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holy freeze paladin
alright, i'm making a holy freeze paladin who i'm hoping to be able to quest through Hell. obviously, i'm going to need a 2nd form of damage (besides cold). but there's just one little problem. i don't have any really good items. the best thing i've got (and the only thing set aside for him) is Guardian Angel. any chance you guys could give me some advice on how to get some good secondary damage with only low level uniques (some exceptional but not too many)?
Get a Merc, Act 2 NM Offensive, he'll give ya might, that'll up your physical damage. Try to get ahold of a bonehew, usually your nm hellforge drop (dol, mal, fal runes) will score you one easy. Use the hew on switch for cold immunes, i'm sure you put at least 1 point into some kind of combat skill, so use it with the hew, you should get a few thousand damage out easy.
thanks for the item help. i'm putting at least 4 points into Zeal, more if i really can't seem to hit anything. i'll see if thats enough. also, i've got a lvl 60ish pure lightning sorc for Hell countess runs. maybe some runes from that too. thanks again
HF pallys dont really work all that well.... from what i know. I suggest you make zealot they work much much better.

Here is a zealot buid:

Zeal 20
Fant 20
defience : 20
Holy shield 20


Botd zerker
Eth Exile
2 raven or 1 raven and 1 bk or 1 raven and angelic halo( the angelic ammy + ring gives great ar bonus).
Higlords/angelic ammy
Vertengos 40/15


str: just enough to use items
dex: enough for max block
vit : rest into here
en : None

this is a good build fun to make and can clr hell pretty ez.
yeah, but like i said, i don't have the items for that. i did try to make a zealot (same skill allotment), and got stuck in the middle of NM when i found myself still using the unique morningstar.
I dont know how HOly freeze gunna help yah ><
Silent Wrote:Here is a zealot buid:

Zeal 20
Fant 20
defience : 20
Holy shield 20
What about sacrifice for synergy instead of defiance beacuse you normally have fanat on not defiance any way
Errr i guess you dont understand... Defiance is a syn to holy shield which gives massive def bonus wich ends up being more important that a 8 % syn bonus on zeal.
with this build u still end up lvling up sac a little but defiance comes before it.
I don't use Defiance, I use Exile to get it and max out Sacrifice instead.
No no no ask ne one that has a good zealot ( Mine is godly) when you max out difiance and use holy shield that gives a MASSIVE def bonus (which means no one will hardly hit you melee) when u max Sac the damage isnt a big enough differnce to out weigh the positive affect of defiance. ONce everything is maxed then u can start lvling sac. (when i just put 1 lvl in sac it becomes lvl like 12 because of + to skills) This build is one that you shouldnt question me on.
Eh, you know that only the points you invest in that skill adds to synergy? When you put one point in Sacrifice and your items give you +11, you only get lvl 1 synergy to use with Zeal.

+skills don't add to synergy.
I heard thats only tru after lvl 20. but I will check into it.
The way I said it, is true. So I don't think lvl 1 Sacrifice helps at all.
The if u lvl to like 88 or so your sac lvl should be pretty decent regardless but defiance has to be maxed.
godofkickflips Wrote:alright, i'm making a holy freeze paladin who i'm hoping to be able to quest through Hell. obviously, i'm going to need a 2nd form of damage (besides cold). but there's just one little problem. i don't have any really good items. the best thing i've got (and the only thing set aside for him) is Guardian Angel. any chance you guys could give me some advice on how to get some good secondary damage with only low level uniques (some exceptional but not too many)?

First of all thanks for not making a Zealot or a Hammerdin. It gets so tiring seeing the same builds with the same equip all the time. I have a Frost Pally and he rocks! My friends have started to make them now. If u dont have Godly gear they are great. If u do then yes Zealots are better. What i do is I have a Demon Limb on switch. I normally use Heavens light but for IceImmune I use Demon limb for the fire damage. Use holy freeze aura anyway though so u can still slow them. Either get a second weapon with huge fire or Light dam or get a hugely powerful phys dam weap. Also another idea is to use crushing blow. If u stack crushing blow up to 75% you have a huge advantage.
Be sure to get enough points into zeal to get 5 hits from it. With Holy Freeze and Syns maxed you can get like 3k damage added to attack, with zeal and a fast weapon you can do big quick know the more i think about it this pally isn't such a bad idea. I mean, max freeze and syns, 5 into zeal, Griz's Mace w/'d be like an enchant sorc with passion on but with a slowing effect. Each attack would do around 10k damage. Casters can't run, everybodys swingin like my I might make one ! ! Wink
Silent Wrote:Errr i guess you dont understand... Defiance is a syn to holy shield which gives massive def bonus wich ends up being more important that a 8 % syn bonus on zeal.
with this build u still end up lvling up sac a little but defiance comes before it.

see i havent really looked at the synergys for holy shield. If i had before i posted i would have agreed with you.
DeadInside.DOA Wrote:First of all thanks for not making a Zealot or a Hammerdin. It gets so tiring seeing the same builds with the same equip all the time. I have a Frost Pally and he rocks! My friends have started to make them now. If u dont have Godly gear they are great. If u do then yes Zealots are better. What i do is I have a Demon Limb on switch. I normally use Heavens light but for IceImmune I use Demon limb for the fire damage. Use holy freeze aura anyway though so u can still slow them. Either get a second weapon with huge fire or Light dam or get a hugely powerful phys dam weap. Also another idea is to use crushing blow. If u stack crushing blow up to 75% you have a huge advantage.

Hmm....crushing blow sounds like a good idea. It takes their life down by a quarter right (or is it half.....)? Oh well. Thanks for the help. I'd also like to see some more non-zealots and hammerdins around, not that i'm opposed to having a level 26 fanaticsm on me.....
lol yeah I have nothing against Hammerdins or Zealots ( so dont start flamin me cause Zealots are one of the most powerful melee builds in game) I just prefer more lesser used builds. I think crush blow does 1/4 dam. There are alot of items that can boost it also. Rattlecage has it along with Gore riders,Heavens light scepter, and Guilumes face (The orphans call helm) which the last three I all use. Good luck with your pallySmile

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