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Here i got many character builds for every char
Diablo 2 Game Guide, Strategies, Builds

The D2 guides provided are a free service. We hope these builds will enhance your characters and build a great strategy for game play.. A list of stat points, skill tree, and alot of information is provided, even a list of great diablo 2 gears are listed for your convenience and knowledge of you need to buy. If you have any suggestions/comments or would like to make a donation to our current diablo ii guides please feel free to contact us.


PvM Hammeridian


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - 50 Strength. Without gear you should have 75 Strength total.

· Dexterity - Enough dexterity to have max block (with holy shield).

· Energy - None

· Vitality - The rest goes here


20 - Blessed Hammer (attacking skills)

20 - Concentration (only aura that effects hammer)

20 - Vigor (hammer synergy)

20 - Blessed aim (hammer synergy)

1 - point in every defensive skill except the individual resistance ones (for use if another Hammeridian is in the game with a better Concentration than you, with this build this is unlikely)

The rest into holy shield.


This is all the top end gear hard to find but the best.


Magic scepter with the following stats: +2 Pally skills, +3 Concentration, +3 Blessed Hammer, Faster Cast Rate

The above magic weapon is extremely hard to come by, if you cannot obtain one of these the only other option for a godly hammeridian is a Heart of the Oak.

Gloves: Frostburns or Magefist. Use Magefist if you prefer to have faster cast rate over more many.

Rings: 2 x Soj’s. For the godliest hammeridian, use 2 x Soj’s for the +2 skills and the huge mana bonus. Keep in mind that you are not putting anything into energy, so you need mana from items.

Amulet: perfect Maras. The +2 skills and the high resistances, this is a no brainer.

Belt: Arachnids Mesh. Best for this build because you are going to need fcr. The + skills is also a huge bonus.

Armor: Enigma Archon. This is extremely important for this paladin. With this you will be moving as fast as a sorc, killing faster, and also living longer.

Helm: Shako. Shako gives +2 skills, huge life and mana bonuses, and damage reduces, this helm is essential for a godly hammeridian.

Shield: Herald Of Zakarum (um’ed). The +4 combat skills and excellent block rate makes this best shield for this build.

Boots: Either Marrowwalk or Sandstorm Trek. Both of these boots are good for a Hammeridian, so which ever you prefer.

Charms: 8 x Combat Skills +38-40 life Grand Charms, 1 Annihilus, 7 x 5 all res 20 life or 5 all res 5% fhr small charms.

On switch have HoZ and Call to Arms. For Battle Command and Battle Orders.

PvP Hammeridian (uses 97 skills of the total 110)


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - 20 Strength. Without items you should have 45 Strength total.

· Dexterity - Enough dexterity to have max block (with holy shield).

· Energy - None

· Rest into vitality (with hardly and points into Strength, your Vitality will be above 400 at high levels)


20 - Blessed Hammer (main attack)

20 - Concentration (only aura that effects hammer)

20 - Blessed Aim (hammer synergy)

20 - Vigor (hammer synergy)

10 - Charge (Gets to target extremely fast)

1 - Holy shield (For block and defense)

1 - Prerequisites (The rest of your points will be here)

At level 86 you should have those skills, and after that just pump into either charge or holy shield, it’s up to you.


This is all the top end gear hard to find but the best.

Weapon: Heart of the Oak flail is the best way to go on a PvP Hammeridian character. +3 skills, faster cast rate and high res make it a great dueling caster weapon.

Gloves: Upgraded bloodfists. These nice little gloves provide life and faster hit recovery.

Ring 1: Soj. For this build use Soj for the +1 skills and the huge mana bonus. Keep in mind that you are not putting anything into energy, so you need mana from items.

Ring 2: Perfect Raven Frost. Use a raven for its Cant be Frozen mod, its Attack rating and its +Dexterity.

Amulet: perfect Maras. The +2 skills and the high resistances, this is a no brainer.

Belt: Arachnids Mesh. Best for this build because you are going to need fcr. The + skills is also a huge bonus.

Armor: Enigma Dusk Shroud. This is extremely important for this paladin. With this you will be moving as fast as a sorc, killing faster, and also living longer.

Helm: Shako socketed with Ber. Shako gives +2 skills, huge life and mana bonuses, and damage reduces, this helm is essential for a godly hammeridian.

Shield: Herald Of Zakarum (um’ed). The +4 combat skills and excellent block rate makes this best shield for this build.

Boots: Either Marrowwalk or Sandstorm Trek. Both of these boots are good for a Hammeridian, so which ever you prefer.

Charms: With a PvP hammeridian I find that Combat skill charms are not needed, as 7K-hammer damage is enough to kill almost anyone, so instead of 8 x combat charms, fill your entire inventory with 3/20/20’s. This will make up for the lack of Attack ratting for your charge skill. A total of 32 x 3/20/20’s should be used. If you cannot come across this many 3/20/20’s make half 3/20/20 and half 290 small poison charms.

