill section sucks, there is no point in maxing vigor, 1 point is enough since you get seriously diminishing returns also there is nothing written about putting skills into passive resis.
Holy freeze is a must have for pvp.

Phase blade grief is for pvm noobs, leave it out if you are thinking of pvp.

Str glitch should definately be left out of any pvp build.

nr 1 ring option should be raven+20str/15dex/mods ring imo but whatever, depends on your preference.

Smiters use 20life/resi scs for obvious reasons.

Use forti+zaka or eni+phoenix in smite vs smite.. you left those two out totally.

Well at least i read through it unlike most people. rolleyes:
I read through it. Not bad, but has some obvious letdowns.

Why the hell would anyone ever use Silence? Pcombs? Kira's (except for vs FoH)? CoH?

Some of these choices of gear are really dumb in my opinion. I don't think that a Smiter ought to have more than 2 sets of gear, and most can get by with just one, if correctly build. Especially, I really don't see why you are stacking all of this resi.

I didn't read through all of your strategies, but some of them sounded a little dubious. For example, imo no Smiter stand's a chance against a Wind Druid, if played properly, etc.

vs sorc. They have way more mana than you, especially if they are ES, therefore you, darling, will be out of mana way quicker than them. Imo, use desynch and get them with Charge while they don't expect it. Projectiles can be avoided with relative ease.

Oh and also, I think that it would be a good idea to mention eBOTD WP vs Hammerdins, especially if you are using pcombs.

Besides these comments, it's not bad, but I think that you need to experiment a little more.
you forgot to add cta on switch with spirit ;D and what happened to a dueling strategy vs a hybrid assasin huh?!?!?!
Quote:Use forti+zaka or eni+phoenix in smite vs smite.. you left those two out totally.

i honestly just plain don't like using those. also i've done tests and nigma/coh build does more dmg than a forti build and i could show u but as of lately i haven't been able to get on bnet.

Smiters use 20life/resi scs for obvious reasons.

... if u are going to critique try not be an ass Tongue but 9 skills to smite+holy shield is more dmg than u think. also u should never need that much res vs ne char.

Quote:nr 1 ring option should be raven+20str/15dex/mods ring imo but whatever, depends on your preference.

actualy i like using those but this was origonally posted at and most of the rings w/ str/dex are duped. as far as i know diabloii does not like dupes to be the topic of ne descusion in their forum.

Quote:you forgot to add cta on switch with spirit ;D and what happened to a dueling strategy vs a hybrid assasin huh?!?!?!

....................oops............ i completely forgot about that part but wouldn't u find it compulsery for ne smiter to use bo?

Quote:Why the hell would anyone ever use Silence? Pcombs? Kira's (except for vs FoH)? CoH?

i put those in as options and don't really expect ppl to actualy use some of this if the have the other items. guess thats just dumb for me to asume such things :\

Quote:vs sorc. They have way more mana than you, especially if they are ES, therefore you, darling, will be out of mana way quicker than them. Imo, use desynch and get them with Charge while they don't expect it. Projectiles can be avoided with relative ease.

i do t hat same thing vs es sorcs but never really thought about adding it :\ guess it would be a good idea Tongue

Quote:I didn't read through all of your strategies, but some of them sounded a little dubious. For example, imo no Smiter stand's a chance against a Wind Druid, if played properly, etc.

if this is the case there are alot of bad windy druids out there. they can be easly beaten if fhr and good aim is used in coorperation w/ charge/smite.

Quote:Oh and also, I think that it would be a good idea to mention eBOTD WP vs Hammerdins, especially if you are using pcombs.

i actualy never thought of that. i need to make some adjustments to the guide lol

thanks for the help and opinions. i'ma have to get working on 3.2! Big Grin
if this was a v/t guide pcombs would be nice, but its not, and ive never used pcombs for a smiter cause life>damage for most chars out their, and the smiter is 1 of those chars, so id stick with 20lifesr and the such, and overall this guide needs alot of work
Quote:1.up'd eth HoZ w/ ber

Huh? eth hoz with ber? Please explain...

Quote:Gore riders (use this if u want the ds/cb and the 30%fr/w)

highlords (very very good for ba users due to the 20 ias ds for charge and 1 skill)

Nice, but ds doesnt work with smite. Research more before making a guide. lol.

