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would 95 fcr be all right for a Frozen orb sorc since frozen orb has a casting delay of 1 sec????this is for pvp by the way..also do u think a frozen orb sorc will do ok in pvp???
::::my gear would be as following::::
death fathom 30% 5/5 die in it
Perf dusk nig
perf nightwing
maras ammy { for the nice res } :::: also im workin on getting a ammy with 10 fcr so ill hit the 105 fcr breakpoint
2 SOJ's
ETH treaks { for the srt and via and FHR }
spidy belt
perf sprit mon
20 stat/17 torch
17/19/7 anni
7x cold GC's with 40-43 life
2x cold GC's with 12 FHR
8x17life/5 all res SC's
:::: My skills would be as following ::::
max ice blot
max frozen orb
max cold mast
max telekinesis
rest in engery shield
1 into warmth
and of corse 1 in every thign to get all of the above skills
:::: ALSO ::::
how much should i put in to engery since iam going ES? shoild i still leave it at base and jsut go all via or what is the best way to do this???
once again please tell me if u think she will do good in PVP
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I dont think so
a Druid will slice you pretty bad...
someone with sorb can take ya out...
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Since you already have 95 FCR, you should try and aim for the next FCR breakpoint 105. Most orbers don't base their FCR on frozen orb, but on teleport. Teleport plays a major role in a orber, just like any other sorceress, if you can't orb and teleport away immediately you are pretty much dead. A decent orber can annihilate a game even if your opponents have absorb gears on, you just got to play quick against them. Making sure they can't namelock you. I would switch your enigma dusk shroud to a vipermagi, and magefist for a frostburn. In my opinion, I would put about 100-150 points of vitality and rest in energy. I could be wrong since I am not familiar with orbers. Most of the orbers I come across with have energy shield with a huge amount of mana so they does not die easily, and like I have mentioned, they orb and teleport away before you could namelock them, making it a quite diffcult battle if you are not careful. Oh also, I would switch out your small charms for 20 life/17 mana ones, if you can afford them.
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all right thanks for the help
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Well, 105%FCR is a must have for PvP.
Enigma isn't all that needed, all you need is:
So there you have 20% from Mages, 20% from DF, 35% from Spirit and 20% from Arach => 105%
Bump this thread, I'll try to write the rest of it tomorrow.
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03-21-2007, 03:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2007, 03:19 PM by nlm908.)
ok thanks man, for more info. by the way when u say viper u mean the vipermagi right?
ahhhh i was looking in some threads and a light sorc seemed goos also...what one is better at PVP in yalls thoughts a pvp orb OR a pvp light sorc BOTH WITH ES......what ever one yall think is best tell me a little bit a bout the gear i would need to get please.....and also the via and engery ratio i would need to think about with my es
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thanks im going to go with a light sorc. the only thing is i dont knwo so mcuh a bout them.i know i want to use ES, and 117 FCR will not be a prop for me to hit,neither will the 86 FHR.the main thing i done understand is the whole ES and via ratio,but i saw that u said over 2k life is an over kill so jsut aim for that..?and then have around 5K mana? one mroe question then i think ill be good mags or frostburns? and coh or nig { i can get max res with out the 65 form coh } but is coh still best?
thanks for all the help man
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ALL ES sorcs use Frostburns. 40% extra mana is awesome. Also, that's why you use 2 SoJs, 50% extra mana.
CoH or Enigma, up to you. I'd go for CoH, I think.