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Well, I'm finally considering buying WoW, (I may hold off until the expansion comes). This will require me to get a computer, but from what I hear WoW is pretty forgiving on your hardware. I'm not asking you guys to list out everything I need for a comp, just what's a decent processor, graphics card, and decent ram, you know a ballpark figure of what would be a cheap comp for WoW
All the rest I can sort out for myself.
And while I was thinking about it, I've been looking into WoW and playing around with the talent calc etc, and I was thinking of making an Undead Warlock (they look so badass on those horses..) with herbalism/alchemy professions, though I don't know if that'd be a good starting class
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undead=gross looking. warlock would probably be an ok first char since they are incredibly easy to pvp with. all you have to do is cast curses on people then make them run away. thats not as viable in pve, but your pet will make things far easier for that. alch/herb is one of the better money makers, so yea that would be a decent choice.
as far as comps, anything you could play d2 on you can play WoW on. you would think that WoW would require a faster comp and whatnot, but its servers are so much better than d2's that it evens out.
EDIT: i also still have some free 10 day trials if you'd like one.
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I didnt read much of what blood said but if you are considering WoW i would redo your comp like reinstalling windows completely first...Get all the extra junk off your comp before you run something that big...And for comp wise all i got was a dell comp and added 1 gig of ram 2 it.... i think all i spent on this comp was about 400 total witht he 1 gig and a simple dell comp...It ran fine untill i started putting other games on it such as diablo and Frozen throne....I raided fine and believe me that was about 6-7 hours of hell at a time...And you can take my word for this one... i raided Naxx on this comp and didnt lag one bit and thats 40 other guys and a shit load of monters and bosses...You really dont need much special
Now as far as class and what u want to play.....If you want to play on a pvp server i would check into the win lose pvp ratio of the shared battlegrounds before you thing of anything... cause you dont want to wait 20-30 minutes to get into a battleground and lose....also to make something that you like is important but you also want to look into classes that the server you are starting on is short of...this will make it easy for you to find a raiding do not want to pick high played classes like mage, rogue and various others...theres just so much u want to take into account...this is why i made my first person a cant die
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Alright thanks for the help guys, and Blood, when the time comes I'll hit you up for that trial
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well i'm running a 98dell with windows XP and a shit load of stuff on it sure i get the occasional choppy bit or the lag spike when entering OG, ogirmar (can't spell it) Horde main city but i have 512 ram and a Nvidia Ge force 6400 ( i think) its a 128 MB card so you can inves just a little money (i paid i think $150 USD) for all that and you should be fine ( same for raids)
for a class, pick what you like but let me warn you pick a warrior rouge or mage and a warlock (less tho for last 2) i can assure youll be on a guild waiting list for half a year at minium to get any Teir one gear even, pick a less played class druid shammy pally etc because evey one wants healers (priests best for that) but you hook one of thoes up and you won't need to be epiced out to get into a good guild ( they will epic you first you can get the max amount of heals on them when raiding gaurenteed) so jusut my thougts on a char and if you need any help on what servers to play i know 8 level 60's on argent dawn that are always willing to help and its an RP server meaning that when you get to 60 you won't get ganked running down a hill(unless you want to) to PvP out side a BG WSG AB or AV you havr to type /pvp and you will be tagged and can kill others that are tagged, i think this is better getting your first 60. Becuase as soon as you reach 60 and your all happy for your self, a rouge won't sneak up behind you and three shot you, to warp it all up play on a less populater server = better change of getting into a good guild and pick a less played class if your going to want to get into a Guild for later play in the game PvP and raids and such.
Good luck of this and Welcome to a World of Warcraft
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Alright, so I take it that most people here (blizzsector) play PvP servers?
I was half considering playing as a Healer, but I was wary about being able to (solo) level. But from what I gather healers are valued so I shouldn't have much a problem getting in with a guild if I have a decent build or know the right people?
Egh, but there I go counting my eggs before they hatch, I need to get a new computer first. (trust me, the comp i played d2 on is incapable of running WoW)
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well idk if most are on pvp servers, but my guild has 5 bzs members and we are on a normal server.
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A.D. Wrote:Alright, so I take it that most people here (blizzsector) play PvP servers?
I was half considering playing as a Healer, but I was wary about being able to (solo) level. But from what I gather healers are valued so I shouldn't have much a problem getting in with a guild if I have a decent build or know the right people?
Egh, but there I go counting my eggs before they hatch, I need to get a new computer first. (trust me, the comp i played d2 on is incapable of running WoW) I think Flea means, it's hard to get your Epic armor with a guild raiding group because of the insane amounts of Rogues and others, but getting into a guild shouldn't be too bad, if you want to play with the bulk of us BzS members join Medivh it's a normal server (Which I hate, I'd rather be on a PvP... more action) and hit us up with a pm or tell.
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Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
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I'll be sure to do that, Fuggle, but as I said this may be a month or two in the making, it all really depends on how quickly I can sell my old pickup.
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Well if i known about a bzs guild was up i would start playing again.....I gave my old account away to a few friends.....Just to let you know A.D. WoW is well worth it and doesnt take the comp you think it might take....As long as you have ram if should free up your processer a little bit to help you out while playing so i think Ram is the key to that game....But good luck with your decisions