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Xbox 360 vs Playstation 3
Before I start, don't tell me there was already a thread like this. Anyway, so I'm thinking about getting either the 360 or the PS3. They both look like they have awesome games. But the PS3 looks like the exact same thing at the PS2. (I am a Sony fan. So know that I have never owned an xbox)
Please just don't say "xbox" or "ps3". State reasons. Thanks.
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
In my opinion, it depends on titles, Allthough the ps3 is lackluster now, Never in the history of sony have the release titles been good, Whereas Microsuck have had time to elp developers know the system more thouroughly.
Develpors will come round to the ps3, and it will wipe the floor with the xbox and WII (LOL LETS PLAY TENNIS WITH THE FAMILY) when it gets a title base.
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
Well, start with the facts. Microsoft never really got to finish the 360 the way they would have wanted it because they rushed it to release before the PS3 could come out. From what I have seen, and read in many technology magazines such as Wired and Gamer Weekly, the PS2 seems to have better graphics.

On the opposing side, Sony has never really had an indepth on-line gameplay system, and online play is gerneraly limited to two players of the same console. However, Sony's PS3 now has a built in hard drive, matching one of the Xbox's most notable features.

Basicly, if you play online and like to play with mutiple people, I would go with the 360.

If you just mainly play by yourself, the Sony has a pretty decent selection of RP games that you can chill and play solo. I had a PS3, but sold it and got a 360 because I like to play online personaly, and that really isn't on of Sony's strongpoints.
I say xbox360. I used to be a sony fan but they lost me with the ps3. They just did such a horrible job of marketing it and all the little changes they made before it came out just made it seem so cheap.

If you plan on playing online, 360 is the way to go. Not only have they had more practice at online consoles, they also do a rather good job of it(other than the M$ points).

Another point for the xbox360 is the fact that PS3 has lost most of their exclusive titles. Other than a few games...they really don't have anything that looks all that great(that is exclusive).

Lastly, H3 is coming out soon. I know lots of people will say it's going to blow, and maybe the story will(although it looks amazing) but the multilayer more likely won't.

Ps- Best thing about ps2 was the Dance Dance revolution games but right now 360 is the only next gen to have a DDR title. And like all the other DDR titles for xbox, it's only sub par.
No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.
xbox 360 by far, all the games are better, better online, better coming titles, halo 3, nuff said
I would have to say get a 360. Like everyone said Xbox Live destroys Sony's piece of shit online system. As of now, PS3 has no titles that have proved even decent, however as time passes and the new FF's come out etc it might prove to be a worthy investment. However, for the time being 360 has much more to do. And if Gears of War is in fact going to be a trilogy you can look forward to that. Mass Effect = omgwtfpwn. Huxley looks a lot like Planetside which rocked.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
Ive always Perferred xbox for Sports titles. And final fantasy for Rpg style games. Imagine if Square released a Final fantasy 7 on ps3....thats enough to turn the market right there
or atleast in my opinion.

(hell ill buy 20 ps3's if they release an updated ff7
You said so much without ever parting your lips.

[Image: tap100.jpg]
As far as I know, the hacking and modding scene aren't too well developed within the PlayStation 3 community compared to the XB360. I think it's kind of redicilous as to as far out as some of you have and determine the PlayStation 3 as to be a piece of shit with no potential. This generation of consoles is going to hanging around for a bunch more years, and the PlayStation technically is the most powerful of the bunch, and there is still much more time for Sony and the PS3 developers to take full potential of the PlayStation 3 and actually release some good titles.

Personally though, I would go for the Xbox 360 as more of my friends have it and compete online, truly the XB360 exclusive titles (other then Forza Motorsport 2) don't mean much to me. If you are really stuck in between the two, whats the problem with picking up both?
Playstation 3... You are making an investment, think of it that way.

On the 360 sure there are a bunch of good titles right now, but the PS3 hasn't even really got to delve into much right now. Give the PS3 a year and it will definetely be better, if it isn't a better deal already.

With the PS3 you get HD out of the box... On the 360 you have to buy an external HDDVD drive.

PS3 is more on the cutting edge of technology, the 360 seems more like a high-end PC at the moment.

PSP and PS3 interact allowing you to play your PS3 from anywhere with WiFi. (Keep in mind I have not read alot on this feature, but I am sure it is your downloaded games from their "virtual console")

I have a feeling the PS3 will be the N64 of our generation and that developers will be afraid of it. Therefore it will end up having very few games but they will be of good quality eventually. People that complain about it being to expensive are wrong, because if you go out and buy a Blu-Ray DVD player alone it will cost you as much as a PS3. You do not have to pay for the online gameplay either, which looks like Sony is improving.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
Wasn't home delayed for like about a year?
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
Xbox 360 = Monthy supscription to online play for a lot of games, having to buy a HD DVD drive to play 1080p movies, and the problems of the cup/gpu lifting from overheating poorly made clamps which is also know as the problem call the "Rings of Death". The only worth while model to purchase for long term is the Elite with it having a 120GB HD.

Sony PS3= 20gb/junk, 40 gb quiet/smooth/and no backwards compatability. 60gb fully unlocked and rocks, 80gb needs firmware update to be fully unlocked. - Less games on system list but has Fully playable Blue Ray. It's also an $800 a unit monster with lots of long term potential selling for $400-500.

Summary = IF your a hardcore FPS gamer then Xbox will tickle your pickle. If you are into high def blue ray media and Sony technology for ome theater then PS3 is your ticket.

IMO: PS3 is the winner of the 2 for relability alone.
PS3 with Blu-Ray is the superior machine but Sony has marketed it horribly and most developers wont touch it because their developer's kit is expensive as hell (Last I heard at least).

