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Trying my hand at a 1.10 PvM Barb...Bring your $0.02
OK, I haven't tried a barb since the 1.09 days, and I've decided to give a whirlwind barb a go. I have my stats and skills laid out. I'm relatively new so a gear list wouldn't be relevant for me...most endgame stuff isn't attainable at this point.

By all means, criticize.

Max Whirlwind
Max Shout
Max Battle Orders
Max Sword? Mastery
1+ Concentrate (Good alt skill from WW after synergies?)
1 Increased Speed
1 Iron Skin
1 Natural Resistance
Rest to Pre-Reqs

Strength: Enough for decent gear after charms and such (130 +/-)?
Dexterity: ~200 for AR and max block
Vitality: As much as possible
Energy: Base
The best kind of WW barbs are the IK Barbs. Pretty much the same setup your using but get the full ik set and max mace mastery. The full set gives +7 to combat skills and 5 to masteries and warcries, the mace has pretty good damage but get like 3k worth of elemental and magical damage added in.

You could also try a wolfbarb which is what i've been using and it's my favorite barb, first you'd have to get ahold of a wolfhowl helm so you can transform. But here's a bit of the setup

Max : Shout, BO, Iron Skin, Polearm/Mace Mastery
rest into prereqs and BC, Speed, and resists
Pump resists and speed evenly after all is maxed.

With a decent setup your looking at like 30k worth of defense and around 3k damage at breakneck speeds with a bonehew. They're great for PvM cause they attack very fast, don't need to be aimed (feral rage hits anything within range) and never get hit. My barb at level 80 can stand in the middle of the throne room in hell and take almost no hits from lister and company. The only problem is they are among the hardest chars to level i've saw, with no combat skills it gets a bit frustrating. Though once you hit level 30 your set, you can get rushed up and leech baal to level 79 in a few hours.

My setup if your wondering is as follows

Shadow Carapace
IK Belt
IK Gloves
2x Shael Bonehew
Raven Frost
Dwarf Star
Highlords Wrath

By no mean godlies except the Wrath (dropped that my first game in hell on my first char oddly enough, before i even got to the den) Cheap and effective.
what does you mean by never get hit?
They attack, but it don't get through the defense.
what about conc barbs? are they worth persuing if you don't have a botd laying around? adn what bout charge palis? cuz i mean honestly, w/synergies max and charge, it's like 2k% ed lmao.. use that +fana and botd zerker, or botd thunder maul/war pike if u wanna try 1hit KO... just wondering if anyone has any experience from trying any of these builds Tongue
Kudos to Klanky for the uber response Cool I've also looked at conc barb builds and although they seem to have better potential for damage output, 2 problems arise...1, I am poor as all hell, and 2, a conc barb looks like it becomes less of a killing machine and more of a meat stick. Doesn't sound like its as much fun as a WW barb Big Grin plus IK is something that is somewhat attainable for me.
For dueling i like using a concentrate barb, but for PvM they pretty much suck, they can't kill big patches of monsters quickly, granted they can kill anything with relative ease, but it just takes too long. For PvM people usually want MF, using IK WW Barb you have decent MF and can clear a screen in just a few seconds.
okaaay.. so anyone got a conc build? i already have a ww ik barb Tongue wanna try conc
Max BO
Max Shout
Max Concentrate
Max Mastery (preferably axe, for a BOTD Zerker.
Rest into iron skin or bash, depending on if you want more defense or more damage. I went with more defense, with a BOTD Zerker you get well over 6k damage which is plenty to take out most players.

Stats are standard for pretty much every meele character, enough str for gear, dex for max block, and rest into vital.
IK blows buddy never use it. if you makign ww use a botd cb.
Everything blows compared to a botd cb. The problem is I can't get one and probably won't be able to for a long while.
hey on ur conc barb, do u use like angelic rings and ammy? because i do almost 6k, i prolly would but i use gf, and not a botd (too poor ^_^) but my attack rating just plain sucks. just wandering if conc barbs attack rating is low. or just mine.

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