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Console Vs. PC
Go PC! PC is so much better in every way that counts!
the only prob is that with a PC u are more likely to have an error since PC's aren't just used for gaming, while consoles are pretty much exclusively gaming (except for the occassional music or DVD) so they don't get as many errors. also graphics seem to be a bit better on consoles than PC's (not 100% bout that one).third, if u have a gamecube, their so nifty (go gamecube) gotta love the nice cube shape (beat good & evil last nite, borrowing medal of honor next from my friend), but besides those points go PC lol:p
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
I'm kinda undecided on the issue.
1. Can connect to the net
2. Can download things (such as game data)
3. Is easily upgradable
4. Can be more powerful than a console if you've got the money.
5. Easier to hack games
6. Easier to get a virus Sad
7. Can play console game if you have an emulator

1. Can connect to the net (if it has an online adapter)
2. Can download things (game data, and other things if you have a hard drive for it)
3. Have to know a lot about how the console works to upgrade it and violate the TOS and Warrenty
4. Can't be more powerful than the PC the BIOS for it was made on
5. Hard to hack games (especially nowadays that Cheat devices don't come with code generators anymore, such as gameshark)
6. Very hard to get a virus
7. Nobody has broken the write protection on the CD/DVDs yet so you have to buy a modchip.
8. Because of #7 and the fact that there are hardly any emulators, it's hard to play other console games on them.

I'd have to say PC has a better chance so I'll go with PC.
pc all the way that is my anwser
The only emulators i use are the SNES ones, thats like the best system ever! Chrono Trigger Rocks!
lol PC is much better than console, there is alot more things u can do with a pc, the only downside is errors,viruses and ur comp just ***in up, and whoever said console graphics r better....what PC r u usin?????? ever played the new unreal tournament?
I'll put in my vote for PC, but you gotta admit, having 4 xboxes linked and a 16-way halp match goin is tough competition.....
lol ok and all u need is 1 pc and a modem to hav the same thing goin on a pc
Yeah if you like to play where you cant talk to anyone or see their reactions when you snipe em sixteen times straight....Smile
Its all about proximity....
Whats proximity???? I think its a kind of mine Rolleyes
Xbox is a close second to PC. I have had more fun playing Halo with a group of friends, whether we are drinking or not doesn't matter Wink, then playing any PC game solo or over the net. Well except Starcraft and Broodwars. I play with this one friend of mine, and nobody can beat us. Cool
I can't drink Sad only 13..... tho i can play halo and thats good enuff!!!
I wouldnt drink even if i was 21, but back to the subject....I like being in the same room with the ppl im playin with....far more interactive and fun and much less dont have to worry about taking the time to type insults when you can just say them Smile
im 15.. i drink all the time...


EDIT: o yea almost forgot--- PC PWNZORS
I really like pc...i think it's cause i live on a farm and we cant get cable and my mom is too lazy to get dsl.......only down side....slow connections...disconnects...and viruses/ console b/c play wit folks in the same room, no matter wut system u have u can play the games and not worry about the type of pc u have but consoles would be much better with easier acces to related activities.
the consoles have a couple of good games but PC is far better than any "next-gen" console.
the reason i say that is because the PC has had internet for longer and can be used for more than games if needed and u can play games from most consoles, including PSX (for MGS and the FF games)
XBOX has the potential to beat PC but microsoft are restricting themselves to no official upgradeability.
if microsoft allowed official upgradeability and games that supported that, XBOX could come close to pc
X-Box is pretty much a PC. The problem is, as you said is upgrading. They don't and won't yet do that. But I can see that feature coming in the near future.
its a pity that PC has to wait for conversions of the console games, but as vice city has proved, on PC the games are better (most of the time)
I liked GTA 3 more. Vice City was second best.
i got GTA 3 and Vice city on pc and i prefer vice.
but halo wasn't the best conversion though, was it?
is still better than the xbox version, but its too buggy.
i know as i got it on pc

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