I've seen this done on a few forums, and I feel as though this one should follow suit. I assume most of you know how this works. For those of you who don't...
Here's how it works:
- Below are some categories.
- You will nominate who you think best fits the following categories.
- Members can be nominated in more than one category.
- There is no limit of nominations per category.
- You can nominate yourself.
To nominate, all you need to do is follow the nomination format below, under the Categories section.
The nominations will be closed on Friday the 20th of June. You have exactly one week to nominate. Nominations after that date will be ignored.
Polls will be set up for you all to vote. Voting will be open for two weeks, closing on Friday the 4th of July.
Nominations must be in the following format:
Category - Username - Reason you nominated this person
I will add nominations to the categories as they are posted.
[Look, I even wrote out descriptions under each category for you all.]
Serious Categories:
Category One:
Most valuable member?
[This is the prestige one]
1. Spit
[Voted by: Skye, Skidude]
2. Frog
[Voted by: Jedi, Pamela]
3. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
Category Two:
Most helpful staff member?
[The staff member you have found to be most helpful when you needed help]
1. Skye
[Voted by: Jedi]
2. Ares
[Voted by: Jedi]
3. Frog
[Voted by: Spoon]
4. Jedi
[Voted by: Spoon, Hellsing, Pamela]
5. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
6. Skidude
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Three:
The wisest member?
[The member who displays the greatest wisdom in all sections of the forum]
1. Jedi
[Voted by: Spit, Skye, Hellsing, Pamela, Frogman]
2. Spoon
[Voted by: Jedi]
3. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
4. Pamela
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Four:
Most helpful poster?
[The member who posts the most useful and helpful posts]
1. KazeCloud
[Voted by: Jedi]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
3. The Mob
[Voted by: The Mob, Pamela]
4. Tap
[Voted by: Pamela]
5. Skidude
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Five:
Best designer?
[The most talented graphics designer on the forum]
1. 10_man
[Voted by: Jedi, Pamela, Nex, Frogman]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
3. Demagein
[Voted by: Nex]
4. SilverTears
[Voted by: Nex]
5. Frogman
[Voted by: Nex]
Category Six:
Nicest member?
[The member you have found to be the nicest on the forum]
1. Pamela
[Voted by: Jedi, Frogman]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
3. Tap
[Voted by: Ares]
4. Gitarre
[Voted by: Math]
5. John
[Voted by: Pamela]
6. Jedi
[Voted by: Pamela]
7. Screamthoughts
[Voted by: Pamela]
8. Aemaeth
[Voted by: Pamela]
9. KazeCloud
[Voted by: KazeCloud]
Fun Categories:
Category Seven:
Most irritating person?
[The member that you would love to slap if you met them face to face]
1. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon]
2. Math
[Voted by: Math]
3. Bluebleeder x20?
[Voted by: Pamela]
4. Zero
[Voted by: Pamela]
5. Shift
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Eight:
Most useless thread starter?
[The member that creates the most ridiculous and useless threads]
1. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon]
2. Math
[Voted by: Math]
3. Zero
[Voted by: Pamela]
4. Ares
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Nine:
Most desirable member to meet in RL?
[The member you would most like to meet in real life]
1. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon, Pamela]
2. Gitarre
[Voted by: Math, Hellsing]
3. Tap
[Voted by: Pamela]
4. Frogman
[Voted by: Pamela]
5. Aemaeth
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Ten:
Funniest member?
[The most humorous member on the forum]
1. Fuggle
[Voted by: Ruin, Fuggle, Spoon, Pamela]
2. Math
[Voted by: Math]
3. Aemaeth
[Voted by: Math]
4. Tap
[Voted by: Pamela]
5. Spoonman
[Voted by: Pamela, Frogman]
6. Pantallica
[Voted by: Pamela]
6. Zero
[Voted by: Ruin-Tumult]
Category Eleven:
Most memorable member? [Does not include inactive members]
[A current member that you won't be forgetting for a long time]
1. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon, Pamela]
2. Math
[Voted by: Math]
3. Nex
[Voted by: Skye]
4. Spit
[Voted by: Pamela]
5. Frogman
[Voted by: Pamela]
6. Spoonman
[Voted by: Pamela]
7. Jedi [Voted by: Pamela]
Category Twelve:
Most illegible poster?
[The member that posts the most un-readable crap on the forum]
1. Math
[Voted by: Spoon, Math]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon]
Category Thirteen:
Biggest nerd?
[The nerdiest member on the forum]
1. Spoon
[Voted by: Spoon]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon]
3. Math
[Voted by: Math]
Category Fourteen:
Most likable member?
[The member you found most easy to like]
1. John
[Voted by: Skye]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon]
3. Math
[Voted by: Math]
Category Fifteen:
Biggest spammer?
[The biggest spammer on the forum]
1. Skye
[Voted by: Skidude]
2. Math
[Voted by: Spoon, Math]
3. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon, Frogman]
That's it!
Winners of each serious category will receive 50 credits.
Winners of each fun category will receive 10 credits.
[Also, we need a dopey-cool name for these awards. Post your ideas and the winner will receive 30 credits.]
