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How to unlock cinematics?

I had completed acts 1,2,3 on my diablo ii (1.10). However, after a windows (Xp) reinstall, i discovered that only one cinematic is shown, while there should have been three. How do I unlock or enable the cinematics?


A simple registry key change could probably fix that. I'm not at my computer so I couldn't tell you which, but it should be obvious which key to change, if that is what you need to do.
Thanks for replying

I had already thought of that and found a key called as GAMEOVER, which was set to 0. I changed that to 1, and started the game, but I still couldnt see the other cinematics.

I also tried editing (mastadex) my charecter, and saw that all the events etc in act 1,2,3 are completed. However, there is no info on cinematics as such..

I even tried completing the last quests of the three acts again, but the rest of the cinematics still arent enabled...

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