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Wow First Timer
Is there a guide for people who haven't completed the first quest yet? Haven't even bought it. I don't like starting a game without a goal, like if you just start out in D2 and don't even know you need to mf. It gets kind of pointless. Is there a guide for me? lol. My little brother is playing and I kind of want to transition to Wow. He knows some stuff but he's bad at explaining. Should I do it guys?
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If you don't like having goals, don't play wow....
First quest = Kill some mobs.
Second quest. Kill some mobs.
Repeat said stuff in infinite circle of mind numbing boringness.
It's a good game realy, they should of worked on the quests a bit more.
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
Lol completing the first quest. There's about 5,000,000 quests to do. And 85% of em are straightforward. Go to soandso north of here and talk to this guy. Blah blah. After awhile you hit 70.
challenging... ò_O"
fleaflickerx Wrote:If you don't like having goals, don't play wow....

Excuse me please reread my post. You must of misread.

Its that simple? But I'm more focused on the Pvp part. What if theres something like a facet. Plus my brother and his friends play horde. =/ I hate hordes. Even if they have better specific class skills.
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First of all, when you play, play on Firetree Alliance realm! You helped me when i started west, and ill help you when you start Firetree Alliance :-).

The pvp system is way better than Diablo 2. In pvp, you need tanks to take the damage, dps to damage the guys, crowd control to make it less difficult and not have everything attacking you at once, and you need healers to heal the tank. NEVER play a PVE realm, unless you just want to kill monsters and do quests (PVE=Player VS Environment). Also, it takes a longer time to level, and there are no rushes, or anything. Closest you can get to a rush is having someone run you through an instance/dungeon.

As for characters, a good starting character is a hunter/mage. Both get to level 70 pretty quickly. I wouldnt reccomend a priest or paladin, because they have a big role in groups. They need to remove curses+heal. Switching between party members really fast is hard if youre new. Also, a good choice is a rogue. All they need to do is attack and crowd control.

Good professions for starting would be gathering skills, maybe mining and herbalism.

If you start playing, add me,my character name that I usually play on is Darkemp. I just started out on this PVP server, so Im not even level 10 yet. But, Ill probably be level 45-50 in a month or so.
Lol you must not play WoW much.
A.) Pally/Priests can't remove curses.
B.) Not all priests heal
C.) It's easier to start on a PvE server since the only thing you are missing out on is World PvP, which doesn't happen much anyways. Plus you save tons of time from less res walks from getting ganked in places.
D.) PvP needs tanks? Lol, you must not have a 70 if you think tanking is common in PvP. In Arena the healers do the tanking, not the Warrs.
Someone try answering his question instead of being a dumbass.

Ok KazeCloud,

When you first get your account on WoW, they ask you to pick a realm. Pick any one you want, I would suggest your brothers realm.(You can play on any realm, and switch any time and have a maximum of 8 characters I believe on each realm. I would recommend choosing a full realm.)
Now you have the chance of choosing a PvP, RP, PvE, or a normal realm. I think PvP is fun. But it's your choice.
Then you make your character, you can choose 1 out of 2 alliances. The Horde, or the Alliance. None is better, it all depends on how you build your character. As my opinion, the Horde has the PvP advantage. But thats just what I think. Anyhow, so now that you are making your character, here are your choices for a race.

Blood Elves(if you get the expansion)

Night Elf
Draeni(if you get the expansion)

Now you pick a class, there are some classes that should not go together, ask Frater about those.

Alright, now you have your character, connect to the server, and then a little cinema will come up. Watch it if you want, it's about 5 minutes long. I've never watched it because I'm to lazy so I can't tell you what it's about.

Anyway so now that you started your character, you read the book that came with the games explaining what the symbols and such mean (like quest is done or quest recieved).

As for the quests, its simple. When you get the quest it will tell you where to go and what to do( but sometimes they will not and you will have to find what they are looking for ). Then you do the quest( as you might know some are not a piece of cake ). Now you are on your way to level 60/70/ or 80. Good luck.

Also, if you hate Horde, then don't play Horde. Play what you want. As your first class I am suggesting a Rouge or a Warrior.
I can give good Class-race assignments on Horde side.
Druid - Haha, only one race. Tauren
Mage - Undead
Warlock - Undead
Rogue - Undead
Priest (Shadow and PvP Holy priests) - Undead
Priest (Holy PvE) - BE
Warr - Tauren/Orc
Pally - BE (One race lol)
Hunter - I consider everything but BE to be pretty good.
Shaman - This I'm not sure about.

(Now obviously if you pick something other than these it's not going to make your some PoS char with no use, I just prefer these races, since Will of the Forsaken is like the best racial ever)
Most casters are good when beginning to play because they aren't too gear dependent early on. Priests are bitches to level for the most part, so I'd recommend a Lock or Mage.
also it is a good choice for a night elf druid.
If you don't have a life, then get WoW.
Nubli Wrote:If you don't have a life, then get WoW.

Do you imply if I do have a life I shouldn't? But I have a life and I still want Wow.

Thanks for the guide SilverTears. But I already know that far lol.
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If you know that far then there was no point to make this thread.
Well. Inside my paragraph. This was the question. I'll copy and paste it so you can see it better.

"I don't like starting a game without a goal, like if you just start out in D2 and don't even know you need to mf. It gets kind of pointless. Is there a guide for me?"

Sorry if it wasn't very clear.
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Fuggle Wrote:I can give good Class-race assignments on Horde side.
Druid - Haha, only one race. Tauren
Mage - Undead
Warlock - Undead
Rogue - Undead
Priest (Shadow and PvP Holy priests) - Undead
Priest (Holy PvE) - BE
Warr - Tauren/Orc
Pally - BE (One race lol)
Hunter - I consider everything but BE to be pretty good.
Shaman - This I'm not sure about.

Will of the Forsaken is like the best racial ever
Not entirely true.
Warlock - Orc, if you're going to do PvP. Speaking in narrow lines, there is ONE Warlock PvP spec and that is Demonology. Demo locks can outlast pretty much everything, but they get owned by rogues, hence Orc racial is the best for extra stun resist. If you're thinking about making a Warlock for PvP, make an Orc, not Undead.

Rogue - Undead is generally the best, but once again, Orc is the best for Rogue v. Rogue duels (First Kidney shot wins, most broken setup ever), because if you resist a crucial stun, you can take the duel. Also, Troll rogues were really imba for some reason, cannot remember why.

Priest - UD for PvP. However, didn't Troll Priest have some pretty sweet racial curse for PvE? The one that when a target resurrects, he will only do so with 75% HP. They used to do it on A'lar, made the fight 1/4 shorter lol, until it got fixed pretty damn fast.

Shaman - Orc.

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