05-18-2004, 01:37 AM
Before I took over my job as moderator, this site was a mess. You all know it, and it went unchecked for a long time. Most of the problems have been fixed, not by the Moderators, because we can only punish, but because the members of the forum have taken it on themselves to make the site a better, more productive place.
Much love,
Skye xXx
- Threads posted in the wrong forum, have now been moved and people have a broader understanding of where threads are to be placed. This makes it easier to help people. New people will always post in the wrong forum, it is acceptable for them, but for the more experienced members to mis-post just out of laziness is not acceptable and will always be picked up.
- Adult content in posts, including topics revolving around drugs, sex and other sensitive material has been all but stopped completely. You guys know what not to post, and on the whole you know where to draw the line.
- Abusive comments towards other members still occur, but are mostly limited to the Flame Wars, and so as far as I'm concerned are acceptable to a degree. You guys have to cut down on the abusive comments in non Flame Wars forums.
- Advertising. Absolutely none recently, this is something the Moderators have been jumping on. It will always happen, and people will always use the site to advertise their own websites. What has stopped however are the frequent members promoting their sites.
- People stretching the forums, with large images or oversized signatures still occurs. Please enture your post does not interfere with the website design, and if it does, go back and amend it. Accidents happen, but it's when you don't put it right thats the problem.
- Thread spamming. It only takes one person to change the topic of a thread drastically. I was going to paste a list of people who are the worst at this, but I thought that you basically know who you are. If you've ever had a 'conversation' with two or three people in a thread, completely off topic, you are one of the many culprits. I have noticed people will trawl through threads, replying to absolutely every comment made, just for the sake of seeing your name on the forum. This will stop. If you have nothing of worth to say, do not say anything. If I see off topic comments, I will delete them. If I see an off topic 'conversation' I will delete them. I will warn everyone involved, and if needed I will temp ban repeat offenders. I will temp ban ten people, if they are all involved. If you see a thread off topic, get it back on topic.
Much love,
Skye xXx