02-09-2007, 03:41 AM
I know nothing about tracking software functions and believe these questions might only be answerable by
such a procedure.
If deadly strike is the percentage probabilty of doing double damage, then what does the 'critical strike' attribute of a barabarian's weapons masteries do?
Is deadly strike overidden by, and cancelled out by, the simultaneous use of critical strike?
Which amulet is more valuable with regard to increased damage when used on a frenzy barabarian?
Highlords wrath with a 32% chance of deadly strike?
Atmas Scarab with a 5 % chance to cast a level 2 amplify damage upon striking?
If damage reduction (whether integer or percentage) is the same thing as physical resistance, does DR not provide protection against elemental damage?
If magic (whether resistance or damage) is the same thing as the three elements, comprised in equal parts of lightening, fire and cold, ... does 'magic damage reduction' apply only to the three elements when they are together as magic,..or...can it reduce any one of the three elemental damages when found alone without the other two?
If a weapon's attack speed cannot exceed 'very fast' and yet, IAS can stack on a character, then there must be a difference between weapon speed and a characters' attack speed. If this is a safe assumption, then what is that difference?
Can a merc use IAS on a helm if he already has a very fast attack speed weapon?
What necro skills (such as amplify damage, lower resist, and life tap) stack with a barbarian's battlecry,.....and,... would alternating multiple auras have to be present to indicate and verify the successful simultaneous use of 2 or more skills.
such a procedure.
If deadly strike is the percentage probabilty of doing double damage, then what does the 'critical strike' attribute of a barabarian's weapons masteries do?
Is deadly strike overidden by, and cancelled out by, the simultaneous use of critical strike?
Which amulet is more valuable with regard to increased damage when used on a frenzy barabarian?
Highlords wrath with a 32% chance of deadly strike?
Atmas Scarab with a 5 % chance to cast a level 2 amplify damage upon striking?
If damage reduction (whether integer or percentage) is the same thing as physical resistance, does DR not provide protection against elemental damage?
If magic (whether resistance or damage) is the same thing as the three elements, comprised in equal parts of lightening, fire and cold, ... does 'magic damage reduction' apply only to the three elements when they are together as magic,..or...can it reduce any one of the three elemental damages when found alone without the other two?
If a weapon's attack speed cannot exceed 'very fast' and yet, IAS can stack on a character, then there must be a difference between weapon speed and a characters' attack speed. If this is a safe assumption, then what is that difference?
Can a merc use IAS on a helm if he already has a very fast attack speed weapon?
What necro skills (such as amplify damage, lower resist, and life tap) stack with a barbarian's battlecry,.....and,... would alternating multiple auras have to be present to indicate and verify the successful simultaneous use of 2 or more skills.