The X-Box 360 has far better titles and more of it's capability has been tapped into and it still has a lot of potential to unlock while the PS3, especially when you look at the Blu-Ray, has had very little of it's potential tapped and I feel it will be like the original PS where it wont truly be at it's best till it's toward the end of it's life.

I went with the X-Box for now though I'll probably pick up a PS3 when FFXIII comes out...or just when Sony stops sucking.
SpoonMan999 Wrote:PS3 with Blu-Ray is the superior machine but Sony has marketed it horribly and most developers wont touch it because their developer's kit is expensive as hell (Last I heard at least).

The X-Box 360 has far better titles and more of it's capability has been tapped into and it still has a lot of potential to unlock while the PS3, especially when you look at the Blu-Ray, has had very little of it's potential tapped and I feel it will be like the original PS where it wont truly be at it's best till it's toward the end of it's life.

I went with the X-Box for now though I'll probably pick up a PS3 when FFXIII comes out...or just when Sony stops sucking.

Lol Spoon. I agree with you about the Software, but the hardware issues with the 360 are far worse, with $150 service charge to fix their own problem of using cheap clips on the cpu/gpu. I chose the 60gb PS3 which is the model Sony loses money on and in turn discontinued. Im sure I will have to wait for another year to catch some good titles. As far as blue ray goes I also recently purchased a 1080p TV so I would like to enjoy that over the seperate HD drive X box sells which last I read plays back 1080i.

Toshiba is one of the only manufacturer I read (other than LG) who makers HD format players while Blue Ray has Sony, Samsung, and Panasonic so far.( yea i know LG makes a unit that plays both for $1000) Now me personally I dont car about a format war or what to buy since most of my videos I purchase are previously viewed thru my locate movie rental place. But its more for the renting purpose for me I suppose to enjoy the home theater feeling.
xbox doesn't even have true HD anyway, lol.
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
Doesn't have true HD? My X-Box has HDMI out and does up to 1080p so I have no idea what you're talking about. I only play in 1080i because I'm using a VGA cable to my monitor (Because my monitor kicks ass and I have a pretty small room).

Also, Daddy, currently HD has more movies available for it than Blu-Ray I believe and more studios going HD exclusive. HD is far more developed, as I made mention of Blu-Ray being under developed, in terms of special features and little tid bits in the movies. Though I will still say that Blu-Ray has more potential it's just that HD has Microsoft developing the software for it where as Sony is pretty much taking Blu-Ray solo.
well ps3 is starting their actual sales records since the system is now 100dollars above the 360. and the 360 only has 2 games i personally like and those are halo 3 and when gears of war 2 comes out.

ps3 will eventually catch up because they always have good titles that come out. like playstation has like 8 good or great titles per system

but xbox has like 3 or 4 AMAZING titles but its only because of the online play.

ps3 might have game points soon which is just like achievment points and if thats the case then screw xbox live. the arcade games and videos dont really interest me
Thnx for the update n clarification. I'll post next week how my new PS3 does. I agree with the catchy titles of Xbox but when it comes to Halo I'm still stuck on Unrealtournament, well and they just released a new one too. I hear it's pretty sick looking but I dont have a computer well equipted enough to play it. Guess Ill wait till spring or summer for a new build.
I'm having trouble with the same choice, it all depends on the titles you want. Currently I want metal gear and final fantasy, so I'm leaning twards Sony's side. They both get alot of the same games tho, so if you play just for games like madden or third party shooters, etc... you might be better off flipin a coin or somthing.
Heres the way Ive thought of it. and everyones different but this might clear some people up

Xbox has the best shooter games imaginable. Halo,Gears of War, Call of duty 4 which comes out on ps3 also, Orange Box. 360 is a good system if your into shooters and sports games.

PS3 is a great system for people who like Action-Adventure Games, or Hack N Slash such as Devil May Cry, Espionage-Metal Gear,Splinter Cell or RPGS such as Final Fantasy

Now system wise heres the difference

PS3-Blu-Ray player built in, a hella lot better graphics, only noticable with an hd or plasma tv though, free online play, massive memory, basically a PC in a black box, Backwards Compatable that counts for PS2 and PS1 i believe

Xbox360- 2nd Generation Consoles are amazing. Great Xbox Live that is 50per month which isnt bad, Major Multiplayer Titles Launch for Xbox, More People Own one which means more online players, Backwards Compatable for select Xbox Games, Good Enough Memory on Harddrive. Splendid Graphics as well but not in comparison to the PS3

I guess what all the above is. Think of what games interest you more. If your like me and want like 10 different good games to play for like 1month or 3months at a time then go with PS3. If your the type who likes to get one game and play it for 3years then go with Xbox 360.

Either way they are both great systems. one is more expensive by 100bucks. big whoop. one has some things the other doesnt. either way figure out what game types you want. and most games are multi platform except those exclusive titles like Metal Gear,Halo,Gears of War, Gran Turismo. But other good games are multi platform like guitar Hero 3, Call of Duty 4 and most of your sports games are multi.

Hope this helped some people. all this above listen is my personal opinion of each system. collect data on my expierence with both systems. some may be right and some may be wrong
Um, have been in living under a rock or something?

RPG gamers should get PS3? Yeah...if you played Final Fantasy X-2 and XII you maybe dreading XIII as much as I am and the 360 just had Mass Effect launch which after completing I can honestly say is my new favorite game. Yes, something has finally taken Final Fantasy VII's throne in my heart.

Oh, and let's not forget Assassin's Creed for those multi platform games out there.

Your review of the 360 can summarized simply: "I'm a Sony fan-boy and I don't even own a 360 and I only use my internet connection to find out what other people who only mildly enjoy games (FPS gamers) are playing."

Welcome to the world of gaming, I'm a real gamer. Who are you?

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