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New to WoW...
Hey I'm not actually playing yet but I will be soon, like sometime this week and I wanted to know if there is any way I could find out what server someone is on. I want to be on the same server as someone but I won't be talking with them for a while so I can't find out. I heard I could switch servers later but it costs money. Any help on the subject would be kool thnx.:p
Well I play,Flea plays,Fuggy plays,Froggy plays,Panties plays,Blood plays.
I have charecters on 3 different servers,but have played the most on Uldaman with Flea. I am not all that great on WoW and to be honest do not know what level I am ,or where I parked myself....
I am much better at FFXI online.

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
All you need to know:
Jame's Alliance Leveling Guide | World of Warcraft Pro
I would go to a new server...Whatever one says new when you get to chose that way you know you will got people coming over and a lot of new people playing also on that server...I wouldn't go to an older server because you will have no one to quest with and it will be harder to do questing.
There have been loads of low levels to quest with since the burning crusade...
Pamela Wrote:Well I play,Flea plays,Fuggy plays,Froggy plays,Panties plays,Blood plays.
I have characters on 3 different servers,but have played the most on Uldaman with Flea. I am not all that great on WoW and to be honest do not know what level I am ,or where I parked myself....
I am much better at FFXI online.

Thats because she dosent understand the concept of WSAD to move.....
LMAO True that! I am like...FLEA what button do I hit now?

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
.... lol, flea u play alliance or horde, also is uldaman pvp pve or normal?
Ulda, is PvP and on ulda i have a lvl 10 NE warrior, which i would rather die than make an alliance character. Now i have a level 70 warrior and a level 43 priest and a 35BE mage who is my alt/twink
uldaman isnt pvp. its pve. I have been playin for a month and a half and my guy is like only level 21 =(. also have a 12 gnome warlock and a level 8 human rogue on uldaman
EU and US, both Uldaman's are PvE.

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