08-13-2007, 08:15 PM
This one is a person attempting to scam a steam account, however he's not too intelligent about it.
Mwahahah (milk comes out of nose) - Futuremark Forums
This one is from another forum, i thought it was hilarious:
Mwahahah (milk comes out of nose) - Futuremark Forums
This one is from another forum, i thought it was hilarious:
Quote:Today a scammer named "WoWfan4life" messed with the wrong person I am 25 , and have been a Private Investigator for the State of Florida and Texas for 3 years.
I came across him interested in my World of Warcraft account offering 120$. He seemed very sketchy , rushing me etc. and I thought this trade was going to be a problem but I really wanted to get rid of this account. I accepted his offer and waited for payment via paypal. Since I was being very impatient which was my big mistake I did not wait for the "Pending" funds to clear.. So I gave the account information and as I thought the 120$ was cancelled before clearing. Immediately after giving him the info !
I had prepared for this situation , so I decided to try and turn this whole scam around Screenshots below, funniest thing I've ever seen , linked it to a whole bunch of friends thought you all would gain something from this experience too
I copied the images to our server since the old host exceeded bandwidth. Here's the link in order. -MD
I'm still thinking about that dispute I'll be calling his mommy today.