Weapon switch Shield: Storm Shield, because you will be getting up close and personal with your enemy.

Weapon switch weapon: Botd Eth Zerker axe with 380+ ed.

PvM Zealot


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - 1 point in Strength for every point in Vitality.

· Dexterity - Enough dexterity to have max block (with holy shield).

· Energy - None

· Vitality - 1 point in Vitality for every point in Strength.



20 - Zeal

20 - Fanaticism

20 - Sacrifice

20 - Holy Shield

20 - Defiance

These are the skills you will have when you character is level 95+. I listed the skills in order that you should max them as you level your character.


Weapon - Botd Eth Zerker axe with 380+ ed,

Shield - Eth Exile with High Ed as its auto mod and also high defense.

Helm - Crown of Ages with 2 sockets and 15dr

Amulet - Highlords Wrath

Body Armor - Ethereal +2 pally valor socketed with zod, Enigma, Coh, Ethereal Steel Carapace. These are 4 possible amours, I listed them in order that I would use.

Belt - Verdungos with 15 dr and 40 Vitality.

Gloves - Either Steelrends or Draculs. I personally would use Steelrends for its ed and Strength, But if you want open wounds go Draculs.

Ring 1- Duel Leech ring with high Strength/Resists, or Bk Ring

Ring 2 - Raven Frost with perfect Dexterity and attack rating.

Boots - War Travs. These boots give Vitality, Strength and damage.

Charms - 1x Annihilus (stats are more important then other mods)

7 x 5% fhr sc's until you reach 5 frames.

8 x 5 res all sc's or as many as you need to reach max resists in hell.

8 x 3/20/20’s.

8 x 290’s

There should be a total of 32 small charms in your inventory

PvP Zealot


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - 40 Strength. Without items you should have 65 Strength total.

· Dexterity - Enough dexterity to have max block (with holy shield).

· Energy - None

· Rest into vitality (with hardly and points into Strength, your Vitality will be above 400 at high levels)



20 - Zeal

20 - Fanaticism

20 - Sacrifice

20 - Charge

20 - Holy Shield

These are the skills you will have when you character is level 95+. I listed the skills in order that you should max them as you level your character.


This is all the top end gear hard to find but the best.

Weapon: Botd Eth Zerker axe with 380+ ed.

Gloves: Either Steelrends or Draculs, both are good for PvP but I suggest Steelrends.

Rings: 2 x Crafter ring with dual leach, high Strength (10+), high Dexterity (10+) and res.

Amulet: Highlords Wrath. Use this for the +1 skills, ias, deadly strike, and lightning dmg.

Belt: Verdungos with 15 dr and 40 Vitality. 40 Vitality is a huge bonus, remember the more life you have the longer you live!

Armor: Enigma Dusk Shroud. This is extremely important for this paladin. With this you will be moving as fast as a sorc, killing faster, and also living longer.

Helm: Crown of Ages with 2 sockets and 15dr. The +1 skills, damage reduce, and 2 sockets makes this helm godly for duels.

Shield: Either Herald Of Zakarum (um’ed) with +4 combat skills and excellent block rate makes this a great shield for this build, or a Eth Exile with High Ed/Def, this gives the Defiance aura which makes it harder for them to hit you, it also has other great mods.

Boots: Either Marrowwalk or Sandstorm Trek. Both of these boots are good for a Hammeridian, so which ever you prefer.

Charms: 1x Annihilus (stats are more important then other mods)

7 x 5% fhr sc's until you reach 5 frames.

as many 5 res all sc's as you need to reach max resists in hell.

Then fill your inventory with 3/20/20’s or 290’s until you have 32 small charms.

On switch have HoZ and Call to Arms. For Battle Command and Battle Orders.


PvP and PvM Bone necro

This build is great for both PvP and PvM since a necromancer can do great damage to groups of monsters with Bone spear, and still do Huge damage to Persons with Bone Spirit.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - 50 Strength. Without items you should have 65 Strength total.

· Dexterity - Either enough to max block, or none, whatever your preference is

· Energy - None

· Vitality - All the res goes here


20 - Bone Spirit (Your main attack)

20 - Bone Prison (Bone Spirit synergy)

20 - Bone Wall (Bone Spirit synergy)

20 - Teeth (Bone Spirit synergy)

20 - Bone Spear (Bone Spirit synergy and a good Group killer).

1 - Decrepify (Slows down your opponents)

0 - Bone Prison (don’t touch this, with Marrowwalk’s on it gives +33 to bone prison if no points where put there to begin with. It is called the Marrowwalk bug)


Helmet: Harlequin Crest, socketed with a Jah Rune. This gives +2 skills, life and mana, and damage reduction.

