02-17-2008, 07:50 AM
One of the biggest complaints World of Warcraft players have always been voicing out in the game are the atrocious queue times they have to wait before a proper 2-on-2 or 3-on-3 match can be set up during the PvP Arena sessions.
The developers from Blizzard have promised to address this particular issue in the upcoming 2.4 patch of the game. However, posters on the WoW forums are looking for some guarantee that this problem will be solved by the time the new patch goes live.
To reassure players of the flagging Arena queue times, Blizzard Poster Bornakk had this to say:
You should see it updated in the patch notes soon, but there is an improvement set for patch 2.4 which will result in lower queue times across the board for arena matches.
The more impatient players are already calling for a hotfix to address this issue. However, Bornakk explained that the amount of coding needed to fix the problem will require a fully blown content patch instead of a mere hotfix. He instead invited players to test and to give their feedback on the current 2.4 PTR featuring all the new changes included in the upcoming patch.