Poll: Which is better for orb sorc?
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which is better?
Give a Reason as to why X is better
I go CoH for res.
No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.
i thaught coh but is only really res nigma gives 2 skill's str and mf.... well ill see if i can find an orb sorc guide but know one has one for pvm...
I used a Enigma on a sorc.
It has nice Mf, Strenth
You can call me crazy like everyone else saying enigma on a sorc is "nub"
I dont care what everyone else thinks I had an awesome Orb sorc with a enigma
I had good resists in Hell.
Depends on alot of things like what character your using, most smiters use enigma just for the str boost to wear there shit and tele. Barbs were enigma for obvious reasons unless your bvb. Cohs usually go on sorcs but.. theres other choices of armor besides coh, depeneds on what build your going for coh isn't always the best choice imo up'd um'd vipermagi is better than coh, Come to think of it coh isn't usually used on that many duelers now that I think about it. I'd take enigma for a mf sorc but.. pvp sorcs don't use enigma, most don't even use coh.
Invisible Wrote:I used a Enigma on a sorc.
It has nice Mf, Strenth
You can call me crazy like everyone else saying enigma on a sorc is "nub"
I dont care what everyone else thinks I had an awesome Orb sorc with a enigma
I had good resists in Hell.
so what gear do you use as far as wep and armor?
I used a Hoto and spirit.
I hated occy it was such a crappy wep.
yeah im going to use nightwing, hoto,spirit,cta,treks,chancies,torch, and soo on...
replace the hoto with a death's fathom
[Image: fireag2.gif]
i just make this sig recently to teach people not to play with fire.
If your using a fathom on a mf sorc there is no need to mf.
Your super smart.

if your mfing seriously, use an ali baba with 2 ist runes, or even 0 ists, its still more mf than hoto's 0% , hoto does not help that much.
[Image: fireag2.gif]
i just make this sig recently to teach people not to play with fire.
Alibaba is NO match for a hoto.
Were is the cast?
Frozen Orb trust me, go with HOTO
Or go occy. It has skills, fcr, resist and Mf.
No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.
yeah but I dont like it for that 25% to tele on hit Sad
Still HOTO has superior stats to occy Smile
enigma of course +skill life mf str what more could you want resist can be made up through charms and other gear and hoto is a good choice but i'd keep a fathom just in case
i agree with the fsecond guy....Enigma for +2 to all skills, mf, str. But, it all depends on what else you are wearing and what you are doing.
Personally I prefer CoH, the boosts to skills, Resists, small amount of damage reduction (Although Nigma gets the same amount of dr). But for some reason I just prefer Coh
Quote:depeneds on what build your going for coh isn't always the best choice imo up'd um'd vipermagi is better than coh, Come to think of it coh isn't usually used on that many duelers now that I think about it. I'd take enigma for a mf sorc but.. pvp sorcs don't use enigma, most don't even use coh.
its completly dependent on ur build.... es orber should go coh for pvp but mf shoud use nigma for mf although i highly recomend going with a light sorc for mf as there seem to be les immunes... also go with a up'd eth skulders for the extra mf plus the skill plus eth has durability mod so it cant break... but for ur orber coh 4 duel nigma for mf
Depends. If you are a sorc, you should go for CoH because of res and you don't need tele from the nigma. If you are anything else, you should get Nigma because it has tele and have good att bonuses
what char r u makeing?

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