12-17-2006, 01:53 PM
The Only way a trapsin should be made. 2thumbsup
by RaunchyBugs
I am tired of reading all these assassin builds everywhere.... none work well. people hate assassins for these reasons. people end up giving up on assassins once in hell because for one reason or another a certain type of immune monster kills them everytime. well for all of you this is your best assassin build that i believe is possible.... I might be a little off on the gear... but just a tad.
note: screw starting out with lightning traps on your trapsin, once you get to hell you'll end up starting a new character because you'll get pwned by all the lightning immunes. fire trap is the only way to go, for trapsins if you truly go lightning you do not know what you're doing.
note: you are going to get about 10+ assassin skill points from your gear.
note: the asterisk(*) for all trapsins in (nm and/or) hell
*--all trapsins will need about a minimum of 10 non-trap clicks just for the simple fact that once in nm and hell you will have more and more immune monsters and enchanted monsters.
++here's a quick overview of your first 48 levels and a wrap-up for when you are lvl 99++
in the first 12 levels put 10 clicks on fire blast and 1 click on claw mastery, 1 click on burst of speed, and 1 on weapon block.(13 clicks because of den of evil).
in next 12 levels(lvl 24) put 11 clicks on wake of fire and 1 click on fade.
next 12 levels(lvl 36)(you should have an extra 2-3 clicks because of quests) put 10 on wake of inferno and 5 on death sentry.
next 12 levels(lvl 48)(you should have another 1-2 extra clicks from quests) put 4-6 on wake of inferno and and put 6-8 on death sentry(depending on how close to hell difficulty you are) the last 2 clicks put 1 on shadow warrior and 1 on shadow master(this is just for the fact of having another helper) and by now you should have + to assassin skill items....
... after this of course max out wake of inferno first and death sentry. then wake of fire. and finally fire blast. and those are your needed skills. that is of course 80 clicks and with the 5 clicks clicks on your shadow masteries that gives you 85. in the game there are about 112 clicks . so do you with what do you do with your extra almost 30 clicks? I suggest using about 6-10 clicks total onto fade unless you have gear with + to all resistances) just until you have max resist when fade is on. and for the rest I have 4 good questions. (check the end of this build for the answers. because I have more to tell you before i'd like you to make up your mind)
(Q1)do you want lighning damage added to your death sentry?
(Q2)do you want some extra melee damage?
(Q3)do you want some kind of magic shield while using 2 claws?
(Q4)do you want the ability of teleport(only teleports to visible monster) without sacrificing Natalya's set for enigma(no matter how good it can be)?
++here's the breakdown++
==martial arts==
-- not needed. you will be sticking back for the most part and letting your merc and shadow do all the tanking.
-- if you want put one click on tiger strike just for the fact that it will 2x/3x/4x your melee damage.
==shadow disciplines==
-- 1 click on claw mastery and 1 on weapon block. just for the fact you might need to use some melee work and on top of what your weapons will be.
-- 1 click on shadow warrior and 1 on shadow master. so that you have something to tank while you set up traps.
-- 1 click on burst of speed, because you never know when you will want more speed.
-- fade put 1 click for every 5 clicks you have on your 4 trap skills and after those are max put put fade up to about 8-10 clicks. as it will eventually around level 90 max out all of your resistances... remember this will bring you to 20+ on this skill because of your gear.
-- 20 clicks on fire blast. this is used early on only until you get wake of fire and used sparsely until about lvl 18-20 just for the lvl itll be at.
-- 20 clicks on wake of fire(required lvl 12). use this for big groups of monsters until you get both wake of fire and inferno nearly maxed after that this skill is useless... still fun and useful though for big groups in certain parts of certain acts (typically wide open areas)
-- 20 clicks on wake of inferno(required lvl 24. use this for unique monsters and bosses until you get all of your wake of fire trap close to max(because it gives you .5m per level) then itll be able to hit many monsters instead of 2-3
-- 20 clicks on death sentry(required lvl 30). (lighning and physical damage[physical coming from the corpse explosion]). remember those fire immunes? you will need this. and what about those unique monsters that are fire and lighning immune? a few dead bodies will help kill them with this skill's corpse explosion... and of course for them your melee damage will help.
==110+ str==
-- really only 79 is needed early on if you get bartucs claws(lvl:42) or 2 because that has 20 to both str and dex. and if you get a peasant crown(lvl:28) early that has 20 to str and dex. which will help for later until you get natalya's totem(helm lvl:59).
-- you WILL need to get to 100 just to be safe because of the fact that Natalya's shadow(lvl:73) requires 149 str... but by then i expect you should have items to take care of that extra 49... if not no harm in a few extra clicks...
