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Tornadoes and Conviction
Hi, Just wanted to ask Does Tornado or twister gets bonus from conviction? I mean does conviction lower's pvp's resistance to physical damage?

And I really don't to have 250 points into dex for max block, is it ohkay if i just put SOME in dex, or would i just be better off not putting anything in at all?

and also since you cannot summon grizzly and dire wolves at the same time. can somebody please tell me which one to use against which players? pvp wise. i forgot XD thankyou Big Grin
conviction lowers enemy defense and enemy cold/fire/lite resistances. it lowers their defense so it lowers physical immunity, but it doesn't lower it much. tornado is magic damage, where hurricane would actually get a noticeable difference, it being cold damage. some dex is better than no dex. 75% and 70% have little difference noticeably. if you are really stingy, go for 75%, but i usually go for 50% or so block and max life. with a stormshield, block shouldn't be to hard to attain. a bear is a good tank vs melee, and a little known fact, if you are teleporting with a bear, you are untargetable after each teleport for about a second, and the bear is the only real target. use wolves when they have to aim for you, mainly a caster. a foh paladin or even firebolt sorceress might just hit the wolves rather than yourself. bear vs. meleers, and wolves vs. casters i would say.
[Image: fireag2.gif]
i just make this sig recently to teach people not to play with fire.
yes thankyou very very much. i understand the minion part.

however about the ss. do you mean ss as in that magical shield. or make a spirit out of an ss. sorry i havnt played in a year X_X i dont remember.

and also does block work for smiters and chargers?
SS as in the unique shield"Storm Shield".

The Arreat Summit - Items: Elite Unique Shields

SS as in those damn Nazi dudes, jk (Sry I'm writing a report on a Holocaust book we read in Engligh, I couldn't resist).
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
Tornado is physical damage, I don't know what the **** you're talking about.
There's no such thing as a firebolt sorc, because fire ball and fire bolt are synergies to each other, no one would use fire bolt against a druid with stacked minions, so I don't know what the **** you're talking about.
HIM, Tornadoes are not magic damage, they are physical.

Kazecloud, the best weapon for a windy merc is an eth reapers toll, maybe not for pvp, but the decrepify breaks physical immunes and lowers physical res.
my sig! where ever did it go?
thx kyle but i am more into pvp for now.

and bartender what firesorc are u talking about?

and a little off subject. does chance to block work for smiter and chargers?
Max block for smite, nope, it is unblockable, but yes, you can block chargers.
my sig! where ever did it go?

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