02-27-2008, 10:44 PM
We've got some great World of Warcraft PTR news for you today, and it all has something to do with Felmyst, the fel dragon who serves as the third boss of the Sunwell Plateau raid. According to what we've been able to find, Blizzard has significantly improved Felmyst, though the dragon wasn't strong enough as to be insurmountable, as one guild managed to take Felmyst v3 down.
First off, here are the changes made to Felmyst:
- Gas Nova does more damage, now ticks for 1500.
- Noxious Fumes added, Nature damage aura comparable to the one on Sapphiron.
- No longer a duration on Mind Control from the clouds, If someone gets mind controlled you have to kill them.
- Encapsulate (Bubbles) does more damage, now ticks for 3500.
- 10 minute Enrage timer added.
- Armor debuff (Corrosion) on the main tank changed to a Magic damage cast that makes you take double damage for X amount of seconds. (duration: 10 sec)