*--i recommend by lvl 80 you have around 130+ clicks
==100 dex==
--same goes for dex as str... you want a lot of dex so that when you get to hell you have enough AR which if you get to 200 dex(your gear will get you here) it will on average for the gear ill tell you you'll have about 3.2k AR
*-- you won't need anymore clicks... but once you fill my requirements do as you wish of course.
==150+ vit==
-- once you get to hell you will understand this amount of vitality. because you might go up against a group of fire immunes, lightning immunes, and physical immunes let's say. and your shadow gets knocked off then your merc. now what? life and stamina! you might need fight or flight to beable to lay your traps and this WILL be needed but not til hell.
*-- I recommend by lvl 80 you should try to have 180+ clicks... once you have my
==120+ energy==
-- try to get 50 clicks on energy in your first 20 levels. as trap sins require a lot of mana and the mana recovery is very helpful. having a trapsin and merc you will not have to worry about hitting anyone or getting hit if you do this right so you will want to be able to not worry about using a mana pot after every other trap.
*-- i recommend by lvl 80 you have 140+ clicks just for the fact you will be able to lay down approx 25 traps(wake of inferno and death sentry cost a chunk of mana) for every super mana pot.
-=-after that do as you wish because the items ill tell you about will give you about 85+ on both dex and str so those arent very needed except to put the items on-=-
....your gear(using Natalya's Set)....
HELM: Natalya's Totem, required level 59. until lvl 59 i suggest peasent crown.
ARMOR: Natalya's Shadow, required level 73.
GLOVES: Frostburn(req lvl 29), Hellmouth(req lvl 47), or Lava Gout(req lvl 42)
BOOTS:Natalya's Soul, required level 25.
WEAPON 1: Natalya's Mark, required level 79. until lvl 79 i suggest Bartuc's Cut-Throat required level 42.
WEAPON 2: Bartuc's Cut-Throat, required level 42. if you only have one i suggest any +1-3 assassin skill claws.
BELT: Razortail(req lvl 32)
AMULET: Metalgrid(req lvl 81), -[sereph's hymn(req lvl 65), Mara's Kaleidoscope(req lvl 67)]-(these are my highest recommendations), or of course there's The (good ol') Mahim-Oak Curio(req lvl 25).
RING 1:SOJ(req lvl 29) or Raven Frost(req lvl 45)
RING 2:SOJ(req lvl 29) or Dwarf Star(req lvl 45)
CHARMS: Assassin HellFire Torch, Annihilus, + assassin skill(mainly trap) Grand Charms, try to have +resist charms... so that you have 20-30 to all resistances from your charms(less to put into fade)
....your gear changes with out using Natalya's(complete set)....
HELM: Peasant Crown (req lvl 28), RockStopper(req lvl 31)Herlequin Crest(req lvl 63),Andariel's Visage(req lvl 83).
ARMOR: of course there is Enigma. otherwise Skin of the ViperMagi(req lvl 29), or Que-Hegan's Wisdom(req lvl 51).
BOOTS: I suggest still using Natalya's soul(for the reason you want to be fast as an assassin in general)....otherwise, Gore Rider(req lvl 47) or War Traveler(req lvl 42)
WEAPON 1:... basically Bartuc's Cut-Throat.... or try to rune a Chaos claw(FAL+OHM+UM)
.......well that's is for your gear, i gave you plenty of choices. of course i didn't go into all the set items that could possibly equal some of these(being Natalya's Set the only one that i focused on)... so try for this and your assassin will take out anyone if used correctly.
(A1)1 click on shock web, 1 click on charged bolt sentry, 1-20 clicks on lightning sentry(don't do this until your fire traps and death sentry are maxed). although of course lightning Sentry will cause more Lightning damage, still use Death Sentry because the corpse explosion will always give you an advantage over lightning alone. there that is another 21 possible clicks so now you are at 106 clicks...112 total remember
(A2)either 20 clicks on Tiger Strike, theres 105 clicks. or 1 on tiger strike, 1 on phoenix strike, 20 on cobra strike, theres 107 clicks.