Amulet: Maras with high res, or +2necro/cast/stat/res amulet. Either wait, +2 skills is essential for that high damage.

Armor: Dusk Shroud Enigma. Since necro’s don’t need much strength for other items, keep the Enigma in a Dusk Shroud. Enigma allows you to teleport and also gives the strength needed for the other items.

Shield: Homunculus, with Jah, Sur, or Um! Homunculus is a very nice and affordable shield for Necromancers.

Rings: 2 x Soj's. +2 skills and huge mana boosts make these rings the best combination for a PvP necromancer.

Boots: Marrowwalk. Marrowwalk are the best boots for a necromancer because of the Marrowwalk bug, if a necro does not place any points in Bone Prison at all, and uses these boots, the Bone Prison charges get converted into +33 to Bone Prison.

Gloves: Frostburns. Since we are not putting any points into Energy, Frostburns add to mana, along with the 2 x Soj’s.

Belt: Arachnid's Mesh. +1 skills and faster cast rate makes this the absolute best Caster belt in the game.

Weapon: Heart of the Oak flail. +3 skills, 30-40 resist all, and cast rate push the Heart of the Oak above all other PvP necromancers weapons.

Shield on Switch: Lidless. This shield is a good second slot shield when used with Call to Arms. It gives +1 to the 2 essential war cries.

Weapon on Switch: Call to Arms Runeword, +battle orders and command is very good to have.

Charms: 8 x Poison/Bone Charms with 35+ Life, 1 Annihilus Charm, 7 x life/mana sc's.

PvP and PvM Novamancer

This build is great for both PvP and PvM since a Novamancer does huge damage to anyone who comes in range.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - Without Enigma, you loose that huge Strength bonus, so I suggest having 100 Strength without items on.

· Dexterity - None

· Vitality - This is where the rest of your stat points go.

Energy – None


20 - Poison Nova (Main Attack)

20 - Poison Explosion (Once Monsters are dead use this, At high level it does 100K dmg)

20 - Poison Dagger (Only works on daggers, but is a synergy)

1 - Lower Resist (Lowers Monsters Poison res)

1 - Fire Golem (Takes hits and is good against poison immune)

1 - Golem Mastery (Feeds into fire golem)

1 - Summon Resist (Feeds into fire golem)

1 - Bone Armor (Absorbs Damage)

10 - Bone Wall (Feeds into Bone Armour, and gets in the way of charge pallys)

0 - Bone Prison (Explained in Bone Necro Guide)

1 - In all pre reqs. (With all above skills and pre-reqs you will have used 86 skills)


Helmet: Harlequin Crest, socketed with a Jah Rune. This gives +2 skills, life and mana, and damage reduction.

Amulet: Maras with high res, or +2necro/cast/stat/res amulet. Either way, +2 skills is essential for that high damage.

Armor: Bramble Wyrmhide. This Armour is the best for PvP and PvM poison necromancers because of two main reasons, Thorns Aura when equipped for those melee characters that luckily made it close to you. And the +25-50% To Poison Skill Damage

Shield: Homunculus, with Jah, Sur, or Um! Homunculus is a very nice and affordable shield for Necromancers.

Rings: 2 x Soj's. +2 skills and huge mana boosts make these rings the best combination for a PvP necromancer.

Boots: Marrowwalk. Marrowwalk are the best boots for a necromancer because of the Marrowwalk bug, if a necro does not place any points in Bone Prison at all, and uses these boots, the Bone Prison charges get converted into +33 to Bone Prison.

Gloves: Trang Oul's Claws. These nice Necro gloves give faster cast rate and +25% poison skill damage.

Belt: Arachnid's Mesh. +1 skills and faster cast rate makes this the absolute best Caster belt in the game.

Weapon: Heart of the Oak flail. +3 skills, 30-40 resist all, and cast rate push the Heart of the Oak above all other PvP necromancers weapons.

Shield on Switch: Lidless. This shield is a good second slot shield when used with Call to Arms. It gives +1 to the 2 essential war cries.

Weapon on Switch: Call to Arms Runeword, +battle orders and command is very good to have.

Charms: 8 x Poison/Bone Charms with 35+ Life, 1 Annihilus Charm, 7 x life/mana sc's.


Trap Assassin Guide. This build is great for both PvP and PvM. Since assassin does huge damage to single monsters and Players, it can be used for anything you want. I suggest when playing PvM cast 4 x lightning sentry and 1 x death sentry so when one monster dies the death sentry explodes its corpse.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - For strength with a trap assassin I suggest having 65 Strength without items on.

· Dexterity - This is where it’s your choice, either put enough Dexterity to have max block with a storm shield, or don’t put any Dexterity and use two claws. Make this decision before moving on. Both options are good.

· Energy – None.

· Vitality - The rest of your points go here.


