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Secret Sets in v1.10?
Quote:<b>There's actually an "unnamed set" in the game. &nbsp;Where you don't see that it's a set. &nbsp;And you don't get the bonuses as though it's a Set until you complete the entire thing. Flip through some of the new items that leaked and looking for what would go together. &nbsp;Completing the set is damn near impossible. &nbsp;No one has ever legitly done it, even in the test realm. &nbsp;It's coming in v1.10.</b>

Got any ideas on this one? Big Grin
They'll probably disguise them as unique items.
I was thinking maybe a set of items named after bosses, like:

Andariel's Visage
Duriel's Shell
Blood Raven's Charge

Oh, and if you're looking for the leaked items, get some info here .
lol why u think tht is coming
check out my set tht i want to be released in 1.10

set name: dracula's jades

armor: vlad tepes gurad
def 1200 to 1600
all resistance 50%
150 to vaitality
150 to mana
50 to STR
missile def 260
melle def 260
95% better chance of finding magic find
95% of striking nova when struck

helm: vlad tepes mind
def 350 to 370
all resistance 50%
600 to def
70% better chance of finding magic find
40 to vailtality
40% better chance of crushing blow

boots: vlad tepes walk
def 210
80% faster run/walk
50% faster hit recovery
30% chance of finding magic find
6 to rasie skeleton (necro only)
100 to def
20 to vailtality

weaopn: vlad tepes legendary sword
1 hand damage (300 to 799)
3 to all skill level
50% of crushing blow
100% of deadly strike
30% chance of finding magic find
10% life stolen per hit
10% mana stolen per hit
100 to STR
attacker takes damage of 45%
400% to ED
(3 sockted)

gloves : vlad tepes hands
def 200
50% better chance of finding magic find
10 life stolen per hit
posion reistance 50%

shield: vlad tepes immortality symoble
def 470
79% chace of blocking
40% to block
50% faster chance block
50% better chance of finding magic find
3 to all skill level

belt: vlad tepes vampiric symbole
def 150
20% faster run/walk
100 to E-Def
30 better chance of finding magic find
hey thanks kain yea iam not sure about the sets and all iam just looking info up and u helped me out so thx!
so wht u guys think about my set heheheSmile
lol not bad not bad. There is a leeked rare set too. I've been talking with lordearons again.....its amazing what they will say cause no one talks to them lol. the "hacked" ring on no expansion. i think its raven loop. not exactly sure...but its on expansion too. blood horn and blood shank will act as a set if found. but they have to be together.
Quote:[b]Originally posted by moe61
[b]so wht u guys think about my set heheheSmile

ok.....pokemon are scarry. reminds me of the teletubies
OMG i just saw an episode of pokemon. when pikachu jumps up for his lightning attack i think it comes out his ass...
lolz come out of its ass i dont think so..anyway pokemon is out i dont like any of thos anime any1 know where to download anime music video?
what anime video you want? ones i cant find for ppl i make with clippings and video clips i record.
lol u guys like 20 and u watch pokemon i should get my little brother to watch pokemon with u guys lol :lol:
wht is a teletubbie with a ak-47?????????

a teleban lol
ok.. Huh you've been watching the shows too long.

note to self: watching teletubies results in low reaction
Yesterday on 6:03 P.M,Teletubies were sighted in a floored building holding illegal military weapons,naturly,Teens and adults alike came screaming out of the door,children were crying and a few corpses were on the floor,police suspect that teletubies has gone mad becasue of their low show ratings,police chief says"Lock all doors and windows,the swat team and military are now guarding the floored building,we believe Teletubies have hostages and are demanding 50 Billion $$$$,All of Diablo II LOD's unique and set items and a schedule that will include,praying to teletubies like god and watching the show 12 times a day"Further news wil be reported at ten
o clock. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I made that up :lol:
lmao. I forgot to mention another set thats made with the horadric cube but it doesnt have bonuses like normal sets. Its sort of a set challange for people. most ppl know about them but didnt know they're sets.

blood items

caster items

safety items

hitpower items.

i'll put up a pdf of horadric cube recipies that include the set later on.
Well... Its dumb, but the funny kind of dumb. Tongue I think i had a dream like that cpet with cows. Cows with big machine guns, Imagine that.. That would make my fear for cows higher. Big Grin If I wasnt tired I would make up a set just like that other dude.
blood items are good for ppl that have low life and want leech and parts of the blood items are good for duelers if they want more leech.
how can your be so sure bout things??
u got the patch ready??

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