(A3)Blade Sentry 1 click, Blade Fury 1 click, Blade Shield 20 clicks, 107 clicks total
(A4)Dragon Talon 1 click, Dragon Claw 1 click, Dragon Tail 1 click, Dragon Flight 1 click. never a substitute for actual teleport REMEMBER THIS... but 89 clicks....go spend the rest on ... well my last 3 answers.
my trapsin is named dumbbox if you ever want to see what im working with right now. account name *RaunchyBugs.... trust me if you want any type of assassin this is the way to go.
by RaunchyBugs
I am tired of reading all these assassin builds everywhere.... none work well. people hate assassins for these reasons. people end up giving up on assassins once in hell because for one reason or another a certain type of immune monster kills them everytime. well for all of you this is your best assassin build that i believe is possible.... I might be a little off on the gear... but just a tad.
note: screw starting out with lightning traps on your trapsin, once you get to hell you'll end up starting a new character because you'll get pwned by all the lightning immunes. fire trap is the only way to go, for trapsins if you truly go lightning you do not know what you're doing.
note: you are going to get about 10+ assassin skill points from your gear.
note: the asterisk(*) for all trapsins in (nm and/or) hell
*--all trapsins will need about a minimum of 10 non-trap clicks just for the simple fact that once in nm and hell you will have more and more immune monsters and enchanted monsters.
++here's a quick overview of your first 48 levels and a wrap-up for when you are lvl 99++
in the first 12 levels put 10 clicks on fire blast and 1 click on claw mastery, 1 click on burst of speed, and 1 on weapon block.(13 clicks because of den of evil).
in next 12 levels(lvl 24) put 11 clicks on wake of fire and 1 click on fade.
next 12 levels(lvl 36)(you should have an extra 2-3 clicks because of quests) put 10 on wake of inferno and 5 on death sentry.
next 12 levels(lvl 48)(you should have another 1-2 extra clicks from quests) put 4-6 on wake of inferno and and put 6-8 on death sentry(depending on how close to hell difficulty you are) the last 2 clicks put 1 on shadow warrior and 1 on shadow master(this is just for the fact of having another helper) and by now you should have + to assassin skill items....
... after this of course max out wake of inferno first and death sentry. then wake of fire. and finally fire blast. and those are your needed skills. that is of course 80 clicks and with the 5 clicks clicks on your shadow masteries that gives you 85. in the game there are about 112 clicks . so do you with what do you do with your extra almost 30 clicks? I suggest using about 6-10 clicks total onto fade unless you have gear with + to all resistances) just until you have max resist when fade is on. and for the rest I have 4 good questions. (check the end of this build for the answers. because I have more to tell you before i'd like you to make up your mind)
(Q1)do you want lighning damage added to your death sentry?
(Q2)do you want some extra melee damage?
(Q3)do you want some kind of magic shield while using 2 claws?
(Q4)do you want the ability of teleport(only teleports to visible monster) without sacrificing Natalya's set for enigma(no matter how good it can be)?
++here's the breakdown++
==martial arts==
-- not needed. you will be sticking back for the most part and letting your merc and shadow do all the tanking.
-- if you want put one click on tiger strike just for the fact that it will 2x/3x/4x your melee damage.
==shadow disciplines==
-- 1 click on claw mastery and 1 on weapon block. just for the fact you might need to use some melee work and on top of what your weapons will be.
-- 1 click on shadow warrior and 1 on shadow master. so that you have something to tank while you set up traps.
-- 1 click on burst of speed, because you never know when you will want more speed.
-- fade put 1 click for every 5 clicks you have on your 4 trap skills and after those are max put put fade up to about 8-10 clicks. as it will eventually around level 90 max out all of your resistances... remember this will bring you to 20+ on this skill because of your gear.
-- 20 clicks on fire blast. this is used early on only until you get wake of fire and used sparsely until about lvl 18-20 just for the lvl itll be at.
-- 20 clicks on wake of fire(required lvl 12). use this for big groups of monsters until you get both wake of fire and inferno nearly maxed after that this skill is useless... still fun and useful though for big groups in certain parts of certain acts (typically wide open areas)
-- 20 clicks on wake of inferno(required lvl 24. use this for unique monsters and bosses until you get all of your wake of fire trap close to max(because it gives you .5m per level) then itll be able to hit many monsters instead of 2-3
-- 20 clicks on death sentry(required lvl 30). (lighning and physical damage[physical coming from the corpse explosion]). remember those fire immunes? you will need this. and what about those unique monsters that are fire and lighning immune? a few dead bodies will help kill them with this skill's corpse explosion... and of course for them your melee damage will help.
==110+ str==
-- really only 79 is needed early on if you get bartucs claws(lvl:42) or 2 because that has 20 to both str and dex. and if you get a peasant crown(lvl:28) early that has 20 to str and dex. which will help for later until you get natalya's totem(helm lvl:59).
-- you WILL need to get to 100 just to be safe because of the fact that Natalya's shadow(lvl:73) requires 149 str... but by then i expect you should have items to take care of that extra 49... if not no harm in a few extra clicks...
