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So i quited D2... Sold all my chars irl, k?

Tell me ppl, what makes you wanna play it more and more and more... I didn't see a point in it anymore. Maybe someone here is also quited and wants to say, what he thinks.

Share your ideas / reasons, without flame, fighting and blood involving it (beer is allowed)
first things first. its 'quit' not 'quitted'

second of all i know know what makes it so addicting
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
well i still play just 2 kill things. killing things is always fun
Cu@next season, Ratsu.

You'll understand it when you reinstall.
mathalamus federation Wrote:first things first. its 'quit' not 'quitted'

second of all i know know what makes it so addicting

Thats funny.. You correct him on saying quitted instead of quit, but then you say all I know know makes it so addicting

I know you meant to say don't know. I just thought it was funny <3

What makes d2 fun? I can play it for free whenever I want..
this is how d2 addiction works out
1. install the game, play it, learn some things, get to lvl 80 for the first time and be like OMFG!!!
2. ur so excited that u got to lvl 80 that u wanna make more and more chars that are high lvl cuz u think lvl matters
3. After u do that, u realise ur an idiot (some people never do) and destroy a whole bunch of ur characters, gather ur riches and make a good mfer (hammerdin usually)
4. Uve now mfed and made a bunch of chars. Ur sick of winning 1/100 duels u do, so u decide to build 1 super character
5. after 15 tries, u finally manage it
6. ur super character is ready. (if ur very very rich u can have many) You are now officially un-addicted to d2, believe it or not.
7. You join pvp games everyonce in a while when ur bored, have ur fun and leave, maybe u even baal sometimes
8. u now officially spend most of ur time on msn or with ur friends, and use d2 only as a passtime whenever no one is on msn or when ppl are too busy to go out. Since u have a gg duel character, its always fun, but not addicting anymore.

that's more or less how it went down for me.. well i actually dont play anymore, and havent played for over 6 months, but still got my accs..
i agree, now adays i find d2 not as fun as it used to be and id rather be on AIM or hangout with friends.
yeah i sorta grew outta d2. idk i just didn't find it as appealing as before. i actually don't play any video games(aside from with friends) at all anymore. idk i just have other things to do like school, workout, friends etc(especially girlfriend Wink)

if you quit you should do the right thing and give your accounts away. i did XD
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
D2 is somewhat addicting to me, cuz im poor. all i do is mf and key run. yet i am still poor. how do u guys obtain this "godliness" that i can't even have a whiff of
sounds just like me Tongue u just gotta trade sometimes. like trade ur key sets 4 hi's and trade ur gg items 4 hi's 2. in no time ull be rich if all of them r perm
aww first started on single player...

I made a barb cuz he was all big and buff got him to lvl 5 and quit ..

then i went on multi player..
I didnt have lod at the time so i made a barb again and wanted to get to ww...i played for months getting him to lvl 30 the legit way i didnt know shit about trist/cows then once i did i couldnt get ww!!! i was mad pissed as hell then i realised i didnt go down the skil tree so by the time i was like at lvl 35 i could ww.. i was happy but i wouldnt kill shit cuz my ww dmg was 90 ish..

yeah then i got lod.. i got one char to lvl 70 and i was like zomfg im so good
then i made another and another and another...
i made every char you can amazing i made a ice shield sorc w/e that **** that was...

and the rest the way l4e said it
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Cu@next season, Ratsu.

You'll understand it when you reinstall.

Haven't uninstalled it, Frater Smile

And L4e, that's exactly, what happened to me ^^
all i did was at first thought it was so fun to go around and actually beat the campaign or story line of d2, but once i entered my first pvp duel with my little ole lightning sorc, i understood that there was so much more to d2 then what i realized. So i made friends with some pretty rich/good people. they taught me some stuff about dueling and mf ing that i never had reliazed, so i went on till i finally made my good light sorc with an infinity merc and started pickin up good mf items. after that i headed my way to baal games to try and make a lvl 99 w/o botting. i got to 94 and realized i was so bored. Then i ventured into dueling where i made a great smiter and beat alot of people with it. I got beat as well, but everyday i would learn something new. so i took all my acquired knowledge and put it to work. after i made a near unstoppable smiter and kept winning, i just found d2 boring and havent played since.

Basically my story here is explaining how it was addicting because each little event lead to another
Ratsu Wrote:Haven't uninstalled it, Frater Smile

And L4e, that's exactly, what happened to me ^^

I don't remember you having a gg pvp char. ^^
lol id sell my stuff on ebay, prolly make 30$ off my 400/15 pheonix monarch ez l^^ but i dont have a ebay account and im too lazy to get paypal etcc.
Frenzyak Wrote:D2 is somewhat addicting to me, cuz im poor. all i do is mf and key run. yet i am still poor. how do u guys obtain this "godliness" that i can't even have a whiff of

smart trading. turning 1soj into 3 type of things. i got semi-godly and even tried botting but didn't get shit after a week and quit. i also never mfed because i always found shit, keying is the way to go to get rich imo. it's just very repetitive but with stings i can see it being easier(never used mh either). ussually to get rich you need one good char to do runs with(hdin/lite sorcy) and ussually an uber char for torches is nice(smiter) or be like me and leach of friend's smiters for uber runs.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
I still cant quit >.<.. I got 8 chars fully equipped some still need like 3 to 5 more gcs and anni (I got a Hdin, Fire Sorc, Trapper, FC Zon, BvB/BvC Barb, Wind Druid, Bowa Zon, Smiter) I have made most of the basic characters im still trying to get like 3 more annis and in total its like 12 more gcs for allt he ones that need them alltogether.. Now I also made a new account on which I have already thought of new chracters I haven't made like Foh/Smite, Fire Druid, WW Sin...etc.. I beat msotly alot of people in pk hence my advantage of all the characters and I dont know I just cant quit.. eek:
Loits Wrote:I don't remember you having a gg pvp char. ^^

Lol Smile

I wasn't PvP, but with my trapsin, I pretty much pwnt everyone on Est channel ^^ Except you, Milky and Hybrider...
Ratsu Wrote:Lol Smile

I wasn't PvP, but with my trapsin, I pretty much pwnt everyone on Est channel ^^ Except you, Milky and Hybrider...
And me ofc ^^
I've just stopped playing d2..
Its not fun anymore when u have reached the top if u can call it that..
Now it would only be fun if u could cheat in the game in somehow..
I dont think that the uber uber players is the one theres wrecking d2..
Last time i was in d2 my friend was looking for a Zaka..
Somebody came in with a zaka pdia 154 and said "n 5 ist"
I hate when people overprice there things so much..

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