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MM.Bot + Ubuntu = True?
Any Ubuntu users got to work?
Maybe through wine. If not there use virtualbox to run both diablo and mmbot. It completely virtualizes windows so it should be no problem.
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bigdeath Wrote:Maybe through wine. If not there use virtualbox to run both diablo and mmbot. It completely virtualizes windows so it should be no problem.
Nopp does not work though wine and i don't know how to get virtualbox to work.
What version of ubuntu do you run? If you use feisty or older here. This howto is actually for gutsy but should work with feisty. If you got feisty I would uprade anyways cause compiz fusion is alot cooler than beryl and it comes packaged with gutsy.

Howto: Install VirtualBox and integrate it with Compiz - Ubuntu Forums

Lemme know if you have any problems. I had a problem with it finding the kernel driver. If it does this type this into the terminal or Konsole if you use KDE.

locate vboxdrv.ko

then this

insmod /path/to/exact-same-kernel.../vboxdrv.ko

after the insmod where it says pathe to exact same kernel will be the path output from the first command. Once again lemme know if you have any problems and/or are confused lol.
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.
bigdeath Wrote:What version of ubuntu do you run? If you use feisty or older here. This howto is actually for gutsy but should work with feisty. If you got feisty I would uprade anyways cause compiz fusion is alot cooler than beryl and it comes packaged with gutsy.

Howto: Install VirtualBox and integrate it with Compiz - Ubuntu Forums

Lemme know if you have any problems. I had a problem with it finding the kernel driver. If it does this type this into the terminal or Konsole if you use KDE.

locate vboxdrv.ko

then this

insmod /path/to/exact-same-kernel.../vboxdrv.ko

after the insmod where it says pathe to exact same kernel will be the path output from the first command. Once again lemme know if you have any problems and/or are confused lol.
Got Xp running. Just one problem and thats my crappy laptop combined with Xps lame automatic driver detection..
Got a integrated gfx card (don't know much about this computer, its borrowed from my bro) witch ubuntu detects automatically and makes d2 work as smooth as a baby's ass but XP can't find the drivers for it and i don't know what to look after on the net.
This site has helped me abundantly.

Ubuntu Forums
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.

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