*--i recommend by lvl 80 you have around 130+ clicks
==100 dex==
--same goes for dex as str... you want a lot of dex so that when you get to hell you have enough AR which if you get to 200 dex(your gear will get you here) it will on average for the gear ill tell you you'll have about 3.2k AR
*-- you won't need anymore clicks... but once you fill my requirements do as you wish of course.
==150+ vit==
-- once you get to hell you will understand this amount of vitality. because you might go up against a group of fire immunes, lightning immunes, and physical immunes let's say. and your shadow gets knocked off then your merc. now what? life and stamina! you might need fight or flight to beable to lay your traps and this WILL be needed but not til hell.
*-- I recommend by lvl 80 you should try to have 180+ clicks... once you have my
==120+ energy==
-- try to get 50 clicks on energy in your first 20 levels. as trap sins require a lot of mana and the mana recovery is very helpful. having a trapsin and merc you will not have to worry about hitting anyone or getting hit if you do this right so you will want to be able to not worry about using a mana pot after every other trap.
*-- i recommend by lvl 80 you have 140+ clicks just for the fact you will be able to lay down approx 25 traps(wake of inferno and death sentry cost a chunk of mana) for every super mana pot.
-=-after that do as you wish because the items ill tell you about will give you about 85+ on both dex and str so those arent very needed except to put the items on-=-
....your gear(using Natalya's Set)....
HELM: Natalya's Totem, required level 59. until lvl 59 i suggest peasent crown.
ARMOR: Natalya's Shadow, required level 73.
GLOVES: Frostburn(req lvl 29), Hellmouth(req lvl 47), or Lava Gout(req lvl 42)
BOOTS:Natalya's Soul, required level 25.
WEAPON 1: Natalya's Mark, required level 79. until lvl 79 i suggest Bartuc's Cut-Throat required level 42.
WEAPON 2: Bartuc's Cut-Throat, required level 42. if you only have one i suggest any +1-3 assassin skill claws.
BELT: Razortail(req lvl 32)
AMULET: Metalgrid(req lvl 81), -[sereph's hymn(req lvl 65), Mara's Kaleidoscope(req lvl 67)]-(these are my highest recommendations), or of course there's The (good ol') Mahim-Oak Curio(req lvl 25).
RING 1:SOJ(req lvl 29) or Raven Frost(req lvl 45)
RING 2:SOJ(req lvl 29) or Dwarf Star(req lvl 45)
CHARMS: Assassin HellFire Torch, Annihilus, + assassin skill(mainly trap) Grand Charms, try to have +resist charms... so that you have 20-30 to all resistances from your charms(less to put into fade)
....your gear changes with out using Natalya's(complete set)....
HELM: Peasant Crown (req lvl 28), RockStopper(req lvl 31)Herlequin Crest(req lvl 63),Andariel's Visage(req lvl 83).
ARMOR: of course there is Enigma. otherwise Skin of the ViperMagi(req lvl 29), or Que-Hegan's Wisdom(req lvl 51).
BOOTS: I suggest still using Natalya's soul(for the reason you want to be fast as an assassin in general)....otherwise, Gore Rider(req lvl 47) or War Traveler(req lvl 42)
WEAPON 1:... basically Bartuc's Cut-Throat.... or try to rune a Chaos claw(FAL+OHM+UM)
.......well that's is for your gear, i gave you plenty of choices. of course i didn't go into all the set items that could possibly equal some of these(being Natalya's Set the only one that i focused on)... so try for this and your assassin will take out anyone if used correctly.
(A1)1 click on shock web, 1 click on charged bolt sentry, 1-20 clicks on lightning sentry(don't do this until your fire traps and death sentry are maxed). although of course lightning Sentry will cause more Lightning damage, still use Death Sentry because the corpse explosion will always give you an advantage over lightning alone. there that is another 21 possible clicks so now you are at 106 clicks...112 total remember
(A2)either 20 clicks on Tiger Strike, theres 105 clicks. or 1 on tiger strike, 1 on phoenix strike, 20 on cobra strike, theres 107 clicks.
(A3)Blade Sentry 1 click, Blade Fury 1 click, Blade Shield 20 clicks, 107 clicks total
(A4)Dragon Talon 1 click, Dragon Claw 1 click, Dragon Tail 1 click, Dragon Flight 1 click. never a substitute for actual teleport REMEMBER THIS... but 89 clicks....go spend the rest on ... well my last 3 answers.
my trapsin is named dumbbox if you ever want to see what im working with right now. account name *RaunchyBugs.... trust me if you want any type of assassin this is the way to go.