20 - lightning sentry

20 - Death sentry

20 - charged bolt sentry

20 - shock web

1 - Into all shadow disciplines except for venom.

Once these skills are met, rotate putting points into Burst of speed and Weapon block if you chose to go two claw, or Burst of Speed and Mindblast if you went Claw Sheild.


Helm - Shako socketed with Um, Shael, or Cham. This helm is great because of the +2 skills and Life and Mana bonus.

Armour - Enigma Dusk Shroud. With teleport and huge Strength bonus, this makes a trap assassin a huge enemy to Persons and Monsters.

Shield - Storm (Um/Shael/Cham) if you chose to go claw + shield, or don’t use one if you decided Claw + Claw.

Weapon - If you chose Claw + Claw use 2 x +2 trap, +2 light sentry, +2 Death sentry magical claws.

Amulet- Maras with perfect resist all. This amulet is huge for its +2 all skills and resistances.

Ring 1 - Bul kathos, Much like the Soj, except it gives a huge life bonus instead of mana.

Ring 2 – Soj, this ring is a godly ring, for its +1 skills and Mana bonus.

Belt - Arachnid mesh. This belt is great for trap assassin for the +1 skills.

Gloves - Magefist. Use these for the boost in mana.

Boots - Either Waterwalk or Sandstorm trek boots. Both of these pairs of boots are good for a Trap assassin, so use whatever one you prefer to use.

Whirlwind Assassin Guide. This build is meant for PvP only, Whirlwind Assassins tend to be really bad in PvM situations, but for those die hard players, you can make this build work PvM as well.


These are the stats that I recommend:

· Strength - enough to hold your chaos (99 Strength with items and charms on)

· Dexterity - enough to hold your chaos (99 Dexterity with items and charms on)

· Energy - base energy. You won't need any

· Vitality - everything else goes here. Goal is to get it well over 425


20 - Venom

20 - Claw mastery

15 - Fade (For those Elemental characters)

1 - Dragon Flight

1 - Every shadow mastery (Note: With all of your gear on and charms make weapon block level 23, with that you have 59% block and after that it is 1% per point put in…it’s a waste after lvl 23)

* ideally, you will have dragon flight on one of your claws as its auto skill bonus. It will save you 4 skill points. So make either your Chaos or your Fury claw on a claw with Dragon Flight.


Helmet: Harlequin Crest, socketed with a Jah Rune. This gives +2 skills, life and mana, and damage reduction.

Amulet: Maras with high resistance, the +2 skills are essential for that high damage.

Armour: Bramble. This is the best armor for a Whirlwind assassin if the poison % is high. Anything over 40% is going to be your best option.

Shield: I suggest using 2 claws instead of shield. If you are set on a shield use a Storm Shield

Rings: 2 x Raven Frosts. These rings give nice Attack Rating and Dex, and the perfect PvP mod, Cannot Be Frozen.

Boots: Ethereal Sandstorm Treks are your best bet for boots on this build, since they repair automatically, all being Ethereal does is gives more defense.

Gloves: Trang Oul's Claws. These nice Whirlwind Assassin gloves because they give +25% poison skill damage, and since this type of Assassin mainly uses poison as its attack, this is a huge bonus

Belt: Verdungo’s Hearty Coil with perfect damage reduce and close to perfect vitality, I would say 35+ vitality.

Weapon 1: My suggestion for Whirlwind Assassin is to use two claws. The first one should be Chaos Suwayyah or Chaos Runic Talon. On this claw it really helps if there are auto skills already on the claw before you make the Runeword. Good skills to have are Dragon Flight, Venom, or Mind Blast.

Weapon 2: For the second weapon another Runeword is suggested, but this time it should be a Fury Suwayyah or Fury Runic Talon with the same auto skills or close to the same auto skills as weapon 1.

Shield on Switch: Lidless. This shield is a good second slot shield when used with Call to Arms. It gives +1 to the 2 essential war cries.

Weapon on Switch: Call to Arms Runeword, +battle orders and command is very good to have.

Charms: 8 x Shadow Discipline grand charms with 35+ life, 1 x Annihilus, and 7 x 3/20/20’s. Do not use 290’s on a Whirlwind Assassin because the skill Venom actually lowers the damage used by those charms to 8 poison damage a second, which doesn’t do anything, so stick with 3/20/20’s.


Elemental Druid Guide. This build works great for both PvP and PvM. No extra gear or Skills are needed to kill people and Monsters. The only thing needed to be changed is your strategy on killing your enemy. This is the only druid that is worth being made that I have discovered so far.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - For strength with an Elemental Druid I suggest having 65 Strength without items on.

· Dexterity - This is where it’s your choice, either put enough Dexterity to have max block with a storm shield, or don’t put any Dexterity and just pump Vitality some more.

· Energy - None.

