10-30-2006, 11:19 AM
umm.. stop ****ing spamming? i dont mean to backseat mod but ur gonna get this closed
second of all, if ur an orphan in an orphinarium, do u get to chose ur parents? no u dont u imbecile.
The parents chose the kid they want, not vice-versa
third and last, (which is quite off topic) W bush doesnt want to see the jews in isreal get blown up, so he prefers to blow up the lebanese and iraqis. Well, i guess its only logical, since the jews help America's economy alot more than lebanon can, and since if he controls iraqs oil (and afghanistans opium) he gets more money then if he had to negociate prices. Can't blame him, but can't say he's a hero either.
Quote: if anyone wants to adopt me YOU have to do the following:first of all, shut up
A) acknowledge the existence of the Mathalamus Empire
B) give me 200 points per week
C) acknowledge that i am (at least) smart in real life but stupid on forums
D) the power to withdraw from this if i wa
second of all, if ur an orphan in an orphinarium, do u get to chose ur parents? no u dont u imbecile.
The parents chose the kid they want, not vice-versa
third and last, (which is quite off topic) W bush doesnt want to see the jews in isreal get blown up, so he prefers to blow up the lebanese and iraqis. Well, i guess its only logical, since the jews help America's economy alot more than lebanon can, and since if he controls iraqs oil (and afghanistans opium) he gets more money then if he had to negociate prices. Can't blame him, but can't say he's a hero either.