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Several Bowzon questions.
I played back in the days of .08, and .09, and a bit solo in .10. I know basics, but there are quite a bit of questions I wish to be answered.

1.)This will always come down to personal preference, but which of the more/most powerful bows are best? I looked into WF and a few others, and eventually settled on a perfect BoTD Hydra. Is this an optimal choice?

As for gear, this is what I have currently. Please list better equipment, but also please elaborate on how much of an improvement said gear will make, and also what each item is worth in terms of p-gems, or what types of sets and uniques would be worth said items.

Head: Stealskull 10% IAS, and 5% Life/Mana.
Gloves: Laying of Hands IAS, plus other bonuses.
Boots: Sanders FRS, STR, Dex
Belt: Goldwrap IAS
Rings: Manald Heal and Cathan's
Ammy: Atma's
Armor: 160/60 ED/IAS Archon Plate

2.)Regarding stats, is it worth it to invest any points into vitality, or should I focus on maxing out DEX for the +damage, and rely on equipment and life steal for vit/regen?

3.)Regarding the skills "Guided Arrow", and "Pierce", does "Guided Arrow" no longer pass through the target? I remember in 08, and 09, "Guided Arrow" could pierce through 5 times. I currently have 83% "Pierce", and I do not ever see "Guided Arrow" pass through the target x amount of times.

I am currently level 7x, with 103 base STR, and the remaining dumped into dex.
Yes the bug affecting GA has been fixed. No more piercing left and right until target or arrow dies.

In regard to vitality I suggest you pump it up.
Or do what you want, but raise your life points. Raise them. Raise them!
Don't bet on life steal. That stuff works when you HIT something (meaty somethings, btw).
The fine print here is that while you are busy shooting you are also busy playing the target.
You don't have enough meat on your bones to do that : )

My last Bowazon with supergear and superpower died in full health + full protection at the very first wave of nuclear lightning bolts hurled her way from a mob of BlackSouls on crack.

In a second, half the screen got white, and a split-second later it was "aaoooOOOOOorgh" (unlady-like grunt coming from zon).
When I recovered from the shock ("uh?? wtf? shoot shoot!! oh... dead") I could only hit ESC...
Only then I realized what killed me. Next step was Alt-F4, then Minesweeper.

Dieing before even realizing you are not alone is most unpleasant.
You feel cheated. First instinct is to brutalize the keyboard...
So raise your life points. Being stingy doesn't pay there!

Ciao ciao : )
It is very disappointing to know that GA no longer pierces multiple times. Nice waste of 16 skill points. =/.

BlackSouls piss me off, especially since leech does not work on them. I'm forced to rejoin the game until I come across a game with small number of BlackSouls, or none at all.

How many stat points should I invest into Vit?
Helm: 120/45 with Frw or +Life
Ammy: Catseye
Rings: Ravenfrost/Rare Str/Dex/Ar/Leech Ring
Belt: Nosferatu's Coil
Bow: Faith GMB or Perfect Windforce
Gloves: Ias/Kb(Knockback) Gloves
Switch: Etitans/Whistans or a high block shield
Armor: Your Armor is okay but i still suggest Fortitude
Boots: Not really sure but maybe goreriders or waterwalks?

StatsTongueump as much into dex don't waste your time pumping in vit since zons arent meant for tanking
Hi Espada, you forgot the resistances.
(Bowa)zons can't be Tanks, I agree, but if you neglet resistances _and_ vitality: you're cadaver at the first hostile thing you collide with.
Or maybe the second, which is on its way no doubt, trailed by a third one (you don't count the fourth 'cuz you've hammered ESC).

Unfortunately I don't have any better equipment to propose.

Believe that my own bowazon was geared practically exactly as you suggested. With Fortitude too, mind you!
She couldn't stand a chance against the Ancients in Hell difficulty.
They kept beating me consistently. At last I won, but it was pure luck.
They all got stuck on a column while I was evading around the gate that leads back to the Ancients' Way. I shot Guided Arrows like hell while they wouldn't move. As I told you: pure luck.
Ain't gonna happen again in a millionz o' yearz.

Ciao ciao : )
What makes Faith or WF better than BoTD? Please explain this, because when I compared the three, BoTD seemed to add the most favorable bonuses.
it's a matter of tastes, really.
All 3 have great pro, and all 3 fall short on something you could use.

Thus, what weapon you employ doesn't make too big of a difference, for none of them can fix your greatest flaw: fragility.

Ciao ciao : )
Rubyiris Wrote:What makes Faith or WF better than BoTD? Please explain this, because when I compared the three, BoTD seemed to add the most favorable bonuses.
It's not a simple matter of preference, Faith has the highest damage output of the three, Windforce is for PvP only and BoTD is for people who cannot afford a good Faith.

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