· Vitality - The rest of your points go here.


20 - Tornado

20 - Cyclone Armour

20 - Twister

20 - Hurricane

20 - Oak Sage


Helm: Delirium is a good helm for a PvM elemental druid only if it is on a druid helm that has good auto skills. A Delirium helm on a helm that already has +3 hurricane +3 tornado and +3 cyclone Armour gives a huge bonus to damage. Also Delirium gives +2 all skills and +10 vitality.

Amulet: Maras with high resistance, the +2 skills are essential for that high damage.

Armour: Enigma Dusk Shroud. This is extremely important for this type of Druid. With this you will be moving as fast as a sorc, killing faster, and also living longer. Also with the small amount we placed in strength, Enigma covers it.

Shield: For both PvP and PvM the Elemental druids best friend is the storm shield. With its strength bonus, damage reduction, and resistances, it makes an Elemental druid very powerful.

Rings: 2 x Soj's. +2 skills and huge mana boosts make these rings the best combination for a PvP and PvM Elementalist.

Ethereal Sandstorm Treks are your best bet for boots on this build, since they repair automatically, all being ethereal does is gives more defense.

Gloves: For gloves I suggest use Mage Fists. These gloves are nice mainly for its faster cast rate. As a Caster druid cast rate will save your life.

Belt: Arachnid's Mesh. +1 skills and faster cast rate makes this the absolute best Caster belt in the game.

Weapon: Heart of the Oak flail. +3 skills, 30-40 resist all, and cast rate push the Heart of the Oak above all other Elemental Druid weapons.

Shield on Switch: Lidless. This shield is a good second slot shield when used with Call to Arms. It gives +1 to the 2 essential war cries.

Weapon on Switch: Call to Arms Runeword, +battle orders and command is very good to have.

Charms: 8 x Elemental Skills grand charms with 35+ life, 1 x Annihilus, and 7 x 20 life/15 mana charms.


Concentration Barbarian. This Barbarian can be very powerful in duels because they get huge life, attack rating and damage with the right equipment. This type of barb can be used in PvM but you will mainly just be a meat shield that cant die instead of a super fast killer because you can only hit one target at a time.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - 75 (if you use a low +stats Annihilus you may want to put some more into strength).

· Dexterity - 100. This will give you a lot of attack rating, and also help you use some items.

· Energy - None.

· Vitality - The rest of your points go here.


20 - Concentrate

20 - Battle Orders (synergy to Concentrate, adds +10% damage per level)

20 - Bash (synergy to Concentrate, adds +5% damage per level)

20 - Axe Mastery

1 - Increased Speed

1 - Battle Command

1 - Natural Resists

Rest in Iron Skin


This is all the top end gear, hard to find but the best.

Weapon: Botd Ethereal War Pike with 380+ ed.

Gloves: Either Steelrends or Draculs, both are good for PvP but I suggest Steelrends.

Ring 1: Angelic set ring. Combined with the Angelic amulet it gives144-1188 attack rating(based on character level). If you do now want to use this ring use a Raven Frost

Ring 2: Perfect Raven frost. Use this for the attack rating and dexterity. An added bonus is the Cannot be Frozen mod.

Amulet: Angelic set amulet. Only use this amulet if you are using the ring from the set. If you would rather not use this amulet use a Highlords Wrath.

Belt: Verdungos with 15 dr and 40 Vitality. 40 Vitality is a huge bonus, remember the more life you have the longer you live!

Armor: Enigma Archon Plate. This is extremely important for this Barbarian. With this you will be moving as fast as a sorc, killing faster, and also living longer. Also the fact that the Enigma is in Archon Plate tells you that your amour will have good defense.

Helm: Perfect or near perfect Arreat’s Face with a 40/15ias jewel in it.

Shield: There is only one shield that is worth while for a PvP and a PvM Concentrate Barbarian and that is a storm shield with a 40/15ias jewel in it.

Boots: War Travelers. These boots give Vitality, Strength and damage.

Charms: 1x Annihilus (+stats are more important then other mods), and then 31 x 3/20/20.

On switch 2 x Echoing weapons.

Whirlwind Barbarian

This type of Barbarian is laughed at in duels because "They suck". After using this guide, people will be screaming, "How could a Whirlwind Barbarian get so good!!" This type of barbarian can reach up to 10K damage and hit a target 3+ times per Whirlwind, can you see how the damage adds up. This build can also be used in PvM situations.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - 110 should be enough to get you through with this build

· Dexterity - 200. This will give you a lot of attack rating, and also give you maxed block. Remember with this build you can’t afford to miss with Whirlwind, because if you do it may cause you to die, so the more Attack Rating the better.

· Energy - None.

· Vitality - The rest of your points go here.


