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help with hammerdine
he has hoto. coh and more that i dont know exactly i just know he has those hehe he also has a cool zealdin
ballinpakiplaya Wrote:he has hoto. coh and more that i dont know exactly i just know he has those hehe he also has a cool zealdin
yeah u should use
archon or dusk enigma
perf hoto
cta on switch
um zakarum
2 sojs
and soul shanks or armagedodn slippers for resists
7-8 combat gc's

by the way whats a good pally ammy for hammerdin?
i say the lvl 68 require ment ammmy is best for a;ll chars

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[Image: scrn_8.jpg]
silver_ice1212 Wrote:by the way whats a good pally ammy for hammerdin?

seraphs isnt bad but some ppl perfer maras cause of resits
dragon...i believe that sig is too 'f'ing big!!
i love maras...but it's hard to find perf ones...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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yeh dragon thas a tight *** sig and all but its too big u gonna get it deleted resize it .... btw what game is that from any nfs series?

o yeah my new hammerdin only level 75 has over 1k life 500 mana 227 str like 120 dex hehe my vitality and str are both of 227 and eneregy is 80 sometin but now im raising that i love the mods my gear gives me hah
Btw spit told me thats not his sig lol...
what's ur gear?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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enigma,shako,hoz,eye of elitch ammy(getting a new ammy sometiem),goreriders,wiz spike,archanids,ravenfrost,natures peace, and i forgot what gloves i wear heh
Nice...not bad...
btw which is rarer?Soj or raven frost?I know raven doesnt cost as much..but which has a high tendency to get droped?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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not shure but i have like 3 or 4 raven frosts lol and no soj so im guessing soj o yeah update on my pally level 86 yesterday woot woot leveled him from 80 to 86 in about 1 to 2 hours woot woot he will be even better if he gets seraph hymnns and hoto and some pally gc lol
Btw,which weapon is best for making a hoto for a pally to use?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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flail is what most ppl use i need a hoto and seraphs(cheaper then maras) hehe
yeah... flail just looks soooo much cooler than everything else -_- and that is the shit for hammerdins, wiz has nothing on hoto Wink
wiz has resists over hoto heh but hoto has 40 resists plus 3 to all skills and all th
shiz nit
Or u mean the elite version of flail?And whats the name of it?
If i do get one of those...what must i see before inserting the runes dmg and stuffs..
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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i dunt think u gotta see anything i think it just has to be a 4 socket flail lol and it has 50 % dmg to undead cause all flails do
everyone says flails because of the 50% ed to undead, but i heard of another 4 socket item that has much more "use" than the flail.
really what is it ?
Flail...isnt that a norm item?Whats the name of the elite version of it?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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scourge or sumthing like that, but it's pointless... a giant waste of stats, see hoto must be made in a stave/mace, as stated here: ... and why in god's name would u put it in a 2h weapon(staves) when you could put it in a 1 handed... duh, so that leaves you with a selection from maces.... a scourge(highest version of flail) requires !125! str and !77! dex... now this means your going to be wasting an immense amount of stats trying to simply make the req's for a casting wep, there are know benefits to having hoto in a scourge, in case your planning on wacking sumthing w/it, and if you are.. you shouldn't be rich enough to make a hoto in the 1st place -_- soooooo... (ah yes forgot, a flail-scourge is the only 1 handed mace class capable of 4 sockets, with a max of 5, which is why it's used for CTA much of the time) normal flail stat req are: 41 str, and 35 dex, as stated here: now... anyone not understand why anything but a flail is a bad idea?

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