John. Wrote:this shooting was like a record, the second highest was 22 killed, i couldn't see ever calling this insignificant.
I hate to say it, but this sort of thing happens every day in other countries and the U.S. just ignores them.
Ex: Darfur, Rwandan, Former Yugoslavia, etc.
It's a big list, and until most people wake up and take a look at the rest of the world, these petty little incidents that happen in the U.S., will always seem huge.
Imagine having to live every day with the fear that you might be killed. It makes me mad to think that people IGNORE these genocides, yet concentrate so much on these shooting.
Don't get me wrong, the shooting was a sad thing, however I would like everyone to take a look around, before this shooting with only the deaths of a couple dozen, becomes more important then the deaths of hundreds or even thousands of people around the world.
Mathalamus Wrote:when was this?
This is exactly my point, most American's (and yes I am AMerican) don't bother to even look at what happens outside of the U.S.)
I apologize for being so blunt but I am just stating facts.
DeStRuCtIoN Wrote:o really. well the news that my radio station is giving me is utter bullshit.
Still i think that the best way to combat is problem is education. Not about guns as that would only draw attention that they exist and can be used to harm others. But about what to do when threatened by a gun. This not only means that people know what to do, they are taught the evils that a gun can do and are discouraged about using it instead of being taught about just what a gun does.
I hate to say it, but this won't solve it. Just because you learn about drugs in school doesn't mean that people stop suing them. (I know many classmates that have. And I agree they are idiots for doing so)
Also, we have a huge problem! We have an amendment that gives people the "right to bear arms". I don't see other countries with this sort of thing. Additionally, its way too easy to get a gun.
Also, America is "suppose to be an example for the rest of the world", then why don't we see these things happening in Europe. What so different in Europe then in the U.S.? (I believe it might have to do with the fact that guns are much harder to get,and you can not just walk around carrying a gun.