20 - Axe Mastery

20 - Battle Order

20 - Whirlwind

20 - Shout (Combined with Iron Skin, melee duelers wont be able to hit you)

20 - Iron Skin (Combined with Shout, melee duelers wont be able to hit you)

1 - Increased Speed

Rest to Natural Resistance


This is all the top end gear, hard to find but the best.

Weapon: Botd Ethereal Berserker with 380+ ed.

Gloves: Either Steelrends or Draculs, both are good for PvP but I suggest Steelrends.

Rings: 2 x Perfect Raven Frosts for their attack rating, dexterity, and cannot be Frozen mods.

Amulet: Highlords Wrath for its ias, +1 skills, and Deadly Strike.

Belt: Verdungos with 15 dr and 40 Vitality. 40 Vitality is a huge bonus, remember the more life you have the longer you live!

Armor: Enigma Archon Plate. This is extremely important for this Barbarian. With this you will be moving as fast as a sorc, killing faster, and also living longer. Also the fact that the Enigma is in Archon Plate tells you that your amour will have good defense.

Helm: Perfect or near perfect Arreat’s Face with a 40/15ias jewel in it.

Shield: There is only one shield that is worthwhile for a PvP and a PvM Whirlwind Barbarian and that is a storm shield with a 40/15ias jewel in it.

Boots: Gore Riders. These boots are great because they give Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, and Deadly Strike.

Charms: 1x Annihilus (+stats are more important then other mods), and then 31 x 3/20/20.

On switch 2 x Echoing weapons.


Blizzard Sorceress

This build can be used for both PvP and PvM. Most people use this build to Magic Find since it kills most popular magic find monsters very fast.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength – Have 65 strength without gear or charms on.

· Dexterity - None. Unless you prefer to max block rate, if you do put enough to have maxed block with your chosen shield.

· Energy - None. We are not using energy shield so Energy is not needed.

· Vitality - The rest of your points go here.


20 - Points Blizzard

20 - points Glacial Spike

20 - points Ice Blast

20 - points Cold Mastery

As much as Possible into Ice Bolt

1 - Teleport

1 - Shiver Armor

1 - Energy Shield

1 - Warmth

All Prereqs


This is all the top end gear, hard to find but the best.

Weapon: Death's Fathom, with perfect +% cold skill damage. This gives huge bonuses to cold skill damage.

Gloves: Frost Burns. These gloves give you a lot of mana, which is good because we haven’t put anything into energy.

Rings: 2 x Soj’s. Together these give you a lot of mana and + 2 skills. Since you are not putting any points into Energy, these are essential.

Amulet: Maras. Use this for its resistances, and +2 skills.

Belt: Arachnid's Mesh. +1 skills and faster cast rate makes this the absolute best Caster belt in the game.

Armor: Chains of Honor Runeword in a Superior Dusk Shroud. This amour has a low strength requirement and also gives you great bonuses to skills, stats, and resistances.

Helm: Shako, use this helm because of its +2 skills, huge life and mana bonus, and damage reduction.

Shield: There are multiple choices here. I suggest when you are going PvP use a Storm shield, and when you are going PvM use a lidless wall or sanctuary shield.

Boots: Sandstorm Treks. These boots give all kinds of nice mods.

Charms: 8 x Cold skill grand charms with 35+ life on them, 1x Annihilus (+stats are more important then other mods), and then 7 x resist charms (only if needed) or 7 x 20 life 15 mana small charms.

On switch have a Call to Arms crystal sword and a lidless wall.

Lightning sorceress

This is an amazing PvM character and a funny PvP character. This guide will tell you what you need to be good at both PvP and PvM.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength – Have 65 strength without gear or charms on.

· Dexterity - None. Unless you prefer to max block rate, if you do put enough to have maxed block with your chosen shield.

· Energy - None. We are not using energy shield so Energy is not needed.

· Vitality - The rest of your points go here.


20 - Chain Lightning

20 - Lightning

20 - Lightning Mastery

20 - Charged Bolt

10 - Nova

1 - Teleport

1 - Shiver Armor

1 - Thunder Storm

1 - Warmth

All Prereqs


This is all the top end gear, hard to find but the best.

Weapon: Eschuta's Temper with perfect lightning skill damage and + skills. This is a great little orb with everything you need for a great lightning sorceress

Gloves: Frost Burns. These gloves give you a lot of mana, which is good because we haven’t put anything into energy.

Rings: 2 x Soj’s. Together these give you a lot of mana and + 2 skills. Since you are not putting any points into Energy, these are essential.

Amulet: Maras. Use this for its resistances, and +2 skills.

Belt: Arachnid's Mesh. +1 skills and faster cast rate makes this the absolute best Caster belt in the game.

Armor: Ormu’s Robes with +15 lightning skill damage and + chain lightning for PvM sorceress’s, and an Ormu’s Rubes with +15 lightning skill damage and + Lightning for PvP sorceress’s.

