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- Stu -'s Barbarian Build,
Part one, the simplest part, The Inventory....

i use all 3/20/20's 20/20 barb torch and annhilus small charm

thats the inventory covered :]

Part Two, The equipment

Arreats up'd with a 40 ed 15 res jewl, better than CoA ber ber'd you'll see why later :]


Eth Botd, Greif , Doom , main weapons you will need Eth Botd is Bvb, Greif is BvC Doom is just incase you'll know when to use it


Storm shield Monarch ber'd try for a high defence one perf defence on the storm shield is 475 i think with a damage reduce of 43% when ber'd..


2 x raven frosts vs Melee characters, NOT smiters

2 x angelics vs Smiters and barbarians

1 x Carrion wind vs poison mancers


Mara's vs elemental chars (Sorcs Dru's necs ect)

Angelics vs Max blockers


Enigma Mage plate, reason high defence low strenght req's easy choice

Fortitude Mage Plate or Dusk Another choice, maybe use in BvB and BvS (Barbarian Vs Smite)


Steel rends or Cleglaw's

Steel rends add mass damage

Cleglaw's Slow and knock back


09 euro SCNL Bugged Belt Siggards stealth



either choice is good since the damage reduce is maxed on either belt


i use Cta and hoto,

Cta adds 4 to bo as barb as + skill is capped at 3 for barbs on cta and the +1 skill so its just good buying a cta 3 for barbs,

Hoto +3 skills good bo weapon



20 to whirlwind,

20 into Axe mastery (its what you use Berserker "AXE")

15 into Shout

13 into Battle Orders

1 into Battle Command

13 into Natural Resistance

4 into Iron skin

3 into Increased speed

1 into increased stamina



str HOPEFULLY none if u only use enigma

Dex Enough for max block

Vita rest

Energy not one not two but 10 8D none -_-


Quick Dueling strategy

Barb vs barb

if your opponent plays defencive its still a easy duel if you use shorter whirl winds just as if each step you'd take would be a whirlwind just get near when you see them tele, whirlwind directly into where they were in a short burst, if they leap to avoid you being hit with FHR whirlwind just before they land even if you dont hit them in negates the effect of Leap

Barb vs Smiter

Whirlwind to the side of him, hard duel but winnable
if they chase you just whirl wind away NEVER OVER THEM,

Thanks for reading - Stu -'s Barbarian BvC BvB combo

For anyone who wants to duel me on this,

PM me and i can host on open battle net bring your own build or this one what ever you want ill tell you some tips and dueling strats just PM me Smile
Good but im not to sure about the natural resistance part of it. i think max shout and battle orders and just put more points into iron skin and only one into Natural Resistance. Also i would not put any into increased speed. Smile
increased speed can help you sync like a paladin with charge but barb with whirl wind, as i said if you wanna do your own build and have a open duel, sure im up for it without natural resists your weak vs light fire ice and poison which is kinda lame ^^ and by build gets enough life as it is, but sure try it, if you want we could arrange a duel :]
Good build Stu. Post all of the guides you did over at HoP. I think they will really help out.
Lol you think those HoP builds were good they were noobfood
Ok ill make a legit WW Barb with hero editor and you can to and we will duel.
thanks for showing intrest Smile

Dueling strategys


equip the Bk's if its a fire or light sorc if cold use 1 raven 1 bk
try and get close enough for you to tele on her and one ww with Ebotd or greif should finish her

Fury Druid

when they come to attack simply whirl away in tiny bursts,

Ele druid tele at minions and ww through, easy duel


this build isnt meant to duel these it all counts on luck ^^
never the less you should keep a coa in your stash if your a bva but i dont recommend bva since it doesnt have a dominant side like what a bvb or bvc can do
Ahahaaaaaa, i knew someone would mention CoA it isnt neccercary since Dungoes and SS maxes DR PERF and + eni it has a dominant side you just cant see it the fact that versus casters it keeps its res even with its daamge reduce it is alll rounder, you wanna make a char on open, and duel me i will happily oblige
you got something against coa? =\

i just noticed that you dont have beastz in this build why is that? you can switch out that ebotdz for beastz for bvb use fury zerk
Zerk is pointless.

ive never seen anyone beat this build with Beastz

Coa is a waste of valuable adds from Arreats when you have maxed from storm///dungos
No berserk skill? Berserk lock rules especially against those teleporters or summoners. And I also agree with Espada, you have something against CoA.
I do its a waste of valubable stats, Bezerk locks dont beat tele/unsummon locks, by the way CoA is a waste for this build, tell me something this build doesnt have from CoA that is "Good"
How does tele/unsummon lock beats berserk lock? On several occasion, yes, but if you are dueling a summoner and you tele/unsummon lock them then whirlwind, what are you going to hit? If this is a BvB guide I can say the least is that you don't need a CoA.
from what i read your guide is a bva which means you'll need bvc gear so coa arach and cast rings are necessary even if you need to keep em in your stash

and heres how your setup should be for weap:
BvB: 'Fury' Berserker Axe/ Stormshield
BvC: 'Grief' Berserker Axe/ Beast Berserker Axe or
'Grief' Berserker Axe/ Doom Berserker Axe
Espada Wrote:from what i read your guide is a bva which means you'll need bvc gear so coa arach and cast rings are necessary even if you need to keep em in your stash

and heres how your setup should be for weap:
BvB: 'Fury' Berserker Axe/ Stormshield
BvC: 'Grief' Berserker Axe/ Beast Berserker Axe or
'Grief' Berserker Axe/ Doom Berserker Axe

Bvb "Breath of the Dieing" Bezerker Axe Storm (Ber'd)

BvC "Grief" "Grief" or

Doom doesnt slow FCR so BvC Doom is just stupid. just go, dont bother reposting.
BvC uses grief berserker axe AND beast berserker axe. You don't use Doom's holy freeze to slow caster's teleportation rate, you use it to slow their faster hit recovery, attack rate, and movement rate.
This build is made of fail. Moved to the right section.

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