03-18-2007, 06:52 PM
Joshy Wrote:I'm talking about a smiter that DOESN'T HAVE MAX BLOCK I'm not talking about anything else ( Read my posts above ) I really hate it when people don't read my post or when they do they talk about other random shit that doesn't even relate to my post I said dueling a smiter that doesn't have max block I could probably kill just by using charge do you understand now? I know that just having 0 points in dex doesn't give zero block % I know that. All my point was is that dueling a low block smiter with just charge can be done if you know how to do it. I'm not trying to start an argument with anyone here thats just all I was just trying to prove, and if you disagree otherwise then we can go on open and you can prove me wrong.
What did i say? I believe that it was something along the lines "don't post in char development", now hold that thought and think about facing a smiter with 69% block (enough dex for pb grief) and extra 400% ed from phoenix... hmm now thing to can i really totally dominate someone without max block?
You are indeed a fool, just don't post any more to avoid further humiliation.