Helm: Griffon Eye. This helm gives +1 skills, faster cast rate, + lightning skill damage, and – enemies lightning resistance.

Shield: I suggest using a lidless wall for killing monsters and a storm shield for killing players.

Boots: Sandstorm Treks. These boots give all kinds of nice mods.

Charms: 8 x Lightning skill grand charms with 35+ life on them, 1x Annihilus (+stats are more important then other mods), and then 7 x resist charms (only if needed) or 7 x 20 life 15 mana small charms.

On switch have a Call to Arms crystal sword and a lidless wall.


This is one of the funniest PvP characters available. High level duelers will be ashamed that they lost in a melee duel to a sorceress.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - 110, merely for your items, as physical damage is of NO importance.

· Dexterity - 150 for attack rating and to use your weapon.

· Energy - None. We are not using energy shield so Energy is not needed.

· Vitality - The rest of your points go here.


20 - Enchant, your damage comes from here.

20 - Warmth, synergy to Enchant. Also quite helpful in PvP.

20 - Fire Mastery, increases your Enchant damage.

20 - Shiver Armor, increases your Defense by a large amount, and damages Melee attackers.

The rest into Cold Mastery, this increases the damage done to Melee attackers by Shiver Armor. This can be a LARGE amount of damage, especially since most Melee Paladins/Barbarians are lacking Resistances.


This character involves a pre dueling gear set up that you will take off and put in your stash before you duel. It includes. Most of these items are meant to just increase the amount of fire damage Enchant adds to your weapon.

Armour: 20 fire skill damage + Enchant Ormu’s Robes, obviously it has a perfect Fire Facet in it.

Weapon: +3 skills, + 25 fire skill damage Eschuta's, obviously has a perfect Fire Facet in it.

Rings: Soj x 2. For the +2 skills in total.

Amulet: Volcanic Amulet, which is a magic amulet with +3 Fire Skills.

Gloves: Magefist. For the +1 skills.

Belt: Arachnid Mesh. For the +1 skills.

Shield: Lidless Wall. For the +1 skills.

Boots: Immortal kings. These wont come into play until you put your dueling gear on.

Weapon 2: Beast, to transform into the werebear you will be killing people in.

Helm: Shako, with a Shael rune in it.

Weapon 3: +6 battle orders Call To Arms To cast battle orders.

Now it is time for your dueling gear set up. Take off your casting gear listed above and replace it with the following items (*Note* Some of the items listed above will be used as your dueling gear).

Armour: Stone Archon Plate. This is great Armour for dueling because it gives +16 strength, and +16 dexterity, on top of huge faster hit recovery and defense.

Weapon: 6 socketed Phase Blade with 5 x Shael Runes and 1 x Eth Rune. With this build physical damage is pointless, you will be doing so much fire damage that the fact that this blade does non is fine. This weapon is great because it is extremely fast and lowers their defense as you hit them.

Ring 1: Set Angelic ring. This ring is great because combined with the Set Angelic amulet it gives huge attack rating.

Ring 2: Raven Frost. This ring is essential because it has the cannot be frozen mod, as well as attack rating and dexterity.

Amulet: Set Angelic amulet. Use this combined with the Set Angelic ring for huge attack rating.

Gloves: Set Immortal Kings gloves. Combined with the Set Immortal Kings boots, it gives a nice boost to strength, dexterity, attack rating, and defense.

Belt: A perfect Verdungos Hearty Coil is your best bet. This belt gives you damage reduction, and a nice vitality bonus.

Shield: Storm Shield socketed with a Shael rune.

Boots: Immortal kings. These wont come into play until you put your dueling gear on.

Helm: Shako, with a Shael rune in it.

Fire Sorceress

This build is the most commonly used build in the game, I personally don’t suggest using it because there are much better sorceresses available that will kill just as fast as this, but will prevent you from getting mad when you are doing hell Baal runs and you cant kill anything because they are all immune.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength – Have 85 strength without gear or charms on for a PvP version of this build and have 65 strength without gear or charms for a PvM version of this build.

· Dexterity - None. Unless you prefer to max block rate, if you do put enough to have maxed block with your chosen shield.

· Energy - None. We are not using energy shield so Energy is not needed.

· Vitality - The rest of your points go here.


20 - Fire Bolt

20 - Fire Ball

20 - Meteor

20 - Fire Mastery

1 - Warmth

1 - Teleport

1 - Static Field

Once these skills are completed, start putting points into Frozen Orb, this will help you out in hell when there are many immunes. Once you have 5 points in Frozen orb, put 1 point into cold mastery, and then start putting points into Frozen orb again.


This is all the top end gear, hard to find but the best.

Weapon: Oculus with a perfect fire facet in it. For a permanent fire sorceress I prefer Oculus over Eschuta's Temper because Oculus gives resistances and + vitality.

