11-16-2006, 07:36 PM
Subject describes the issue.
The character I use is a level 10, I just edited it so I could become familiar with the bot.
The bot will log in, run the potion script, talk to the person, and begin the run. When a monster is within the 'scan range' the bot just sits there. After I manually kill the monsters within range, it goes back to running towards what I can only assume is it's destination.
Any ideas?
Here's the attack section:
Also, I can't find a skill reference anywhere.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.. I feel like I'm > < this close to getting it to work.
The character I use is a level 10, I just edited it so I could become familiar with the bot.
The bot will log in, run the potion script, talk to the person, and begin the run. When a monster is within the 'scan range' the bot just sits there. After I manually kill the monsters within range, it goes back to running towards what I can only assume is it's destination.
Any ideas?
Here's the attack section:
// Attack configuration (this include area clearing configuration)
// DT_ThrowRechTimeout=xx Max time to stall while recharging ethereal throwing weapon.
// XP_AssassinBuild=0/1/2 Type of assassin build to use, 0 for WW, 1 for Martial Artist and 2 for Trapassin
// XP_CastOnBoss=true/false Set to true to cast a Shadow Master on the boss (this will make it skip on precast)
// XP_CastCloak=true/false Set to true to cast Cloak of Shadows on target
// XP_ChargeSkill=xxx Charge-up skill id (it will be used 3 times to charge) for Martial Artist, set to false to disable
// XP_FinishSkill=xxx Finishing skill id (after charging, it is used to unleash the charges) for Martial Artist
// XP_TrapSkill=xxx Trap skill id for using a trap, for Trapassin
// XP_NumTraps=x Number of traps to cast, maximum of 5 traps, for Trapassin
// Set this to 0 if you dont want to lay any traps!
// XP_TrapsWaitTime=xxxx How much time to wait before recasting the traps, in milliseconds
// XP_MaxAttacks=xx This is the maximum number of attack sequences used to attack Pindle
// If he is still alive after this many attacks, the game will abort
// XP_MonsterSearch=x How many times it search for surround monster between 2 - 9. Increase if you miss monsters.
// XP_MonsterSearchRange=xx Radius of the search for monsters around you. Increase if you misses monsters.
// XP_OpenChests = true/false Set to true to open chests while clearing
// DCH_OpenEvilUrns=true/false Set to true to open evil urns as well
// XP_UseShrines = true/false Set to true to use any shrine you get thru while clearing
XP_AssassinBuild=1; // Trapsin
XP_FinishSkill=270; // Dragon Tail
XP_TrapSkill=271; // Lightning Sentry
XP_MonsterSearch = 3;
XP_MonsterSearchRange = 30;
XP_OpenChests = false;
DCH_OpenEvilUrns = false;
XP_UseShrines = true;
Also, I can't find a skill reference anywhere.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.. I feel like I'm > < this close to getting it to work.