Smite- max
Charge- 1-20
Fanat- Max
Holy shield- max
Vigor - 1-20 depending on who u duel most (vs smiter or caster max this for extra speed and charge dmg)
Defiance- 1-10 not much needed here if you use exile
Salvation- 1
Rest in prereqs.

lol? You're kidding right? Only 1 into charge and 1 into vigor, ONLY. AND, for more def, after about 8-10 skills in HS, max defiance. Defiance gives a bigger def bonus to HS as a synergy than HS does to max it. Only need some skills in HS for duration purposes.

Also, res lite is helpful, as is cleansing. Put 1 point into each of those. Also, for pvm, redemption and meditation are helpful also.

I also do not agree with the suggestion of using sorb gear. Very noobish, in my opinion. If you are that bad that you must sorb ppl to win, then there is no way you can afford to make a decent smiter anyway. So please leave that out.

There are too many noobish ideas for skills/item selection. I also disagree with reasons for why you chose certain items. Research more before creating this again.

Gore riders (use this if u want the ds/cb and the 30%fr/w)

highlords (very very good for ba users due to the 20 ias ds for charge and 1 skill)
Nice, but ds doesnt work with smite. Research more before making a guide. lol.

try reading the guide better... it syas ds for CHARGE...

Smite- max
Charge- 1-20
Fanat- Max
Holy shield- max
Vigor - 1-20 depending on who u duel most (vs smiter or caster max this for extra speed and charge dmg)
Defiance- 1-10 not much needed here if you use exile
Salvation- 1
Rest in prereqs.
lol? You're kidding right? Only 1 into charge and 1 into vigor, ONLY. AND, for more def, after about 8-10 skills in HS, max defiance. Defiance gives a bigger def bonus to HS as a synergy than HS does to max it. Only need some skills in HS for duration purposes.

umm... 8-10 in hs is dumb... thats alot less dmg and less block... plus u shouldn't really need that much def... i can get 30k def w/ this build w/o maxing deifence...

Quote:Also, res lite is helpful, as is cleansing. Put 1 point into each of those. Also, for pvm, redemption and meditation are helpful also.

this build is asuming u have a rusher :\ if u don't then those skills would help. the reason for the sorb gear etc. is so u don't have to use skill points in res skills. if u want those then make a v/s.

1.up'd eth HoZ w/ ber
Huh? eth hoz with ber? Please explain...

i should fix that but wut i meant was use ber in it till u get low on durabitlity. then soc w/ a zod.

i plan on rewriting this for east/west dueling. and also i will seperate items in to something like BM and GM sections. keep the suggestions comming but plz don't bash this guide. i'd rather not have negative comments in this thread plz.

srry for double post but wouldn't let me edit t.t

i have logged this thread and i will make changes to guide and each person will get crdit for the info given.
kazzer Wrote:try reading the guide better... it syas ds for CHARGE... you're building your character to deal good dmg and have good effects with you secondary attack? lol? Charge doesnt even hit that often. Please, forget about DS. lol.
well this a vindi/charger also it is only a suggestion... stop posting if u are not gonna read the guide properly....
Well if you're making a character guide that isnt a smiter guide, either revamp the guide or rename the guide. Don't call this a smiter guide because this guide suggests items that are not good with smiters at all. When do you use charge in ubers, honestly? Never, last time I checked.
well... this isnt really for ubers. its for pvp but i know many ppl who use charge to get around in trist but thats not the point Tongue most of this gear can and is used in smiter builds so idk how u got that onclusion. although i do realize that this doesn't seem as effective in pub duels as it was when i tested it in open duels (el oh el).
kazzer Wrote:well... this isnt really for ubers. its for pvp but i know many ppl who use charge to get around in trist but thats not the point Tongue most of this gear can and is used in smiter builds so idk how u got that onclusion. although i do realize that this doesn't seem as effective in pub duels as it was when i tested it in open duels (el oh el).

"i know many ppl who use charge to get around in trist"

Uh...getting around and attacking...2 different things. Last I checked, you don't need DS to run around fast. lol. Point being that you did not research properly into your smiter. Yes, this smiter may be able to do ubers, but not as effective as one with slightly different gear.
this isn't an uberer x.x and i know that this needs work but i'm hoping for more info/tips before i do that :S i wanna make a guide decent enough for ppl to not bash me for writing it :\
I find it quite amusing that so many people here talk as if they are experts.

Anyway, kazzer, try using colored headings to make it easier to read. Some spellchecking and editing might help too.

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