03-05-2008, 12:20 AM
With the Arena Tournament realms in World of Warcraft now live, Blizzard is taking the time to fix any known issues that may arise. The company has a request, though, and that's where the players come in.
Blizzard needs to know if you as a player have experienced any problems or issues while playing on the tournament realm. Blizzard blue poster Horus explained why the players' help is needed:
In Preparation of the arena realms we have made a number of fixes to various aspects of the area system.
There are several issues that are very difficult to reproduce in controlled situations we believe these issues are fixed in 2.4 but we would like feedback from players to be sure.
Please if you see any of the following issues occurring while playing on the TTR report it in this thread.
Some of the issues that Hortus mentioned are as follows:
- The Arena Teams can sometimes enter a state so that leaving a team can result in leaving a different team than intended.
- Arena team win-loss statistics and individual team member win-loss statistics do not always match each other or the teams' gains/losses in rating.
- It appears that sometimes a rated arena team can get matched up against a skirmish "team" in rated arena matches.
- At the conclusion of an arena match sometimes there will be no arena team names displayed, the rating change column will display either "---" or a large random number, and the team that won will often report losing rating points several minutes after they have exited the match.
Don't forget to include screenshots of the issue in question, as these will definitely help Blizzard track down the problem.