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New Diabolic?!?!
I've heard from a person at ladderhall, XxSic-WarBanditxX
That a new Diabolic for 1.11 is currently in progress.
Im not REALLY sure of this though, this is what he says. But I think that he is right... he wouldn't lie (at least I dont think laughSmile

Maybe Mitja has returned?!?!
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
whats diabolic?
Yeah, that's also my question.. what's Diabolic?? confused:
its a program for open, if you host the game everyone who joins can edit their levels and stats unless you disallow them too. Its really fun cuz you can make your level like 1000+ and fun stuff Big Grin
Im not sure if that is right Zyclo, bet hey, maybe lol, I havent used it for so long. The only thing I remember useful about it is like you can kick/ban players from your game if you are the host.

Just searched it on ladderhall, here are the features.
Note: this was from 1.10

Mitja Wrote:Features / Commands:
This version introduces a different approach.
If you host a multiplayer game after successful installation,
everybody who joins your game will be able to edit their own stats using diabolic commands. They do not need to be running diabolic, only the host has to.

However, if they want to use the integrated fixes, they must be running diabolic as well.
Following fixes are availible:
- highlevel crash fix: [Image: smile.gif] no more crashes using uncommon levles
- additionally, highlevel players may kill monsters without turning to level 1 characters
- negative speeds (like -120) do not crash the game host anymore

Stat editing commands:
They support hex values (must be prefixed with 0x) and modifying values.
"str += 0x64" will increase your current strength by 100 (64 in hex). Other modifiers are: "-=", "/=", "*=" .

These commands modify the basic stats :
- str (strength)
- dex (dexterity"
- vita (vitality)
- energy (...)
- life (...)
- mana
- stamina
- level
- exp
- gold
- stashgold (gold in stash)
- skills (skill points remaining)
- stats (stat points remaining)

However, Diabolic is not just an in-game stat editor.
It gives the host some ways to better control his game:

- kick (type "kick name" and player "name" will get kicked out of the game.
Now, you can kick annoying people out of your game without the need to crash them lol. They will recieve a "connection interrupted" message and time out).

- statedit (host can allow or deny the editing of character stats. This is useful in ladder duels...not only ladder hehe. Just type "statedit on" to enable or "statedit off" to disable)

- punishlevel (This is a feature against highlevel players who kill regular 99 chars.
It counts, how many 99 chars a highlevel player has killed. If this counts reaches 3, the highlevel char will be slain. Any further kill will bring him another death [Image: rolleyes.gif] usage is "punishlevel on", "punishlevel off")

Other features:
- showlevel (displays the level category of a character - regular, elite, supreme.
If he's masked as 99 and lower, it will show the mask ).
- showversion (displays character version - this is good to spot "fake" 1.10 a.k.a. 1.09RO).

- rank (maybe useless......shows a score board with player kills/deaths/ratio.
The table seems to be messed up, but that's not my fault. It's because diablo uses letters with different widths)

If these functions turn out to work properly and stable, I will concentrate more on item spawning and item editing features.

So, try it out and tell me what you think.

current version(0.40 test) can be found here:


- one new file added, diabolic.ini - you can make your settings there

- command "setskill" added - it sets the skill level of your right-hand skill (example: "setskill 50")

- "item code" - shows or modifies item code of the item your are holding (expample: after picking up the item -> "item code 522" will turn it into a ring). Do not forget about the space in "item code" !

- "item load" - will load an item from file right right onto your cursor, so make you you have nothing picked up when using this command. Example: "load item c:\items\sword.d2i". You can also specify the default item path in the .ini file
. Again, do not forget about the space lol
If you have "item_path=C:\items\" in the .ini, you can omit the full path. Typing "item load sword.d2i" will be sufficient.

- the command "rank" does not broadcast the scores to everyone in the game anymore, only the player who entered it gets the scores displayed - so people cannot spam in games using this command

- fixed some checks, now only the host can turn on/off stats editing, highlevel punishment and use the commands kick, item, say

- characters older than 1.09 are now displayed correctly using command showversion
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
Yea, 99elite from ladderhall said he was also gonna try to find the code to diabolic and convert it to 1.11 format but so far he doesnt know how. If he figures the system out, diabolic could be released. Or else they would ahve to start from scratch.
[Image: untitled5kl4.jpg]
I like to thank Frogman for making my awesome sig!
I think I know some people that can find out the codes in the programs... thats the easy part.
We just need someone who knows how to convert.
I cant wait till this comes out again, need to kick those 09's, and clones.
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?

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