12-10-2006, 03:47 PM
First off, the only purpuse of me making this thread is bc im Sick of comming to this forum ( when ever i do any more) to hear ppl Asking for programs / Asking if somthing is safe.
This is a Guide on HOW TO MAKE A DUPE im not going to tell you how to dupe. Just for the fact you need to know how to trick/exploit a Server. If you have no ideal how a server works then just Stop TRYING!!!! bc you got to fare ahead of your self to understand that you are really retarted.
You might think of this thread as OMG HE MADE ME CRY!
1. If you dont wanna Learn just stop trying, and go and find your self a good porn site and masterbate.
2.Learn Packets Stop trying to use program BC THERE IS NONE!!!!!!. Warden is a little dude that lives in your computer and looks to see if you pluged somthing into a Hole ( lol) thats not suppost to be there.
3. Smoke atless 3 blunts a Day
Ok Now that we got all the crap out of the way.
Ill First start off on what you need to know.
Basic N+ / A+ / TCP/IP = understanding packets
And yes there is a way to dupe by making the game Lag. Witch on 99.9% of the time is Client Side.( NO BNET FILES ARE ON YOUR SYSTEM!!!! IF YOU LAG U THINK BLIZZARDS SERVERS/ HOLDING 150K User Logins. Running a Good T1-3 Connection is going to Lag...... Ya if you think this your retarted.
Now we know that you are retared. And we know that blizzard runs Warden ( witch is part of the 1.11 - 1.11b Patch install. Btw blizzard updating isnot just a d2_patch.mpq)So its is impossable to Run a Program! to **** with blizzard servers/packet list.
If you wanna do it the GOOd and 1000% way Learn Networking and security
(Hint google.com neworder) has some good stuff
Now Lets just say you understand packets. THen why the hell are u even looking at this!
All im trying to say is all you have to do is look. Stop looking for Dupe methods, Dupe programs. you have to be willing to learn or u will fail!
"Btw Server Side = godly / newbs = Server Change"
Have a Good Day and I Hope
HINT HINT HINT just look !!!! DAMN IT!!!
This is a Guide on HOW TO MAKE A DUPE im not going to tell you how to dupe. Just for the fact you need to know how to trick/exploit a Server. If you have no ideal how a server works then just Stop TRYING!!!! bc you got to fare ahead of your self to understand that you are really retarted.
You might think of this thread as OMG HE MADE ME CRY!
1. If you dont wanna Learn just stop trying, and go and find your self a good porn site and masterbate.
2.Learn Packets Stop trying to use program BC THERE IS NONE!!!!!!. Warden is a little dude that lives in your computer and looks to see if you pluged somthing into a Hole ( lol) thats not suppost to be there.
3. Smoke atless 3 blunts a Day
Ok Now that we got all the crap out of the way.
Ill First start off on what you need to know.
Basic N+ / A+ / TCP/IP = understanding packets
And yes there is a way to dupe by making the game Lag. Witch on 99.9% of the time is Client Side.( NO BNET FILES ARE ON YOUR SYSTEM!!!! IF YOU LAG U THINK BLIZZARDS SERVERS/ HOLDING 150K User Logins. Running a Good T1-3 Connection is going to Lag...... Ya if you think this your retarted.
Now we know that you are retared. And we know that blizzard runs Warden ( witch is part of the 1.11 - 1.11b Patch install. Btw blizzard updating isnot just a d2_patch.mpq)So its is impossable to Run a Program! to **** with blizzard servers/packet list.
If you wanna do it the GOOd and 1000% way Learn Networking and security
(Hint google.com neworder) has some good stuff
Now Lets just say you understand packets. THen why the hell are u even looking at this!
All im trying to say is all you have to do is look. Stop looking for Dupe methods, Dupe programs. you have to be willing to learn or u will fail!
"Btw Server Side = godly / newbs = Server Change"
Have a Good Day and I Hope
HINT HINT HINT just look !!!! DAMN IT!!!