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Recent warnings, infractions, and bannings;
LOL that's amusing, I saw my infraction warning and about bugged out. Had to stop and walk away for a minute before responding to "Pams" PM. Glad to see that security is tight here lol. Please don't ban me anymore...
i was logged on when the whole thing second weird pam acting normal saying block this mass ban of everything and i get 40 point infraction....except mine still hasn't been liftedblank:....yeah
Guys...think about it...when have you EVER heard me run around saying "niggas"?......I didn't think so.The only thing Pant accomplished was a massive loss of respect and/or people that used to like him.

As Skidude can tell you there are ways to try and get around an I.P. ban.(he did about 4 times himself.)

In the end yesterday Aemaeth pinged and got Panties ISP and Tap called for abuse on the phone to MY ISP and they will most likely yank his internet service.

This will take time because the entire forum was affected as was Panties plan.He is angry with both Spit AND me and is showing his true colors as the moron/2 year old he has ALWAYS been.
He told me on MSN back when I actually still talked to him he planned to do this.

He can try to lie and blackmail me or try and make me look bad,I don't give a shit about that.I am a full grown woman and could care less about all his petty attempts toward ME....but DON'T screw with my kids.This will bring down wrath upon you that you may not be able to handle.

I am presently working to get him off the internet,period.
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
i really think it was joshy. he has banned for so long, and the one day pamela's account was jacked he was on and posting.
[Image: fireag2.gif]
i just make this sig recently to teach people not to play with fire.
John, I don't think it was him. Because that day people that were banned were unbanned. And when you are unbanned it sends you an email letting you know. But you never know.
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
i thought joshy even was posting those nude pics one one thread.
[Image: fireag2.gif]
i just make this sig recently to teach people not to play with fire.
Lol Pam's angry side. Din't think I'd ever see it.

ZK Wrote:It's long since been changed to guilty until proven innocent. Look at real life cases for instance.
Lol That's how it is in the military.
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
i think that i even gave joshy some cd keys for cs.. i dont remember..
anyhow i wonder why he was banned
back on topic, cant spit just hit the restore button? LOL
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.
The system dosent work that that here, The system he changed to sucks for removing shit like this...
glad im not the admin
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.
Who Dared Hacked Pamela!!!! =[. Glad it's over.
Please add to my Reputation if you find my post reasonable, beneficial, or helpful. Thanks. =]
I still want to see the "proof" that it's me.

Also, Grave - you're a load of shit.

Like I said in a thread earlier, I've spoken to Frog already and he knows it couldn't have been me.
^ is Joshy...ok guys? Trust me he had absolutely nothing to do with any of this.All he did ,which was not wrong on any level,is to post under his origional account when panties lifted all bans. Of course we know Pant then banned everyone,deleted massive posts and old threads,so this is how many of you lost a significant post count.

I am persuing this as a legal matter now,both in civil and criminal areas.If Chris(Panties) enjoys harrassment so much he is in for fun times ahead.He WILL have his computer and laptop seized and scanned and will face possible jail time.

I hope his lawyer is as good as both my personal lawyer and my lawyer that handles only internet crimes. But hey...goodluck sunshine.

@ZK This is abuse of power dude...not what you were talking about when you questioned your first banning....see the difference now hun?
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
Technicly, you can't bag him for hacking, because he actually logged into an account. He didn't have to use a key logger or anything, Pam gave her account info out to everyone she trusted, oddly enough, even me.

The use of proxies and switching ports to acccess sites you were banned from is, to the best of my knowledge, not against the law or any ISP ToS's that I have read. Just being real here, his ISP probably won't disconnect him, they love his money and so long as he stays withing their ToS, they probably won't care. Undecided
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
[Image: 150.gif]
The F.B.I. will when I report him. Trust me,my brother-in-law went through major harrassment ,all his things were seized and they bursted into his parents house,had them on the floor and in handcuffs,because it was listed as his home address.

The computer wasn't even there as he drives a truck and takes it with him.He surrendered it voluntarily,and the porn sites he had visited had child porn,so now he is in jail for 2 years. I am sure his ISP will be interested in this info ,don't you?

On a side note you do not have my current password,and I still DO trust you...I just don't LIKE you. Panties abused both friendship,and power,he deserves any unpleasantness I can imagine to send his way,maybe having to deal with all this will make him think twice before going retarded.
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
Considering that, like I stated above, the use of proxies and ports is in no way against the law or any ISP ToS, no.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
[Image: 150.gif]
After speaking to YaHoo today he violated their ToS in that he hacked into my e-mail and changed my password several times,read it,took poetry ,images,and other things and was posting it around the web.So not only did he read it,which against the law,he was posting it.

I involved the F.B.I.,so his life will soon get interesting.He tried to hurt me in cyberspace....I am going to rock his world in real life.
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
holy cow
well, thank you for watching over us
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.
Grave Wrote:After speaking to YaHoo today he violated their ToS in that he hacked into my e-mail and changed my password several times,read it,took poetry ,images,and other things and was posting it around the web.So not only did he read it,which against the law,he was posting it.

I involved the F.B.I.,so his life will soon get interesting.He tried to hurt me in cyberspace....I am going to rock his world in real life.
Wow. GFG

Note to Self: Never screw with pam.

Side note: Well isn't this going a little overboard?I can understand you being VERY pissed off about the betrayal, but still this is a person.
Discussion before: I believe in U.S.A. its innocent until proven guilty. In England I think its guilty until proven innocent, but I don't remember I live in America, so don't ask me =)
halomaster2437 Wrote:Wow. GFG

Note to Self: Never screw with pam.

Side note: Well isn't this going a little overboard?I can understand you being VERY pissed off about the betrayal, but still this is a person.
Discussion before: I believe in U.S.A. its innocent until proven guilty. In England I think its guilty until proven innocent, but I don't remember I live in America, so don't ask me =)

He lives in Canada,and those authorities are involved as well. Understand something.As petty as it was to do this in retaliation to me,he in turn affected everyone of you.Basically thumbing his nose and daring anyone to stop him.

Threats and ultimatums do not work on me.Bring it on babe...come after ME,not a bunch of kids on a forum that banned you....Poor mistreated were so mistreated for being expected to follow rules.

How cruelly you were treated,especially after ASKING me to perm ban you about 3 seperate times.

Must have gotten boring on that couch with your ghetto surround sound living in grandmas basement.At least your guitar is still something you can do to pass the time ,while waiting for me to give a shit what you think of me.

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

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