Here's how it works:
- Below are some categories.
- You will nominate who you think best fits the following categories.
- Members can be nominated in more than one category.
- There is no limit of nominations per category.
- You can nominate yourself.
To nominate, all you need to do is follow the nomination format below, under the Categories section.
The nominations will be closed on Friday the 20th of June. You have exactly one week to nominate. Nominations after that date will be ignored.
Polls will be set up for you all to vote. Voting will be open for two weeks, closing on Friday the 4th of July.
Nominations must be in the following format:
Category - Username - Reason you nominated this person
I will add nominations to the categories as they are posted.
[Look, I even wrote out descriptions under each category for you all.]
Serious Categories:
Category One:
Most valuable member?
[This is the prestige one]
1. Spit
[Voted by: Skye, Skidude]
2. Frog
[Voted by: Jedi, Pamela]
3. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
Category Two:
Most helpful staff member?
[The staff member you have found to be most helpful when you needed help]
1. Skye
[Voted by: Jedi]
2. Ares
[Voted by: Jedi]
3. Frog
[Voted by: Spoon]
4. Jedi
[Voted by: Spoon, Hellsing, Pamela]
5. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
6. Skidude
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Three:
The wisest member?
[The member who displays the greatest wisdom in all sections of the forum]
1. Jedi
[Voted by: Spit, Skye, Hellsing, Pamela, Frogman]
2. Spoon
[Voted by: Jedi]
3. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
4. Pamela
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Four:
Most helpful poster?
[The member who posts the most useful and helpful posts]
1. KazeCloud
[Voted by: Jedi]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
3. The Mob
[Voted by: The Mob, Pamela]
4. Tap
[Voted by: Pamela]
5. Skidude
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Five:
Best designer?
[The most talented graphics designer on the forum]
1. 10_man
[Voted by: Jedi, Pamela, Nex, Frogman]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
3. Demagein
[Voted by: Nex]
4. SilverTears
[Voted by: Nex]
5. Frogman
[Voted by: Nex]
Category Six:
Nicest member?
[The member you have found to be the nicest on the forum]
1. Pamela
[Voted by: Jedi, Frogman]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle]
3. Tap
[Voted by: Ares]
4. Gitarre
[Voted by: Math]
5. John
[Voted by: Pamela]
6. Jedi
[Voted by: Pamela]
7. Screamthoughts
[Voted by: Pamela]
8. Aemaeth
[Voted by: Pamela]
9. KazeCloud
[Voted by: KazeCloud]
Fun Categories:
Category Seven:
Most irritating person?
[The member that you would love to slap if you met them face to face]
1. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon]
2. Math
[Voted by: Math]
3. Bluebleeder x20?
[Voted by: Pamela]
4. Zero
[Voted by: Pamela]
5. Shift
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Eight:
Most useless thread starter?
[The member that creates the most ridiculous and useless threads]
1. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon]
2. Math
[Voted by: Math]
3. Zero
[Voted by: Pamela]
4. Ares
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Nine:
Most desirable member to meet in RL?
[The member you would most like to meet in real life]
1. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon, Pamela]
2. Gitarre
[Voted by: Math, Hellsing]
3. Tap
[Voted by: Pamela]
4. Frogman
[Voted by: Pamela]
5. Aemaeth
[Voted by: Pamela]
Category Ten:
Funniest member?
[The most humorous member on the forum]
1. Fuggle
[Voted by: Ruin, Fuggle, Spoon, Pamela]
2. Math
[Voted by: Math]
3. Aemaeth
[Voted by: Math]
4. Tap
[Voted by: Pamela]
5. Spoonman
[Voted by: Pamela, Frogman]
6. Pantallica
[Voted by: Pamela]
6. Zero
[Voted by: Ruin-Tumult]
Category Eleven:
Most memorable member? [Does not include inactive members]
[A current member that you won't be forgetting for a long time]
1. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon, Pamela]
2. Math
[Voted by: Math]
3. Nex
[Voted by: Skye]
4. Spit
[Voted by: Pamela]
5. Frogman
[Voted by: Pamela]
6. Spoonman
[Voted by: Pamela]
7. Jedi [Voted by: Pamela]
Category Twelve:
Most illegible poster?
[The member that posts the most un-readable crap on the forum]
1. Math
[Voted by: Spoon, Math]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon]
Category Thirteen:
Biggest nerd?
[The nerdiest member on the forum]
1. Spoon
[Voted by: Spoon]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon]
3. Math
[Voted by: Math]
Category Fourteen:
Most likable member?
[The member you found most easy to like]
1. John
[Voted by: Skye]
2. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon]
3. Math
[Voted by: Math]
Category Fifteen:
Biggest spammer?
[The biggest spammer on the forum]
1. Skye
[Voted by: Skidude]
2. Math
[Voted by: Spoon, Math]
3. Fuggle
[Voted by: Fuggle, Spoon, Frogman]
That's it!
Winners of each serious category will receive 50 credits.
Winners of each fun category will receive 10 credits.
[Also, we need a dopey-cool name for these awards. Post your ideas and the winner will receive 30 credits.]