Gloves: Mage fists. These are nice fire sorceress gloves because they give +1 fire skills and faster cast rate.

Rings: 2 x Soj’s. Together these give you a lot of mana and + 2 skills. Since you are not putting any points into Energy, these are essential.

Amulet: Maras. Use this for its resistances, and +2 skills.

Belt: Arachnid's Mesh. +1 skills and faster cast rate makes this the absolute best Caster belt in the game.

Armor: Chains of Honor Runeword in a Superior Dusk Shroud. This amour has a low strength requirement and also gives you great bonuses to skills, stats, and resistances.

Helm: Shako, use this helm because of its +2 skills, huge life and mana bonus, and damage reduction. Socket this with a perfect fire facet.

Shield: For PvP I suggest using a Storm Shield with a perfect Fire Facet in it, and for PvM I suggest using a Lidless Wall with a perfect Fire Facet in it.

Boots: Sandstorm Treks. These boots give all kinds of nice mods.

Charms: 8 x Fire skill grand charms with 35+ life on them, 1x Annihilus (+stats are more important then other mods), and then 7 x resist charms (only if needed) or 7 x 20 life 15 mana small charms.

On switch have a Call to Arms crystal sword and a lidless wall.



Amazons in 1.10 are not that great of duelers, so I’m not going to provide PvP builds for this Amazon, but this is a great PvM or Magic Finder build that can kill huge groups of monsters in no time. Since 1.10 messed over Bow Amazons, there will not be a Bow amazon build in this guide, so the only type of Amazon im going to provide help for a Lightning Javazon.


These are the stats I recommend:

· Strength - Have 85 strength without gear or charms on for a PvP version of this

· Dexterity - Have enough dexterity to have maxed block rate with a storm shield.

· Energy - None. We are not using energy shield so Energy is not needed.

· Vitality - The rest of your points go here.


20 - Lightning Fury

20 - Lightning Strike

20 - Charged Strike

20 - Lightning (synergy)

1 - in Jab

1 - point in all passive skills

1 - point in all prereqs


Weapon: Ethereal Titans Revenge. These are by for the most damaging Javelins in the game. Since they repair automatically you don’t need to worry about them breaking.

Armour: Enigma Superior Dusk Shroud. This armor has low strength requirements but gives great bonuses.

Helm: Shako socketed with a 40/15 ias jewel. This helps you get a faster attack and provide more damage on that initial throw.

Shield: Storm Shield socketed with a perfect Lightning Facet.

Amulet: Maras with perfect resistances or Highlords wrath. Either way you go is a good choice, so whichever you have available.

Ring 1: Wisp Projector with perfect lightning abosorb. This will help you a lot when it comes to fighting Black Souls who are already immune to your attacks (*Note* use jab to kill Black Souls)

Ring 2: Bul Kathos ring. This is great for its +1 skills, life steal, and life bonus.

Belt: Thunder Gods Vigor. This belt gives bonus to skills, strength, and vitality, as well as lightning resistance and absorb.

Boots: War Travelers with 45+ mf. The mf isn’t the only reason why you should use these boots, they gives + strength and + vitality.

Gloves: Rare +2 javelin skills 20 ias gloves with other mods such as +strength, + dexterity, resistances, or leach.

Charms: 8 x Javelin and Spear skill charms with 35+ life, 1 x Annihilus, and 7 x 3/20/20’s

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Congrats... longest post I've ever seen. You should of posted credit where it was due though.
ya, where it was copied/pasted from.
i tink that is a little 2 long but is a good thread
#5 there a point to this thread? No one could possibly be patient enuff to look through this to find what they want....Just make a thread for each build...much more organized....
i suggest to split the post into few posts ...
it's too long
like you want... i'll will do yhat laterBig Grin
y dont u guys test ur own build? just go into hero editor and try it out, everyone has their own preferences
Totte_91boy Wrote:like you want... i'll will do yhat laterBig Grin

Don't bothing flooding the forums with ten different builds we've all seen before. Just paste the link to the place you copied it from.
Skye where do u paste the link to?
lol....he 'stole' it from that site...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
era jävla idioter
totta just said "Your ****ing idiots" Tongue haha
lol vilka puckon det finns på det här forumet ^^
should look i there are any swedish in hereBig Grin
I have a suggestion for a build... a Sorc Summon Enchantress.


Eternity Runeword
Metalgrid Amulet
Carrion Wind Ring
Wisp Projector Ring
Tomb Reaver on an Act 2 Merc
ANYTHING with summon charges or summon related!

[size=2]Stats: Up to you
Skills: Same skills as an Enchantress, but max the forgotten Hydras as well. It's time to bring back the annoying Cow Portal pk'ers.

Ultimate Goal: Beat a Nec Summoner in PVP

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